Chapter 23

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The next week was slow. Jack's birthday passed and I got him two pairs of vans and tons of shirts. Yeah I know that's a lot of money but I love Jack so much. Jack is finally legal. He's 18 but I'm still 17. (I know he just turned 18 in real life and is out of high school just go with it) I still haven't talked to any of the other guys. Nash and Cameron try to get my attention in class but I ignore them.
It's finally Friday and Cameron has been saying my name all period obviously not giving up so I decide to talk to him.
"What?" I say at him giving him a nasty glare.
"Why have you been ignoring all of us this week?!?" He half whispers because we are suppose to be working.
"Because." I shrug.
"If you don't give me an answer not only am I going to bug you in class, but I will send you 10 texts a second." He smirks taunting me.
"I'll tell you after class." I whisper and continue working.
I turn and smile at Conner and he smiles back. I found out about this "Ashley" girl that he moaned her name. She's a girl he hooked up and ended up liking her and can't seem to find her now. He's 90% sure she's goes to this school because he met her at a party a guy from our school had and was with a girl from this school but she could be from somewhere else.
The bell rings and I gather my things and walk out the door to run into Cameron. He pulls me aside and I take a deep breath.
"When we were at Raising Canes. I heard y'all talking about me and how I shouldn't be in the group." I frown a little and I feel so intimidated from Cameron's gorgeous face I look away.
"What?!? No!" His eyes go wide. "We weren't talking about you! We were talking about Audrey!"
I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"But she's not in the group." I say not completely convinced.
"She kind of is, but since you and Quinn came along she found a different group and we are fine with that because she was a slut." He says stepping closer to me and reaching for my hand. He grabs it and looks directly in my eyes. "We all love you Liz. You should know that. We don't want you to leave our group. We really do all love you... ALL of us." His face gets sad and he raises an eyebrow at me and I know he's trying to tell me he's in love with me.
I nod and just stare at him.
We are staring for a while until I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a kiss on my ear. "Hey Babe." I hear a deep voice whisper and I know it's Jack.
I turn and smile and he kisses me. I try to pull away but he sticks his tongue in my mouth and I know he's only doing this because of how close me and Cameron were.
"Uhm." Cam clears his throat.
Jack pulls away and smiles at me then stares at Cam.
"C'mon." Jack pulls me by the waist and I wave at Cam.
"Bye. Text me."
"Bye." he says walking the other way.
"You know..." Jack says leaning down and kissing my neck while walking with his arm around me. "The teachers lounge is empty during 5th period. We could have some privacy down there."
Jack has been so needy and touchy lately. I feel like all he wants from me is sex. If you want to piss me off then use me for things like that. That is the crossing line. I don't know if that is Jack's intentions but it's kind of getting on my nerves.
I push him off a little. "I gotta meet someone, bye." And I walk away.
"Babe?" Jack whines from behind me.
"So do you wanna?;)"
I get another text from Jack and ignore it.
I turn back to Nash and smile at him.
"So yeah Cameron explained everything. I'm so sorry for being a bitch this week." I say.
"No! It's fine." JJ and Nash both say.
"We love you." Nash smiles.
"So how are you and Quinn going?" I ask Nash.
"Eh, it's not really going." He shrugs.
"Why?!?" I say a little disappointed.
"I don't know. We almost did it and she got weird and we haven't talked since." He says looking sad.
"I got you." I wink and continue to do my vocab.
He shakes his head and chuckles.
We work until the bell and I walk with Nash till I get to the gym and he walks off.
"Bye Nash!" I smile.
I walk into the smelly locker room and quickly get my stuff on and jog out onto the court.
We do some passing drills and hitting drills. We then work on defense and scrimmage until practice is over.
"Good job ladies!" My couch smiles and we break off with our school mascot and jog to the locker room.
I open my phone and see a text from Jack.
"I'm driving you home." It reads.
I forgot he took me.
I walk out to the parking lot and see him leaning against his car on his phone. I start walking towards him and he looks up and smiles huge.
"Hey babe!" He kisses me gently.
"I missed you." He smiles and tries to meet our eyes together.
"I missed you too."
"What's wrong?" He asks opening the door for me. I get in quietly and wait until he gets in on the passengers side.
"Nothing." I say at his "are you going to tell me?" face and body language.
"Babe..." He touches his hand to my thigh.
"I swear, I'm fine." I demand and he immediately droops his shoulders and let's it go. He grabs the steering wheel and drives me home.
"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" He asks again.
"Yes." I whisper looking out the window.
He pulls into my driveway and I see my mom isn't home... again. Jack parks the car and leans over to my side and starts sucking on my neck.
"Jack." I push him off.
"I knew it! There's something wrong! You don't ever want to do anything with me." He says.
"Well, IM SORRY. Do I not meet your expectations of when and where and how you want to do things?!" I yell.
"What the fuck are you talking about?!" He screams back. His angry face disappears and a sad look takes over his face.
"There's someone else isn't there?" He whispers.
"What? N-" I try to explain.
"That's why you are pushing me away and ignoring my affections. You found someone else who can do it better. Now you don't need me." He says getting louder and louder.
I am so baffled at what he's saying I just sit there my mouth wide open.
Jack's POV
She doesn't even fucking correct me. Is she seriously doing this? I wasn't 100% that I believed what I was saying but now that she's just sitting here looking at me with this shocked look on hee face I know it's true.
"I can't believe you. Fucking slut. Get out of my car." Fuck. I didn't mean to say that.
If I thought she looked shocked before you should see her face now. It goes from shocked to completely and utterly baffled to hurt to bright red anger.
"Liz-" I try to take it back but she stops me.
"Fuck you Jack! At least I haven't slept with half the school!" She screams. "Just because I don't want to have fucking sex with you doesn't mean you to say these cruel things to me out of spite!" She's screaming so loud my ears are ringing.
"Babe... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that." I whisper.
"Fucking asshole." She rolls her eyes. She tries to act angry but I see a tear roll down her cheek as she slams the car door. She puts every ounce of energy in her body to slam that car door. I jump at least a foot.
She literally storms up to her front door and slams that too.
"FUCK!" I scream and slam the steering wheel.
I quickly get out of the car and walk up to her door.
I ring the doorbell a couple times.
After a minute of no answering I ring it repeatedly for about 2 minutes straight. Knowing Liz, she would of at least answered it to threaten me with the police or slap me. I would rather her smack me hard across the face then her ignore me or me lose her. I love her so much and I'm such a fuck up. If I didn't let my fucking horniness get in the way of our relationship. I knew she wasn't ready. And if she were she wouldn't want our first time to be in a teachers lounge. I feel like a complete idiot for saying that to her. I know she's not a virgin but the first time for us shouldn't be in a god damn teachers lounge fuck me I'm a fuck up. I'm so angry at myself.
I'm starting to get worried so I walk around the side of the house and start climbing up the rain gutter by her window. I step on the pool equipment and hoist myself up till I reach the roof. I lean over and knock on her window. No answer. I knock over and over again and now I'm getting really worried. I walk across the roof till I'm by the guest room window. Last time I was here I unlocked it in case I wanted to come here late at night and she locked hers. I walk down the dark hallway and open her door. I listen quietly and hear the shower running. I hear her crying loudly. I slowly start to pull off my shirt and shorts and boxers along with my shoes and socks. I tip toe over to her shower and step in through the back. She's facing the faucet and her head is ducked. I wrap my arms around her back and she screams.
"What the fuck?!?" She yells.
"Oh my god Jack!"
"Babe please forgive me. I'm such a fucking idiot and I didn't mean a single thing I said." I start gently sucking on her neck and pulling her perfect body closer to mine. She tries to pull away but my grip is too tight.
"Jack!!! No." She whines.
"Babe.. you know I didn't mean any of that stuff I said I love you so much." I bring my lips to hers and kiss her passionately hopping she'll see I'm not lying.
She stops struggling and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back. I pull away from her but touch foreheads.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I don't forgive you. Not completely. But I'm not as mad." She says staring at me.
"I understand babe it's okay. I'll stop trying things for long as you want." It'll be hard because her body is so damn sexy and I love every curve and dimple and freckle on that girls body.
"Jack I love you, but if this relationship is based on sex which it will be once we do it... I can't do this." She says looking down.
I turn off the shower and stare at her.
"Let's get dressed and talk about this." I say helping her out.
I grab a towel and wrap both of us in it. She wiggles out and grabs her own and walks out. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. Fuck I need her. Even if she doesn't want to have sex till marriage, fuck I'll do it just for her.
I throw my clothes back on and walk out to see her sliding up a black lace thong. Damn this is gonna be hard. I clear throat and she turns around and I stare at her almost naked body only covered by a bra and a thong. I haven't technically seen her naked. In the shower I just held her. I couldn't stare at her naked body while trying to prove I don't just want sex from her.
She slips her clothes on and turns to me with her eyes a little red.
"Babe please, I don't just want sex from you. Please Liz believe me I love you with all my heart." I step closer to her with pleading eyes.
She looks at the floor and shakes her head.
"Please..." I feel my heart start breaking a little more.
"Please leave." She doesn't look at me.
"No!" I feel sick.
"please..." Her voice is barely audible.
I can literally feel my heart break apart. I have to sit on her bed before I pass out.
"Jack!" She screams tears flowing out of her eyes.
"Liz..." I say looking up at her.
"Just give me time." She says.
I give up. She's not breaking. I nod and fast walk out the door. I can't stand this anymore.

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