Chapter 28

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My eyes slowly make their way open as I hear yelling coming from around me. My eyes immediately fall back down from the shining light.
"I need to see her!" I hear a deep voice yell.
"Sir! Family only!" A small shrill voice tries to shout.
I hear a small squeal and someone hit a wall and shuffling of feet towards my bed.
"Baby please... Hear me okay?" It's Jack, I know it is.
I try to talk but as soon as I try I hear an "oof!"
"Get off me!" Jack yells and I want my body to move but it only does small shuffles.
"Sir! You need to leave right now!" Another man says near the floor and I'm guessing he's wrestling with Jack.
"No!" Jack screams and I hear feet shuffling again.
"Liz! Please wake up!" I hear dragging of something as his voice gets farther away.
"Liz! I'm so sorry! I love you! LIZ!" He's out the door now. I'm screaming in my head to move but only my arm can lift a little.
"Get back here!" The man yells.
I hear someone crash into the door and Jack runs to other side of my bed.
More shuffling.
"Where are you?!?" The man yells entering the room. He walks around and then runs out.
Jack jumps up and grabs my hand.
"Liz, I-I fucking love you. This is all my fault. And now you might not be able to continue your future, your career anymore. It's all my fault!!" His voice quivers.
What is he talking about?
My foot, I might never get to play again. What if they have to cut it off? What if it gets that bad? Oh God.
Breathe. I can't breathe.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Faster and faster as I feel my throat closing up.
"Oh my god... Liz... SOMEONE HELP!!!!" Jack sobs.
"FUCKING SOMEONE HELP!" He screams near my ear.
"There you are!" The man yells.
My eyes are wide open now. I'm sitting up in bed gasping for air. I grab Jack's collar of his shirt and bring him towards me.
I try to scream but nothing comes out. Frightened is all I see when I look into his eyes.
I fall back onto the bed and grip the sheets as nurses run into the room. The man enters the room and yanks Jack from me. The man carries him away once again screaming and shaking.
"Liz! PLEASE!! DONT GIVE UP ON ME! I LOVE YOU!" With that he's gone and I fall into darkness once again.
Jack's POV
"Where is she?!?" Quinn runs in the waiting room with tears streaming down her face.
"You can't see her." I whisper. "She had like a panic attack though." I say staring at the floor.
"Shit." She says wiping her eyes and falling onto the chair.
I nod and fiddle with my fingers still staring at the floor.
Nash comes sprinting into the room frantically looking around and then running to me.
"Man, I'm so sorry. Is she okay? Where is she?" He says pacing.
"We can't see her right now." I repeat.
His shoulders slump and he takes a seat next to Quinn.
"You scared me babe. You ran right out of my car almost got hit!" He says out of breath.
Are they dating? What the living shit? Nash having a girlfriend? This is extremely weird. Nash doesn't date girls. He's not an asshole that sleeps around with girls like I was but he doesn't date.
He must see me giving them weird looks and speaks up.
"I'm sure Liz will be fine." He gives me an assuring smile.
I nod and pull out my phone to get things off my mind. I make a tweet about this and soon kids from all grades at my school are using the hashtag #PrayForLiz.
I put my phone away and look up to see a teary Cameron. Fuck. Not him.
"Where is she?" He croaks.
"You can't fucking see her right now! If we could don't you think I would be in there?!? DAMN!" I shout standing up knocking magazines off the table.
Why does this asshole have to be here? It's obvious he's completely in love with her and I hate competing with him. He gets all the girls and he's somewhat attractive. He's also very smooth around the ladies. I don't usually get jelous but Cameron gets under my skin and Liz has changed me.
"Dude, calm down." Cameron says wiping his nose.
"It's just a damn infection." I mumble knowing it's much more.
"Dude, she could fucking lose her foot!" Cameron shouts.
"Oh! And not to fucking mention THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU!" He screams.
Really? He has the fucking nerve to say that? I lost my fucking sister less than 2 days ago and he's blaming this on me? No, I'm done.
I turn around and before he can say anything else stupid, my fist connects with his nose. I hear a loud crack and my hand immediatly throbs but I shake it off.
"Holy shit!" Nash yells and he stands up fast knocking Quinn over a little.
"Dude! WHAT THE HELL?!?" Cameron yells.
"You fucking deserved that don't play innocent you asshole. Don't make me punch you again." I say spitting.
I turn around and pace around the room as Nash looks at Cameron's nose.
"Good thing we're at a hospital." Nash chuckles.
"Yeah..." Cameron says staring at me burning holes in my body with his eyes.
Oops mother fucker.
"Come on." Nash said leading Cameron for a second but he shrugs him off as they walk to the desk lady.
I sit next to Quinn and she giggles a little.
"He did deserve that." She whispers and I smile and nod. She's just like Liz. I know for a fact Liz would say the same thing.
"This really is my fault." I whisper looking down.
"No it's not." She rubs my shoulder.
I shrug her off not wanting affections right now if it's not Liz.
"I'm... uh..I'm gonna go home." I say rubbing my eyes and standing up.
"I've had a hell of last couple of days."
"I understand." Quinn laughs a little.
"Bye Jack." She says hugging me and I make my way back to the entrance.
"Jack wait!" Nash says yelling after me.
"Yeah?" I say worn down.
"Liz is okay now. She can take visitors." He says and I sprint towards her room knocking Cam out of the way.
I slide into her room and see her watching tv.
"Liz!" I yell.
"Jack! Baby!" She smiles big and opens her arms.
I jump on the bed and slide under the covers with her.
She screeches and i panic.
"Oh my God! Liz I-I" I stutter.
"Babe I'm fine stop worrying!" She laughs a little. "Just be careful."
"Okay okay I'm sorry babe." I smile.
I lean over and press my lips against hers. At first it's gentle and then it turns to a heated make out. I crawl ontop of her rest my hands on each sides of her. She moans my name and I laugh at how horny we both get around each other. I start to grind my hips on her and she smiles and grabs my collar. She kisses harder and I stand up.
"Jack!" She frowns.
"Hold on." I say smiling. I quickly run to the door and lock it. I then jump back on careful not to hurt her. I slide under the blankets and continue kissing her.
"Liz I'm so sorry for all this." I say between kisses.
"Shh babe." She says quickly grabbing my crotch. I flinch fast and moan.
"Babe let's make it fast, Quinn will be in here at any moment. You know her." I wink and pull down my pants fast. She stares wide-eyed at my length and I love seeing her reaction every time. I pull up her gown and she's already naked. I spit on my hand and rub her first. I slowly slide into her and she let's out a loud moan.
"Oh Jack!" She yelps.
I smirk as I thrust into her hard and fast. I droop my head down and bite my lip hard as I begin thrusting faster and deeper.
"Jack!!!" She screams and I kiss her to quiet her.
"Shhh babe." I say. I slowly go in and out teasing her and she whimpers.
"Jack..." She whines.
"What do you want?" I whisper in her ear.
"Deeper." She purrs into my ear.
I smirk and continue my pace.
There's a knock on the door.
"Fuck. Go away!" I yell and Liz laughs.
"Let me finish." I whisper to her and continue thrusting in and out, small moans escaping both of our lips.
"Shit!" I yell and quickly pull out of her before I came.
"I didn't put a condom on!" I whisper.
Her whole face goes pale.
"Oh." She stares at the wall.
"We're fine. You didn't cum did you?" I asked her.
She shook her head and I let go my long breath.
"Thank god." I whisper and she giggles and nods.
I pull up my pants and walk over to the door.
"What?" I say.
Quinn shoves past me and I stand in the empty doorway listening to the screams and giggles and laughter of my girlfriend and her dip head best friend.
I decide it's my time to split so I walk out the door and bump into Nash in hallway.
"She's in there." I say and continue walking.
"Okay..." He says saying nothing else.
I quickly get into my car and drive out of the parking lot of the hospital. I don't make a mile before I pull over and burst into tears.
"Fuck me!" I scream and pound the steering wheel.
I can't take this pain anymore. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.
When I'm sad I go see Lucy. When I'm happy I go see Lucy. So what the hell do I do now?
I just did Liz and it made me feel better but I can't always be with Liz. she would get sick of me and my crying.
I pull back onto the road and suck it up till I arrive at Sam's. I need something to get this off my mind. What's better than a good smoke?
Liz's POV
"So they told me I'll be fine and that the only reason I freaked out is because I was overwhelmed and packed up on medication." I explain this to Cam, Nash, Quinn and my mother.
Jack disappeared after we had sex... I don't know if that counted but it felt amazing. I miss him. He hasn't called or texted me or any of us. I wonder if he's mad? He's hard to read. I get to go home at 5 tonight and it's 12 now so I have to sit here and either talk with people or watch tv.
"So your foot?" Nash asks hesitantly.
"It wasn't infected. I only got a few stitches and I should be fine in a couple weeks because it wasnt that deep of a cut." I say looking down. This could possibly ruin my chances of getting a scholarship for a good college. If I'm not out there playing the whole time and a scout shows up I won't be recruited.
"Honey, it's going to be okay. You'll go to physical therapy for a couple weeks and go back on the court with a bang and show everyone what you're made of." My mom smiles and rubs my arm.
"Thanks mom." I smile back.
"Yeah Liz you're an amazing volleyball player. If they don't want you they are insane." Quinn rolls her eyes and smiles.
"Thank you." I repeat laughing a little.
"Where's Jack?" I ask.
They all shrug and I sigh. I miss him. I've gotten so used to being with him all the time it's hard to not be with him.
"You should get some rest and wake up, get those tests to make sure you're okay and get outta here. When you do I'll be waiting with some cute clothes and we are going to go out to a movie." Nash says.
Yes Nash said cute clothes. He's obsessed with clothes and no he's not gay.
"Thanks babe." I wink.
"Alright bye sweetie." My mom kissed my forehead and they all walk out of the room.

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