Louis broken leg

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For Niall232677Horan

Harry was out to dinner with his friend who was in town for the night. Louis was finishing some stuff up around the house while Niall and Liam were at the studio finishing recording their parts for their new album. Louis started putting their new amplifier on the shelf in their studio at home. It was heavier than he expected and it slipped out of his hands. It landed on the floor and fell over onto his leg. Louis fell down in surprise as shots of pain ran up his leg.

It hurt a lot. There was no way he could get up. Louis reached into his back pocket to grab his phone and realized he left it downstairs. Harry wouldn't be home for at least another hour or two and Niall and Liam wouldn't be home before then.

"Haz," Louis whimpered. His leg was surely broken and he couldn't get up. Louis sat up and tried to push the amplifier off of him but he couldn't. His hands were shaking so badly doing anything would be hard. All he could do was sit there and try not to think about how much it hurt.

Black dots started dancing through his vision and then everything was black as his upper body failed him and he fell back and passed out.

"Louis? Lou? Baby, wake up. Oh my gosh. Please wake up." Louis opened his eyes and saw Harry standing over him.


"Stay still baby. I'm gonna get this amplifier off of you." Louis nodded and Harry lifted the box onto the shelf. As soon as it was off of his leg, the pain intensified and Louis started crying. Harry turned around and picked him up.

"Harry," he cried. "It hurts."

"I know love. We are going to go to the hospital. You broke your leg."

"Why did you come home early?"

"You didn't answer your phone when I called three times. I got worried." Harry buckled him into the passenger's seat and got into the driver's. Louis put his head on the window and let the tears flow. It was Ok; Harry was going to make it better. He could make anything better.

Harry put his hand on Louis's knee and looked over at his love. He was crying. Harry let him be and he drove with one hand. He'd gotten really good at doing that. Louis didn't want to talk to anyone and Harry could see that.

They pulled up to the hospital and Harry picked Louis up again. There was no one in the waiting room, which was good. Harry signed him in and did all the papers that patients need to do. Before he was done, a doctor came in.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Louis looked up and the doctor motioned for him to come back with him. Harry lifted him into his arms and followed the doctor. "So, what happened?" The doctor asked as he closed the door.

"An amplifier fell off the shelf I was putting it on and it crushed my leg."

"I see, and how long ago was this?" Louis scrunched his forehead and looked to Harry. Harry looked at his watch and shrugged.

"Maybe 2 hours ago," Louis responded.

"So we are going to go get some x-rays done but from what I can tell, it's broken." Louis nodded and the doctor lifted him into a wheelchair and wheeled him out the door, leaving Harry in the room to wait.

30 minutes later, Louis came back into the room with a red cast from his knee to his toes. He was still in the wheelchair but he had crutches laid across his lap. The doctor was explaining when to come get the cast off and what to do until then. Harry just kept nodding and, when the doctor was done, he thanked him.

They checked out and Louis got out of the wheelchair and into the car. Crutches were tough, but Harry could help him.

The boys got home and Louis laid down on the couch. Liam and Niall came in a few minutes later and saw the crutches propped up against the wall.

"What happened while we were gone?" Niall asked.

"I broke my leg and went to the hospital."

"Poor Lou," Liam said, going over to cuddle him. Soon all 4 boys were laying together in silence, enjoying each other's presence.

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