Chapter 34

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I feel like I haven't been to school in ages. Probably because I've missed about 20 days because of Jack.
That's the reason why when my alarm goes off at 5:15 in the morning, I start to literally cry. Tears... drip down my face.
"You up?" My mom yells from downstairs.
I fall off the bed with a loud THUMP.
"Good morning!!" She yells back.
Grrrrr I hate school.
I'll have to go to the counselor today and get my absenses changed to excused or I'll never get in a good college. Yes, all it takes to not get in is bad attendance. Especially since bad attendence turns to bad grades.
"Breakfast is ready for you! I have to go bye love you!" My mom yells and the door closes. She hasn't enjoyed my company lately because she can't look at me the same since Jack. Can't blame her.
I drag myself out of bed and start my daily routine.
When I'm done I get a call from Jack.
"Hey where are you?" He asks.
"In my bathroom?" I ask looking around.
"School is starting in like 3 minutes." He shouts.
"What?!?" I scream running into my room grabbing my backpack. How did I lose time? I didn't take that long!
"Haha babe I'm kidding I'm outside." He chuckles.
"Fuck you." I grumble.
"Come on in I still have to eat." I say walking down the stairs.
Click. The line goes dead and I shove my phone in my back pocket.
The door swings open and reveals a very attractive Jack in dark vans with high socks, some brownish jeans and a rvca t-shirt that reveals his toned muscles.
"Jack it's literally 20 degrees out where's your jacket?" I say walking over to him and rubbing his freezing arms.
"I forgot. You'll have to warm me up." He winks and gets close.
I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen.
"C'mon don't be like this." He hisses.
"School starts in like 30 minutes."
"I can make it fast." He follows me around the island in the middle of the kitchen.
"No." I giggle and speed walk around the island.
Of course we start running around the island until Jack finally catches me and holds me tightly in his grasp to where I cannot escape.
"I love you." He chuckles.
"Get off!" I squeal.
"Kiss me." He groans.
"Kiss me!!!" He smiles.
"Eh." I giggle and peck his lips.
"No." He smirks and pulls me in and connects our lips once more.
This time more passionate and much longer. I finally pull away and turn around to finish my food. I tear off a peice of toast and feed it to Jack.
"You're so cute. Ya know?" I say winking.
He walks over to me and sits down.
"Yeah I know." He pats his lap and I do as I'm told and sit on his lap.
"Fuck." He says and I can already feel the boner.
"Jack!" I scream. "I can't even sit in your lap?!?"
"Sorry!! It's just your ass is so big! Dammit!" He yells.
I laugh and decide to mess with him.
I rub my ass hard on his waist and his jaw clenches hard.
"I can't even sit in daddy's lap." I pout and his jaw drops open.
I smirk and stand up.
"Let's go!" I say throwing my plate in the trash.
"Get back here Liz." He demands but I'm already running up the stairs to brush my teeth.
"Jack people are staring." I whisper as he pushes my body harder against the lockers and kisses my cheek.
"They're just jealous they can't do this to you like I can." He growls in my ear.
"Why must you always be touching me?" I smirk at him.
"You turn me on, sorry." He says letting go and grabbing my hand.
Now, Jack is extremely popular here and I won't lie, I'm enjoying being part of it.
When we walk down the hallway people move out of the way and are always staring and whispering towards us but I ignore it all. I just walk confidently to my destination. I just hate walking in the hallway alone and having people staring at me.
When we arrive to theatre everyone in the class stares as we walk in hand in hand.
We both went to the office and told our story to the counselor and she was in tears and took all our absences off.
As soon as we sit down the bell rings and the teacher immediately gets started.
"Okay today we are doing a thing called hands!"
She explains how one person sits down and the other person sits behind them and is their hands while the first person talks.
I decide to go with a girl named Jessica and the whole class is laughing the whole time while I talk about how I got "pregnant" and Jessica's hands move around in the funniest ways.
"Nice job babe." Jack smiles when I sit down.
"If you're gonna get pregnant it better be from me." He whispers in my ear and my face goes pale.
His hand intertwines with my hand and I chuckle finally at his joke.
The bell goes off and everyone scatters around grabbing their things and out the door as the teacher talks "Okay we will continue this tomorrow! If you didn't go, you will be going tomorrow!!!" She yells after us.
Jack and I walk out of the classroom hand in hand once more and continue to our 2nd period.
Jack kisses me at the entrance of my math class.
"Liz! Where have you been?!" Connor says behind me.
I turn around and mimick the smile on his face. "Connor!!" I say and hug him.
"I've been busy." I say glancing at Jack and smiling.
Jack walks up and wraps his arm around my waist protectively and I blush a little.
"Okay babe, you need to go before you're late." I try to get him to go so it's not so awkward.
He eyes Connor up and down before doing the same to me. He squints his eyes and finally inches away from us until finally walking away.
"Sorry." I giggle and we walk into the class together.
"How have you been?" He asks and I nod "Good what about you?"
"Well you've been gone so not that well." He says as I take a seat behind Cameron.
"Hey babe." Cameron says spinning around in his chair and smirking tht irresistible smirk of his.
He could have any girl in this school that he wanted and he chooses the one taken by one of his best friends?
"Hey Cameron." I sigh.
"Why so gloomy?" His smirk begins to grow bigger and I feel like he's hiding something.
"Sex not as expected last night?"
Yep. There it is.
"You know, I could do better I'm sure." I roll my eyes while the inside of me lights up at the thought of him shirtless. Goddammit stop Liz!
"Doubt it." I lie pulling out my binder.
He shrugs and turns around so confident I feel as if he can read my mind and know what really goes on in my body when he speaks.
"Asshole." Connor mumbles and I smile at him.
Jack's POV
I'm sick of Cameron. He won't leave Liz alone. She told me about math class and I saw him staring at her ass as she passed by in the hallway. He was with his friends and they all made hooting noises.
I've been working on my self control for Liz so I didn't go and slam their faces in.
Now I'm out here waiting for her nervously hoping Cameron isn't following her around or messing with her.
Speak of the devil.
He stalks outside like he's king of the world. He spots me and throws a smirk my way as I glare at him. He walks up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"Remember when we were best friends? Then Liz joined the group and it tore us apart. I mean not just you and I. All the guys secretly want to slap you for always showing off Liz. It's quite funny actually." He finishes and takes a sip from his water. I want to knock the stupid beanie off his head and shove it down his throat. Do all the guys seriously want to take Liz from me? Well they lost their chance by never noticing her before I showed them. She's beautiful and that's all their loss.
"Fuck off Cameron." I manage to spit out aggressively.
He walks circles around me as I breathe in and out slowly watching the mist of my hot breath hitting the cold air. Control yourself Jack. Don't murder him, don't do it.
He stops circling and just speaks from behind me.
"Don't worry. Someday I will feel Liz's soft skin rubbing against mine." I can feel his stupid smirk boiling into the back of my head.
I clench my fists and jaw together so hard I feel as if my body is going to break.
He rests his hand on my back and speaks so low so only I can hear.
"I will take what is yours just like you took what was once mine." He snarls. My body relaxes a little at my guilt. Damn.
"Fucker." He mumbles and I almost turn around to punch him but close my eyes and whisper "touch me one more time and you're dead."
For a minute he doesn't do anything. But knowing Cameron, he again puts his hand on my back.
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME!!" I say turning around and shoving him so hard I don't even noticing it's Liz until I feel how light her body is against my strength. Her body goes flying at least 5 feet across the air until finally hitting the concrete with a loud thud.
I freeze in my tracks as I stare at her grimacing face. She's on the verge of tears and for a second we made eye contact before a crowd surrounds her.
"Liz!" I say and my legs finally start moving.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Cameron screams and runs up to me and shoves me backwards.
"I thought it was you! That was your fucking plan you sick bastard!" I scream.
For a second I see a glint of satisfaction in his eyes before he goes into his acting mode.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!? I WOULD NEVER LET YOU HURT HER INTENTIONALLY!!!" He says shoving me backward more.
"I said..." I speed walk up to him.
"Not to fucking touch me." With one swift motion I hit him square in the nose before he has time to react.
Blood stains the concrete but it's not long he's down before coming back and hitting me with twice as much power straight in the jaw that I hear a loud crack.
"Dammit!" I cry out in pain as I fall to my knees. I get my shit together and pop it back in place and stand up straight. Both of us puff out our chests trying not to show much pain as we shuffle in a circle deciding our next move.
I glance over at Liz and the second I see blood I rush over forgetting Cameron.
But I don't forget him long, he chases after me and grabs my elbow.
"Leave her alone! You've done enough." He shoves me back a little and helps Liz up shooing everyone away.
"C'mon Liz let's go home." He whispers but I can hear.
"No Liz, I'm taking you home." I demand.
She shakes her head and drops her head as she limps next to Cameron. She tries to hide it, but I see a tear drip down her face hitting the concrete.
"Liz..." I stutter. "It was an accident I thought it was Cameron." I yell towards her.
She shakes her head and continues limping.
I quickly jog up to her and sweep her off her feet.
"I'm taking you home." I demand.
"No! Jack! Get the fuck off me!!" She squirms and slaps me and bites me but my grip just gets harder the more she thrashes.
I put her in the passengers side and block her exit.
"Listen to me." I demand.
I hear Cameron run up behind me so I quickly turn on my heels and face him.
"Go away... I'm fucking warning you." I growl.
"Liz?" He asks.
"Give us a minute Cam." She smiles at him and he nods and walks away.
"Babe... I'm so sorry. Cameron was just getting on my last nerve. He was talking about you and having sex with you and how he was going to take you from me... I just couldn't take it anymore... Believe me I would never hurt you." I plead to her watching the reactions in her eyes every time I speak.
I hold onto her thighs as I wait for her to answer.
"Okay." She whispers.
I smile and reach for her face and she flinches.
I drop my arms the my sides and my heart breaks. I don't want her to be afraid of me. It was one push, I mean I know it was hard but I would never intentionally hurt her.
"Liz..." I whisper, my eyebrows creasing together involuntarily.
"I'm sorry... sorry sorry. I'm not actually scared... I don't know why I did that." She shakes her head and looks down.
"Okay..." I whisper and go to close her door.
She grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me towards her to connect our lips.
She runs her fingers through my hair as I trail my hands down her back.
She bites my bottom lip hard getting a loud moan out of me.
She smirks into the kiss and sneaks her tongue in my mouth as I rub her sides.
We both seperate and smile at each other.
"Good now?" I ask and she nods, smiling.
"Good. I love you."
"I love you too." She bites her lip and blushes a little, which I will admit I love on her.
AN: THIS IS A BIRTHDAY UPDATE:)) Today's my birthday and I got lots of presents from friends and family and many people said hbd:) had a great day!

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