Louis Mystery Illness

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This one is really long and it took me forever to write but I hope you like it!

Freezing. That's the first thing that registers in my head when I wake up. There's no warmth anywhere in this bed. No covers, no husband body heat, no shirt. I groan and roll over, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the dark so I can see if Harry is still here. After a few seconds, I can confirm that he is, in fact, still in bed. With all the covers on his side. But he's not even using them. And I'm over here shivering.

"Hazza," I whisper, trying to get him to wake up enough to come back over towards me. He doesn't. I reach over, noticing my hand shaking, and grab the corner of the duvet, pulling it back towards me. Harry mumbles in his sleep and rolls over towards me, trying to get the cover back I guess. It's not like he doesn't have any, he's still got half and he's wearing pants and a hoodie.

"Louisssssss," I hear from the other side of the bed. It's then that I realize I've got a headache.

"Haz, I'm cold n' you had all the covers." He opens his eyes and looks at me. Damn I think he heard it. I heard it. My voice sounds weird.

"Are you sick babes?" He scoots towards me and wraps his arms around my cold body. "Oh love you're burning up," he says sadly. There's no way. I can't be hot, I'm fucking freezing.

"No, I'm freezing. Cuddle me Haz," I demand, feeling worse now.

"Louis I think you've got a fever babe. Let me go check." He tries to get up but I grab his sweater and force him back down.

"Check in the morning. Please? I need you to stay with me." He nods and gets back under the covers with me.

"Ok Lou. I'll stay." I put my head on his chest and shiver again, unable to control my body. Harry notices, I guess, and sits up, taking his sweater off and giving it to me. Somehow, I think my body forgot how to operate because I can't get it on. I look at my husband and wait for him to help me.

"You're ridiculous babe," he laughs. But he helps me put his sweatshirt on and lay back down. "Better?" I nod against his now bare chest, rub my eyes with my sweater paws, and fall asleep with him rubbing my back.

Next time I wake up, it's clearly morning. And I hate it. Harry is still holding me but I feel so much worse. I moan and bury my head in Harry's neck.

"Good morning love," he whispers as he kisses my hair. His cold fingers ghost my side under my sweater and I shiver again. "Still not feeling well huh?" I shake my head.

'Not feeling well' is an understatement. It feels like Niall is hitting my head with his golf club while Liam chokes me with a spoon and Zayn fills my nose with hairspray. Not to mention feeling like I'm sitting in ice.

I try to speak but end up coughing, choking on air I guess. Harry quickly sits us up and holds me at the shoulders while I pitch forward, trying to breathe. Finally, I get a break and turn to look at Harry because I want a hug, but I can barely see him through watery eyes. Blinking a couple times only makes tears stream down my face and he brings me to his chest, rocking me and rubbing my back.

"Better now babe?" I shake my head again, not even trying to talk. "I'm sorry love, is there anything that I can do?"

"Cuddle me?" I whisper, feeling my headache get even worse after that coughing fit. Harry nods and we lay back down.

"What hurts Lou? I can go get some medicine in a bit if I can know what's going on." He gently plays with my hair and it helps my head just a little bit.

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