Chapter 43

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This isn't proofread so just go with it k?
"How do humans not breathe under water?" Quinn asks shoving more fries in her mouth.
"Because we don't have gills." Jack chuckles with chicken in his mouth.
My eyes wander around the familiar mcdonalds. This is where I thought the boys wanted me out of the group.
Now we aren't friends with them anymore. Not ever since Jack and I heard them talking shit about us in the kitchen the morning after we got back together.
Jack rips his hand away from my grasp under the table and releases a echoeing sneeze into his jacket.
"Holy shit!" I jump a little and begin laughing.
"You have fucking loud sneezes." Quinn picks up her fries that she knocked over after being startled by Jack.
"It's cute." I wink at him and he retreats his hand back to under the table and grabs my hand.
Ever since the boys and us haven't talked Jack and I haven't ever let go of each other. Literally.
There hasn't been a night that we haven't slept together.
One time Jack got up to go to the bathroom and I woke up sweating and freaked out. Even in my sleep I can tell when he's not there.
I rub the cuts and bumps and holes in his hand from punches and football.
"So how are you and Nash?" Jack asks while I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Still mad at him." She sniffles and shoves another fry in her mouth.
"You shouldn't be. It wasn't towards you, just me. And besides, he barely said anything." I touch her hand but she pulls it away.
"Yeah but you're my best friend and it's just not cool." She sighs.
"I'm getting more fries." She stands up and walks away.
"I feel bad for her." I say to Jack as she stands in line.
"She'll be fine babe, don't worry." He kisses my cheek.
"I guess." I sigh.
"I don't want to go to school tomorrow." I sigh.
"It's okay babe. I'll sleep with you tonight." He places his other hand on my neck.
"Okay." I smile at the floor.
Jack's hand moves to just below my jawline and grasps the left side of my face gently and places his thumb on my lips.
I smile and gently kiss the pad of his thumb and he leans in and kisses my nose gently.
"I love you babe, everything will be okay. Just ignore the guys during school as much as you can and you can see me right after school." He smiles
"I love you Jack." I lean in and rest my forehead on his chest.
"I'm going to go." Quinn says collecting her trash with fries in her hand.
"No, don't." I lift my head from Jack's chest and nail him hard on the chin.
"Ow! Fuck." He sticks his tongue out and pulls away from me.
"Oh my gosh! Babe I'm sorry." I frown and look between Quinn and Jack.
"Bye." Quinn rolls her eyes and walks off.
"I'm sorry babe." I kiss his cheek and quickly jog after Quinn.
"Quinn! What's wrong?" I frown.
"I just don't like being the third wheel." She sighs and throws away her bag.
"You're not." I slant my lips.
"Kind of." She crosses her arms over her chest and squares up with me.
"Why are you mad at me about that? I invite you because I want to hang out with you. But I love Jack and I need him now. I'm sorry." I frown.
"I get it. It's always Jack, then me." She sighs.
"Why are you so mad at me?! I've done nothing but be nice and be here for you! I even payed for your past 3 meals by the way!" I throw my hands in the air.
"Are y'all okay over here?" Jack says and places a hand on my shoulder.
"Screw off fuck boy!" Quinn screams and his eyes go wide.
"Sorry.?" He hesitates to say something but my warning glares tell him not to.
"It's because of you two fucking around and being a shit couple that they were talking about you and now I don't have a boyfriend and I'm forced to sit here and watch y'all make out 24/7!" She screams, her face red with anger.
"We've kissed once around you." I say hurt.
By now Jack has backed up and is sitting at our table once again.
"I've got to go. I have homework to do." she sighs and walks out.
I sniffle and wipe a tear before turning around and returning to Jack.
"Babe... babe. It's okay." He assures me and rubs my arm.
I'm full on crying now.
I take a deep breath and sniffle, "No it's not! I have no friends now!" I wipe my eye and mascara shows on my hands.
"You have me." He whispers.
I sniffle and shove my head into his chest.
"Let's go home, okay babe?" He whispers in my ear and kisses my temple.
I nod and follow him out the door, and for the first time in about a week I deny his hand.
"Look, I'm sorry. Is just in the moment. Cameron was just mad that he couldn't have you so he went off and we were just agreeing to make him feel better." Nash whispers to me in history class.
I totally ignore every word coming from him and continuing writing down my notes.
"Liz c'mon I-" Nash is cut off by a loud whining alarm.
I glance up and see the fire alarm shooting lights across the room.
Just as we begin standing up, the lights go black and the school goes into a screaming fit.
"Come on! Hurry up and calm down!" My teacher screams and we all file out of the room.
"Liz!" Someone yells but I ignore him. I don't want to listen to him or any other of the boys that want to talk to me.
Once we get outside I can hear properly and I hear my name again.
This time I know it's not one of the boys. I turn around and smile at Jack walking up to me.
"Hey! We are getting out of class! Maybe we don't have to go to athletics and work out." He winks and wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"Holy shit it's freezing." I curse under my breath.
Jack takes off his grey sweatshirt and drops it over my head.
The large hoodie droops to mid length of my thighs.
"Wow you look hot in my hoodie." He winks and kisses my temple. A habit I enjoy very much.
I smile and walk out to the grass and stand in line.
"Everyone shush!" My teacher yells.
"I'm calling roll." He yells out.
"Alright babe I'll be right back. I have to go back to my class for roll but I will be back." He smiles and walks off towards his class.
Nash takes advantage of this time and comes up to me.
I roll my eyes and cross my arms that have excess sleeve room hanging below my hands.
"Please, at least talk to Quinn. I need her, I'm a disaster without her and we all miss you three." He frowns and I stare into his sad eyes.
"I'll talk to her." I sigh and smile as I see Jack returning to me.
"Go away." He quickly says to Nash and wraps his arm around my waist.
Nash hesitates by decides not to mess with Jack and returns to Jack Johnson.
Jack shivers against me and I can tell he's freezing.
I pull out my phone and check the weather. I burst out laughing when I see it's 30 degrees and look at Jack in short sleeves. Most people here are wearing short sleeves.
"Babe put your arms in here." I hold up my arms and Jack slides his hands through the holes and slides them all the way down to my waist once more.
I jump as I feel his cold hands touch the bare skin on my hips.
A few freshmen around us give us weird looks and ignore them all.
I smile up at Jack as he smirks back at me and I immediately want him. He's so sexy and fuck. Control Liz.
I kiss his lips gently and rest my head on his chest and we stay like this for a good ten minutes until my legs begin to hurt and we take a seat on the grass.
I don't want to get my pants dirty so I sit on Jack's lap.
"Babe. It's so cold. Is there any way we can share the jacket because I think I'm about to die of hyperthermia." He laughs and his teeth are clattering together.
I slip off the jacket and give it to him.
He scoots me closer to him and I put my back to his chest. He slips the jacket over both our bodies and we both put our arms in the sleeves.
"Better." He kisses my ear.
"But I can't see you." I frown.
"It's okay. Just rest your head on my shoulder and we'll just talk." He whispers.
Everyone around us is also sitting down and chatting so I decide to just close my eyes.
"Tell me a story." I mumble and close my eyes as I lean on his chest.
"Okay." He chuckles and both our bodies move together.
"Well it was the first day of school. I was standing with my best friends and we were all talking until we noticed Nash was totally out of it. We followed his gaze and saw him staring at a beautiful blonde. Everyone stopped and stared until Nash decided to get the balls and walk towards you." He laughs.
I listen to the vibrating noise in his chest as he speaks and I smile.
"So we are all watching him talk to this beautiful blonde. Cameron is the first to speak and he says 'I call dibs if he fails with her' and we all shout at him and grumble and pout right?" He takes a deep breath and I can tell he's smiling.
"So Nash comes back and we are all staring at him waiting for details. He just says 'I've only talked to her like once before, but we have a class together.' and we all pat his back and stuff. So later I walk in first period and I see this beautiful blonde and I decide to sit by her and figure out her name is Liz. She has this beautiful smooth and sweet voice that gets a little high and stuttery when she's nervous. I then decided, I'm going to get this girl. So I tried and tried over and over and she seemed to like Nash better for the longest time and then Cameron. I just couldn't win." He sighs.
"This girl sounds like a catch." I giggle with my head still on his chest.
"She really is. She's the most beautiful girl that's ever walked on this earth and she deserves to know that. I have fucked up hundreds of times, some worse than others, and she still seems to be with me. I just can't figure out why." He sighs.
"Because she loves you so much, no matter what you do. Even when she doesn't want to, she does." I whisper.
"This girl though... she's the love of my life and I know that now." He says quietly into my hair.
"I can only hope to be her husband one day. And if that day happens, it will be the best day of my life." He says and I can hear the smile in his voice.
"I love you Liz." He whispers.
"I love you Jack." I whisper back.

When it's all goneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora