Lost Voice (Zayn)

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The boys were all hanging around on the tour bus the night before the Pennsylvania concert. They had gotten to the concert venue early so they could do "sound checks and all that crap" as Louis put it.

"Zayn! Pass me that water glass please?" Louis asked. He was sitting opposite where he had left his water.

"Sure," Zayn said, and then coughed. "He-re," his voice cracked horribly.

"Thanks. You good?"

"Yeah, just a voice crack."

Louis turned back to the TV where Harry and Niall were playing FIFA '15. The graphics were AMAZING! Zayn laughed when Harry slide tackled the guy with the ball and didnt get a card. He broke out coughing soon after and Liam patted him on the back.

"You sure you're good?"

"Yea. Like I said, probably just too many concerts these past few days. I'll be fine for the concert tomorrow.

In the morning, he was the exact opposite of better. He barely had any voice left at all. Liam woke him up because they had an interview at the concert venue.

"Wake up Z. We have an interview in 2 hours." Liam gently shook him awake. He had let him sleep until 11. They had an interview at 1 and the sound check at 4, concert at 6.

"Ok... I'm up," Zayn whispered.

"Are you feeling any better?" Liam sat on his bed.

"My voice...." he could only whisper.

"I know bub, I hear it. Just text if you need anything. We need to save your voice for tonight." Liam hugged Zayn and then went to get dressed. It didnt really matter how he dressed anyway because they got changed by the wardrobe people at the interview.

Liam kept a close eye on Zayn the whole time. He didn't want the poor boy to have to do an interview. In the dressing rooms, Liam texted Zayn if he felt worse or better.

From Z: Worse. My throat is on fire. I dont wanna do the interv.

Liam frowned at Zayn and ran his thumb over the back of the boy's hand. "Just sleep babe. Sleep, don't talk, and drink water," Liam whispered.

From Z: K Liam. Thanks 4 taking care of me. Can I lean on u?

"Sure mate. Get comfortable." Zayn smiled and thumbs-uped him. He laid his head down and Liam ran a hand through his hair. It was unstyled due to the hairstylist coming up. Zayn hand meant to grab a beanie, but was just to spent.

Once he was surely asleep, Harry piped up. "Liam, is Z Ok? He looks off. Is it his voice?"

"Yea Haz, it's his voice. Barely there. Why dont we go see if the interviewer is almost ready, I'll wake him if she is, and he can get his hair done before we go on."

"What if they ask him questions?"

"We can answer them and tell her before we start about what's goin' on."

"I'll go do that," Niall said, getting up.

"Thanks babe."

"Harry, would you come back for hair luv?" Lou called. Louis came back in and Lou's head popped out of the doorway.

"Sure. See you on stage sweetheart," Harry said as he passed Louis, smiling his dimpled smile at the boy.

 Niall came back and told Liam the interviewer was really nice and she would direct most questions away from Zayn, she would probably have to ask him one."

"Ok, thanks Niall."

The interview went by smoothly with Zayn answering one question. Everyone answered question about him though.

"Ok, sound check in 2 hours. Let's go grab lunch," Paul said. They headed across the street to the bus and grabbed whatever they could find in there.

Liam went to the back with Zayn to check on him.

"How ya feeling, love?"

Zayn shrugged and frowned as he coughed.

"Do you still have your voice?" Zayn opened his mouth and tried to say something, no sound came out but a raspy cough at the end.

From Z- Guess not :(

"Babe, I'm sorry." Liam hugged him and they went up front. "Lads, Zayn has lost him voice, so Paul; could he maybe sit out on the sound check and rest in case it will come back?"

"Sounds fine to me. I certainly dont want to push him more."



"Zayn, how's it feeling?" Louis asked, sitting down next to him.

To Louis- I can sorta whisper.

"You think you will be fine in an hour?"

"Maybe," he whispered.

"Don't stress your voice," Harry said.

They all hung around backstage until people caem back and signaled for them to get in place on stage. Liam, Niall, and Zayn were going in on the left and Harry and Louis on the right.

"HELLO CHARLOTTE!!!!" They screamed, minus Zayn, and ran on stage.

"So, Zayn here is a bit under the weather and he has lost his voice. So you are very lucky he is on stage with us tonight." Screams from the girls in the audience.

"FIRST SONG IS....... HAPPILY!!!" Harry screamed. The boys sang Zayn's parts and it sounded pretty good. Until the last song.

"OK!! Last song is.......STORY OF MY LIFE!!!" Niall said into his mic. When Zayn's part came up, the boys started to sing, but Zayn's mic overpowered and he came on strong. The others turned and stared at him. The audience screamed louder, if possible.

At thte end, the all met in the center of the stage and said good night. They went back stage and hugged Zayn.

"That was AWESOME!!! Your voice came back!" Louis said.

"Not really, Managment turned up my mic and I could do a little more than whisper. Glad you liked it though."

"Yes! Now time to rest."

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