Chapter 6

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The rest of the first week is slow, as always. Nash and me flirt a lot in History but I feel bad because so do me and Jack. Nash is so sweet and caring and sometimes I feel Jack is a selfish asshole, but it's different. I'm so confused and by the time I get to Friday I'm nervous. What if both of them try to hit on me at this party thing?

I sit in typing staring at the back of Jack's head as he watches the video on the screen. He turns to look at me and smiles. He looks at his computer screen and I stare at his jaw line. Damn why is he so hot? I turn my attention back to the video and sigh. He looks at me.

"You okay?" he says in his deep voice.

"Shhh." The teacher whispers.

He rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone and throws it in my lap. I look at him, confused. I look at his phone and see it's open to a new contact.


I look at him and he's smirking.

I type in my number and text myself. I then pull out my phone and answer hey to him.

Jack: "So what's wrong?"

Me: "This class is just boring."

Jack: "Right. So anyways, instead of going with Nash tonight do you want me to pick you up?"

I smile.

Me: "I'd love to, but he already asked me."

Jack: "I guess I waited too long :/"

Me: "Another time;)"

Jack: "Ohhhh okay;) Or maybe after the little party we can-"

I don't get to finish reading because the teacher scares me.

"You can have it after class." She holds out her hand.

I sigh and put my iPhone in her palm.

When she walks away from me Jack snickers and I just want to slap him.

"Suck my ass." I say.

"Mrs. Hardy! In the hallway immediately!" My teacher screams.

I thought this bitch was cool?!?!

Jack bursts into laughter extremely loud.

"You too Mr. Gilinsky!"

He stops and rolls his eyes. He follows me out the door and we sit on the floor for the second time this week.

"So do you like Nash?" He asks.

"I don't know, maybe." I shrug and smile when I picture his bright blue eyes.

I turn and look at Jack and he's staring at the wall with his jaw clenched.

"He's a good guy." He sighs.

I nod.

"By the way, tonight, watch out for Taylor."


"Just trust me." He runs his hand through his hair.

"Why should I trust you?" I giggle and poke him. He doesn't even crack a smile.

"Just watch out. Okay?"

"Okay." I whisper.

"We still have 30 minutes." I sigh looking at the clock on the wall.

Jack spreads his legs out and lays on the floor. I do the same where our heads are by each other.

"You better not have lice." I giggle.

"No promises." He laughs his throaty laugh.

We spend the rest of the period laughing and joking and I find out Jack can braid my hair.

"You put a huge knot in my hair!" I squeal and he laughs. "Sorry babe." He jokes. My heart jumps.

I smile to shake it off.

The bell rings and we stand up and wait for everyone to leave the class till we can get inside. He grabs both of our bags and he walks out. I roll my eyes and follow him.

"I'm going to be late!" I yell at him down the hall.

"Fine." He walks back to me and gives me my bag.

"I'll see you tonight." He is really close and is smiling down at me.

"Sure." I croak and clear my throat. I can smell his cologne with a hint of freshness, like clean clothes.

He smirks at me and turns around and walks away.

I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I walk down the hallway looking at the signs. "Beat the bearcats!" We have a volleyball game at home next Tuesday. I'm really excited because our team is really good.

I walk into my class just as the bell rings and I slip into my seat as the teacher closes the door. I sigh and rest my head on my desk. I drift off a little day-dreaming about Jack and Nash.

I'm woken up by my teacher yelling "Would you like to join us Mrs. Hardy!?"

I wake up my eyes all fuzzy and I yawn.

"Sure." I mumble and small laughter arises through the room.

My teacher rolls her eyes and continues with the lesson and I rest my head on my hand and listen.

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