Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning around 10. It was a cool Saturday and I felt good. The sun was pouring through the cracks in my blinds. For half a minute I felt amazing. Then I stood up. I felt the soreness and the huge headache and then I remember last night. It overwhelmed my body so much that I fell back on the bed.
"Fuck!" I screamed.
More tears came to my eyes but I pushed them back. Not again. My tears aren't worth this asshole. I decided to make myself look presentable for the day so I got out of bed and wobbled over to the shower. Damn he took a beating to me.
I got in the shower and let to warm water roll off my back.
I finally walk out of the shower and feel a lot better. I dry off quickly and change into black leggings and a long fishing shirt.
I grab my phone and keys and decide to go out for a drive and hang out with Quinn today. Hopefully by the end Jack will have an explanation.
I pull my iPhone to my ear and walk straight out not even telling my mom where I'm going-if she's even home.
"Hello?" I hear a muffled voice say.
"Hey wanna hang out?" I ask pulling open my car door.
"Yeah sure, but only until 1. I have to go out to lunch with my mom."
"Alright, see you in 30 minutes at Town Street?"
"Sounds good!"
Click. The line goes off and I toss my phone and wristlet in the passengers seat before pulling out of my driveway.
I turn on the radio and "Happy" comes on. I groan and decide to plug my phone in instead.
I play "Victory dance" and check my phone. No texts. I sigh and make my way to my best friend.
Check my phone again, nothing.
Again, nothing.
I finally reach my destination and decide to turn my phone off so I stop myself from looking at an empty phone.
I wait at our usual spot at our favorite restaurant until I see a giddy Quinn run up to me with a smiling Nash stroll behind her.
I smile at both of them and then hug Quinn.
"Hey!" We both say and laugh.
"Hey Nash!" I say happily and hug Nash tight.
"I saw you yesterday." He laughs and I shrug.
"We should invite some other guys and go to a movie instead." I suggest.
"I'll bring Cameron." Nash says and immediately pulls out his phone and texts him.
"I'll ask JJ." Quinn says.
"Alright cool." I don't invite anyone because I turned off my phone and I don't want to be upset to see my phone has no texts from Jack.
We sit down at a table and just have some drinks and talk for a while until the other boys get here.
"I'll pay for your ticket." Cam whispers seductively in my ear and I gulp and nod. His hot breath on my neck is making this whole, stay away from him thing, extremely hard.
Not to mention he wore a muscle t... Hard to resist you have no idea.
"Two for Annabelle." Cameron says and turns and smiles at me.
"ID please." The lady says behind the glass wall. Cameron pulls out his ID and for whatever reason I find this the hottest thing ever. Dammit Liz stop!
I pull mine own and quickly show her and we make our way into the movie theatre.
"Snacks on me." I say smiling at Cameron.
He smiles back, "That's cute. One large popcorn and a large blue icee for the lady, and for me a large coca cola icee." He smiles at the pretty blonde behind the counter. She pops her gum and smirks at him. She leans over the counter and reveals her cleavage through the tight uniform that I'm guessing isn't naturally suppose to look like that.
"Coming right up." she smirks and I swear she puts some emphasis on the word "coming".
Cameron quickly pays before I can and hands me my icee.
"So why are we seeing a movie at 11:30 in the morning again?" Nash asks as we all walk into the theatre together.
"Why not?" I say.
"I didn't even know the movies were open this early." Quinn mumbles into her straw.
"Me neither." I laugh.
As we enter the theatre I take a seat quickly next to Quinn and Cameron sits on the opposite side of me, Nash on the other side of Quinn.
"So are you and Nash...?" I ask.
"We aren't together but we uh..." She looks away.
"Bathroom now." I say.
We both run to the restroom giggling. "You didn't!" I squeal.
"We did! AND OH MY GOD IS HE FUCKING AMAZING." She screams. I finally remember last night.
"About amazing guys..." I say.
I fill her in on the story and by the end she says.
"I can't believe y'all did!! WAS HE GOOD?!" She squeals.
"Amazing." I say honestly remembering how sore I was this morning.
"He's a jerk for doing that though." She frowns.
"But Cam is here." She winks at me and I smile back. "Yeah." I smirk and we walk back in the theatre.
"That was horrible!" Cameron says walking out of the theatre.
"I thought it was good." I shrug. I love horror movies and usually I get bored by some of them because I've seen so many but that was pretty good.
"Whatever. We gotta go fast! My parents want to meet you Nash! Bye Liz! Cam! Text me Liz!!! Love ya!" Quinn says running away.
"Bye Cam! Bye Liz!" Nash yells while getting dragged away.
"Where to now?" Cameron winks.
"Well it's 1:44... So uhm i don't know!" I giggle as my phone first turns on.
After about 20 seconds of it being on it blows up.
I have 34 messages and 29 missed calls. Oh shit.
"Cameron I have to go. I'm so sorry. I'll text you?" I say walking backwards towards the door.
"Did I do something!" He asks.
"No! Just I'll call you ok? I promise!" I sprint out the door to my car and race home. Forgetting about my phone.
"Mom?!?" I scream as I enter. I run into the kitchen and see my mother with a couple. When they turn around they're all puffy eyed.
It's Jack's parents.
"Mom?" I ask getting worried.
Jack's mother is holding an ice pack to her arm and she has a scratch on her head.
"Oh my god! What happen." I ask running towards her.
"I'm fine. The scratch is from last night."
"What happen last night?" I ask.
They all look at each other.
"Tell me!" I scream. If they don't tell me now I'll burst into tears.
"We got in a wreck, we're fine. But Jack got called at 6 this morning to the hospital and when he got there it was too late." She whispers the end.
"What?!?" I scream. Why can't this damn women get to the point!!!
"Today he went mad and broke everything in the house." She cries a little and I try to be pacient. She can barely get the words out. "A-and when I tried to help him he elbowed me and shoved me so hard it left a huge bruise." She pauses wiping her eyes and collecting herself again.
"It was Lucy... she was in the car... She- She didn't make it." She barely gets out her sentences before she bursts into tears.
I don't stay to comfort her, the second I hear this I sprint out the door to find Jack.

(For those of you who don't remember Lucy, she's Jack's little sister)
AN: Please suggest this book to ppl who love Jack G. Or cam Or Nash. OR ANY MAGCON BOYS OR IF THEY LIKE TO BREATHE AIR TELL THEM TO READ THIS BOOK. even if they hate the concept of air, suggest this book still:)

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