Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Liam opened his mouth to respond but I felt movement on my lap, and realized that Jenna was waking up. I guess my heart to heart with Daddy Direction was over. I carefully slid my hands away from her hair, and instead awkwardly placed it on her shoulder, not knowing what else to do.

She slowly woke up, and lifted her head, looking around the airplane. She turned and her sleepy hazel eyes met mine.

“Sorry.” She apologized.

“For what?” I asked.

“Falling asleep on your lap…” she blushed slightly.

“It isn’t a problem, love. Use me as your pillow whenever you want.” I chuckled.

“For some awkward reason, As Long As You Love Me popped into my head.” She laughed.

“Good song.” I said, begging my brain not to read into the meaning of the song. “How does it go again? As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke. “ I sang.

“I love your voice so much.” Jenna said, staring at me in awe.

“What about it?”

“Its so…unique. Beautiful..” She tried to explain.

‘Not as beautiful as you’ I thought to myself.

“What?” she looked at me, a shocked look on her face.

‘God damn it. Shit. I said it out loud.’


“What?” I asked her, hoping that it’d take her off the topic.

“Never mind.” She said, sighing.  

“We have two hours until we reach New York; anything you want to do?” I asked.

“There’s Wi-Fi on here, right?” I nodded, “Let’s do a twitter photo spam or something!”

“A what?” I asked, confused.

“Like we do some stupid shit and take pictures and videos of it and post it!” She said.

“I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you curse.” I said, thoughtfully.

“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes, “So are we doing it?”

“Definitely. Lets overly lip sync a song.” I said.

A devious smirk spread on her face, “Lets do it.”



An hour later, we had recorded two videos and taken dozens of photos, (with Instagram, of course). One was of us running around the plane singing call me maybe to random people, (the air stewardesses weren’t very pleased, to say the least) and the other was Jenna caking make-up onto my face. I looked like a Barbie doll. I have no clue how she convinced me to let her do that. She uploaded the videos onto her YouTube account, and I scrolled through twitter.

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