Niall Diabetes

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Niall had been feeling horrible for the past few hours. Now, he was laying on the couch with Liam and feeling the worst he's ever felt. He had drunk 6 glasses of water in half an hour and gone to the bathroom 8. Liam was getting really worried. He had never seen this happen to someone. Niall was really hungry, but couldn't eat a thing; and his vision was blurred. He could barely make out Liam's face features.

"Niall?" Liam said after Niall settled back down after going to the bathroom for the 9th time.

"Yeah?" Niall lifted his head a little off Liam's chest to look at the older boy. He felt horrible and just wanted Liam to shut up so he could sleep.

"I think we need to take you to the hospital."



No! Liam! I just wanna sleep it off."

"Babe, I dont think this is something to sleep off..." Liam hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"Yea, please let me try."

"No! I'm taking you." The others were out at the moment, so Liam and Niall were home alone. Liam sent them quick texts telling them to meet him at the hospital. He buckled a weak Niall in a drove off.

Niall nearly peed his pants while they were driving and he started sobbing. Loud, sad sobs. Liam had to pull over and comfort him. When he was calm again, almost asleep, Liam started driving. He was about a minute away when Niall started crying again.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Hurts," he choked out between sobs. Liam sideways glanced at him to check that he was still Ok.

"What hurts?"

"Tummy and head." Liam figured he had a headache from crying so much.

"I'm sorry baby. Hold it together for me, sweetheart." They arrived at the hospital and Liam ran to Niall's side, unbuckled him and carriedhim to the entrance.

They went to the front desk, the lady took one look at Niall and ordered him into a wheelchair. They rolled him down the hall and told Liam to follow. They put him in a room on an IV with some medicine in it. Then they gave Liam a sheet of questions to answer while the doctor was coming.

Liam got through them fairly well becuase he was so close to Niall. The last one, he didnt know.

"Hey babe?"


"Has anyone in your family had diabetes, cancer, or heart attacks?" he asked, scared.

"No." Liam sighed. After he was done, his phone buzzed.

From Louis: What happened t our baby Ni? On our way.

To Louis: Where r u? He is rly sick. Not sure what is wrong.

From Louis: Pulling in now. I'll talk t the desk and c if we r allowed in the room with u.

To Louis: K ttyl

The doctor came in and ran a bunch of tests on his baby. He left to go get results and came back 15 minutes later.

"Niall here seems to have type 1 diabetes. There is no cure for this, just to treat it well with everyday insulin and eating the right things. Niall will have to go on a strict 'diet'. He will only be able to eat things that agree with his blood sugar."

"Ok. Thanks. When can he leave?" Niall, a diet? Please!

"Stay tonight and he may be able to leave tomorrow. Any visitors may now come in." The doctor left and Liam texted the boys to come up.

"Li?" Niall's weak, tired voice said.

"Huh babe?"

"Can you get Louis to come up?"

"Just Louis?"

"Yeah. Just Louis."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Liam pulled out his phone and texted Harry and Zayn not to come in yet. They said they would wait in the hallway. A minute or two later, Louis came in.

"I'll go out with the others so you can talk, Ok?" Liam said.

"No! I mean, I need you in here. Please don't leave." Niall pulled him back down and Liam sat on the bed.


"Li? Hold my hand?"

"Um, sure? Why?"

"Uh, well, Louis... I am really sorry... I should've listened..." Niall said haltingly before breaking down in sobs. Liam hugged him and looked at Louis.

'What is he talking about?' he mouthed.

'I have no idea,' he mouthed back. Then his mouth formed an O shape.


"I just realized.... I told Niall I knew he was sick and I was going to take him to the doctor's after talking to you, but he screamed so loud and cried so long, I gave him another chance to prove he was Ok.

"When was this?"

"About a week ago. You and the others were out with Zayn, getting something for his wedding or something."

"So Niall has had diabetes for a while?"

"Niall has diabetes!???!?!?!!!!????"

"Yeah. Type 1, uncurable. But he will be Ok. The doctor promised." Liam was really close to tears as well, but he was trying to keep it together for NIall.

"Ok, hey, Li. It's gonna be Ok. Do you need to take a minute in the hallway?" Liam nodded, brushing a tear away fast so Louis didn't see.

"Nialler? Louis is gonna sit on your bed and hold you for a minute, K?"

"Ok." Liam got up and Louis took his place next to the sick boy. Liam went out and broke down in tears. Zayn and Harry were out there and they jumped up.

"Liam! What's wrong? What happened to Niall?"

Liam could only shake his head, trying to stop crying. There were 2 chairs in the hall outside of Niall's room. Zayn sat in one and Harry sat in the other. Zayn pulled Liam down into his lap and talked into his ear. Liam shook his head or nodded at everything he said.

When he was finally calmed down enough to speak, Harry asked him what the heck was wrong with Niall.

"He has t-t-type 1 d-d-diabetes."

"Oh.... Is he gonna be Ok?"

"I hope." Louis texted Liam just then.

From Louis: Ni is asleep. Come back in here.

To Louis:I dont think I can yet. I'm sitting with Z and H and I dont wanna come back in yet.

From Louis: Ok, Let me know when ur coming in tho so I can tell Ni. He wanted u back in before he fell asleep, but he cried himself t sleep.

To Louis: Omigosh. I'm so sorry. I'll come in with them soon.

From Louis: K

"Um, Niall wants us to come in. He is asleep now, but he wanted us in before he fell asleep. Can we go?" It wasn't what Louis had said, but he needed Zayn with him.

"Sure." They went in and Zayn and Harry gasped.


"Um......" Niall was in the bed still, looking paler and weaker than ever before. He opened his eyes and offered a faint smile.

"The doctor says I can eat tomorrow as long as I'm careful! Did ya hear that? I can EAT! No more fulids."

Yup! He was back. Love of food and all.

Sorry for the long wait. I hope is wasn't too horrid. Like I said, I had writers block with this, so I hope it was Ok!!

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