Chapter 17

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AN: That's a close picture of what I picture Liz looking like! If it doesn't show up comment and I'll try to fix it!:)


Most people cleared out of the gym. I had tons of people from both teams and parents come up and tell me how amazing I did etc. I just thanked them even though it was just one lucky play. Jack stood next to me staring at me and smiling the whole time. A boy I've never seen before came up and talked to Jack with a huge smirk one his face as he stared at me. 

"So this is the girl you're obsessed with huh?" He says and Jack shoves him.

"Yeah..." He mumbles turning bright red as the boys smirks grows larger. 

"I'm Sam by the way. I'm surprised we haven't met yet." He smiles and I return it.

"I'm Liz." 

"Oh I know. You're very beautiful." He smiles.

I blush, "Thank you."

"Alright alright. Back off." Jack says pushing him back a little. 

"Well I'm inviting all the guys back to my place. I'll see you both there?" Sam says.

Jack looks at me. "Yeah if Jack does I will." I smile and nod.

"Alright we'll be there." 

"Cool. Cya then." Sam winks at me and walks off.

He was really cute. "You have cute friends." I admit to Jack. 

He frowns and looks at me."Am I not cute?"

"You're the cutests of them all. They aint got nothin on you." I wink at him and he smirks.

"Thanks babe." He pulls me close to him.

Kourtney walks up to us smiling, "You did amazing! There were some scouts here I guess it was a good day to have an amazing game Liz!"

Oh my god. Scouts from colleges? That's crazy. "That's awesome! You too!" I smile and she waves goodbye walking off.

Maybe one was from U.T. I've always wanted to go there. 

Jack brings me back to reality. "Good job babe." He kisses my temple and I smile. I've missed him so much. Then I remember what he did to me. 

"Jack... We need to talk." I say. He looks worried but nods. He grabs my hand and we walk out to my car in the parking lot in silence.


"I can explain about the whole cheating thing." He takes a deep breath and begins, "I'm not usually the kind of guy that catches feelings for a girl and dates her and falls in love and does all that mushy gushy stuff." 

"Obvioulsy not." I roll my eyes but he ignores it and goes on.

"First off, I know you're out of my league. I mean like you're fucking gorgeous and every guy in this school wants you and it just frustrates me and it's hard to compete. So that week that we spent together, I knew I was falling for you Liz. I was falling hard. Too hard too fast. I honestly didn't know what to do. I've never been in a situation like this especially not with such a beautiful girl." He sighs and pauses but continues. "I really like you. Like I really really do. I was falling for you and I was confused and lost. Every time I looked at you I just lost all of my brain. You're so beautiful. I just want to call you mine. I don't want any other guy to get to have that. But I thought I could keep my bad boy image by just letting this slip away. I found some other girl to mess with so I could get you off my mind but it didn't work. And when I saw you sleeping so peacfully with Cameron I lost it. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed you back. I need you. Please for the love of God take me back." He breathes out and his eyes are filled with sadness and anger towards himself. He messed up bad but don't we all? I did really miss him and I need him too. I figured that out while we were apart. 

"Do you promise that this is a one time thing and won't ever happen again?" I sigh. I can't believe I'm doing this. 

"I swear." He nods.

"Okay fine." I try to act cool but I smile.

He smiles big and hugs me tight. "So will you, Liz Hardy, do me the honor and be my girlfriend?"

I can't help my face from growing into a huge smile. "Yes." I nod fast. 

He scoops me up in his arms and hugs me tight. "She said yes!!" He shouts in the parking lot.

I giggle and he puts me down. He stares at me and leans in and kisses me passionatly. We are leaning against the car making out furiously. We missed each other too much. The kiss is amazing and it makes up for lost time. 

"You're so fucking beautiful Liz." He whispers into my lips.

"How did I ever get sucha handsome and sweet boy?" I say back to him. 

He contiues kissing me and opens the car door. We fall into the back seat once again. 

"Those spandex do you well." He winks as he hovers over me. "I really like the sport volleyball."

I giggle and push him shoulder. "Oh shut up. Let's go to Sam's." I say changing the subject. 

"But we were just getting started." He breathes on my neck and it takes everything in me to get out of the heated car. 

"Fine." He mumbles and follows me out. "But later." He wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses my neck sucking lightly. I lean my head back on his shoulder and moan quietly. 

He lets go and starts walking to his car. "I'll pick you up at your house in 45 minutes be ready!" He shouts walking away backwards. 

"Okay tease!" I wink and he looks baffled. "Me the tease?!?" He says and I laugh.

I hop into my car and drive home fast to shower and get ready for Sam's.


AN: Sorry for such short chapter!! Filler!! :) 

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