Chapter 21

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AN: Most times I'll post a pic about the story:))

Please if you like this story share with your friends and family and more friends and cousins and anyone!!! It would mean the world to me!:)))))


Jack's POV

I knew I wasn't going to get ahold of her. I've called her 26 times and texted her 15 times hoping she would get annoyed and just answer me already. I mean I know she's mad, but this mad? Wow.

I would never say that to her face because I know she would just get angrier.

"Please baby." I say in a gentle voice. "Answer me at least and let me know you're okay. That's all I need to know." I leave her the voicemail and lay down on my bed worn out.

"God, please keep my princess safe." I close my eyes.

Liz's POV

I've been running for an hour. I finally find my way to the other end of this never ending forest and I know where I am. I take a right and start walking toward the only persons house I can go to right now.


"I know that last time we talked it ended rough, and not only that but it was today... but I don't have any where to go, and I think it's going to rain." I say looking at his sad face.

"I know we ended bad but I'm not leaving you out in the woods all night. Get in here." Conner smiles and I kiss his cheek and enter the house.

"Thank you so much! And if any one calls you and asks where I am say you don't know. No one knows where you live except Quinn."

"Alright cool." He nods

"Don't tell Quinn either"


"Okay thanks! I love ya man"

He smirks at me and we walk into his kitchen.

"What's to eat?"

"Nothing really." he sighs

"Mcdonalds time?" I smile and he nods fast smiling.

We race to his car and I get drivers seat so he has to hand over his keys. "Love ya!"

"Liz. I don't want to ruin us having a good time but you don't have to fake being happy. You know you can show your feeling and emotions and whatever girls have in front of me." He laughs a little and I do too.

"I know. I'll save it for later. For now we will have fun."

"Fine" he shrugs and turns on the radio.

We pull up to Mcdonalds and hear the static of a welcoming to the restaurant through the little speaker.

"Yes can I a 10 peice chicken meal?"

"Will that be all?" She asks.

I look at Conner and he shakes his head, "Get me the Big Mac meal."

"Fatty." I mumble before ordering and he shoves my shoulder.


I sit criss cross on Conner's bed and we are watching GBF while eating our meals.

"I love this movie so much." I spit a little while eating.

"Pig!" He yells and laughs.

"Sorry!" I laugh and swallow.

I chug the rest of my strawberry banana smoothie and lay back on his bed.

He stares at me and smiles but I act like I don't see it out of the corner of my eye.

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