Chapter 16

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I sit on Nash's couch after school while he gets us some popcorn. Cameron decided to join us also because we really hit it off today. It's kind of weird because it's just us three watching a movie so I invited Quinn. I told her no Juan because they would just make out and make it more awkward. She fought it but gave in. Nash and I wait for the other two to arrive and I sigh out loud. He walks in the room, "they'll be here soon." He smiles and sits close to me.

"So you and Jack?"

"Oh! No... We are uh... we're done." I shrug.

He smiles "That's terrible I'm sorry."

"You're smiling." I laugh.

"Yeah, no. Sorry." He tries to stop but fails. "He's just an asshole and you deserve much better." He nods and I do the same.

Nash looks at me and I smile sweetly back. He looks as if he is going to kiss me but the doorbell rings. He doesn't stop leaning forward so I jump up. "Yay! They're here!" I fake and run to the door leaving Nash on the couch.

I open the door and see Cameron in a muscle tee and athletic shorts with vans. Quinn is wearing Pink sweatpants and a "On Wednesdays we wear Pink" Also from Pink even though it's Monday.

I glance at Quinn then stare at Cam. He looks so hot. His tan arms and legs show and I try not to lick my lips.

"Come in." I say weakly.

I see a car pull up and Jack and JJ hop out with a blonde. I know her. She sometimes hangs out with the group but not much. Her name is Audrey I think. This can't be good.

"I heard there was a little party!" JJ smiles and Jack smirks and follows with his whore inside.

"Okay..." I shrug.

I walk in the living room and Nash is standing up.

"No one invited you here Gilinsky." He grumbles.

"What? We're all friends here!" He smiles and takes a seat with Audrey and puts his arm around her. Not going to work. I roll my eyes and take a seat on the single seat excluding myself from the group. Cameron looks at me and frowns. He takes a seat at the end of the couch next to JJ.

I grab the popcorn and chomp down angrily. I hear Jack snicker and I roll my eyes. Fucking asshole!

Nash angrily stabs the buttons on the remote and pulls up Netflix. They decide on watching some gay and lesbian film that I had no say in. Horny bastards. It was mostly Jack. Okay. Jack grabbed the remote and played it. Quinn sits awkwardly between Nash and JJ. I know that even though Quinn and Juan are happily in love she's always had a little crush on Nash. And he likes me... She smiles to herself as Nash leans a little on her because Jack situates himself.

I giggle a little and so does Quinn.

"What?" Jack, Cam and Nash all say.

"Nothing." I sigh. All the boys frown a little. Boys are so curious when it comes to girls. I decide to mess with them a little.

"Quinn! Bathroom! Now!" I get up and rush to the nearest bathroom trying not to giggle.

"What?" She says smirking as she enters the small bathroom.

"Nothing I just find it funny messing with the boys. They're all so curious!"

She laughs, "I know right!!"

After about 3 minutes we return to the living room and everyone is mixed around. Nash is sitting on the love seat, JJ is on the single seat and the rest are the same. Jack is pouting next to Audrey and Cameron smiles up at me.

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