Comeback Attack-Louis

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It's been a really busy week, or month rather. We've barely had time off and we've been running all over the place trying to finish up our comeback album and get everything ready for our big release. All of us have been so unbelievably stressed with so much pressure put on us to do it right, especially for the fans who have waited for so long for this. And, while it is exciting and I'm very ready for it, I'm nervous about how people will react and I haven't been sleeping because of it.

Since we finally finished everything today, I'm really looking forward to finally being able to sleep and not have to get up super early for recording and writing and meetings. I'm just sitting on mine and Harry's bed waiting for him to come up so that we can have a few minutes to ourselves before going and joining Niall and Liam in the kitchen for dinner.

"Lou? What are you doing up here love?" I hear Harry's voice as he leans on the side of the door frame. I take a deep breath and turn to face him, hoping that I don't look to desperate and confused.

"I just wanted to sit and talk with you for a few minutes before we went down for dinner. Is that ok?" Harry sighs and comes over to the bed and sits next to me.

"I have my last meeting with SYCO tonight, did you forget?" Oh right. That.

"Yeah I guess I did. I'm sorry I just..." Tears come to my eyes and I try to blink them away. "I know..." Harry sees my struggle and takes my hand, rubbing circles over my 28 tattoo and fingering my wedding band. "I've just been so stressed, we all have, that I forgot. I'm sorry."

I don't know why I'm so sad over this, I should be able to handle it, I'm almost 28. I take my hand that's not in Harry's and run it through my hair, pulling lightly in frustration.

"It's ok love. I'll be home late, though, so please don't wait up. Try and get some sleep, ok? I'll cuddle you when I get back," he says, kissing my forehead and standing up.

I stand up with him and wrap my arms around his waist. He turns in surprise but squeezes me tightly in a hug back. "Are you going to ask them about how much longer we have to hide this?" I ask. He knows what this means. Us. Him and me.

"Do you want me to? I thought you wanted to do it together?" I shrug, knowing that I'm in no mental state to ask them myself for fear of rejection. "Ok babes, I'll ask. I love you," he says with one last kiss to my lips. I watch him leave and my heart clenches. "Go hang out with Niall and Liam, love! I'll be back soon," I hear Harry yell over his shoulder.

After I hear him say bye to the others and the front door shuts, I run a hand over my face and look in the mirror, hoping I don't look too upset.

Liam and Niall have already made dinner and it's sitting on the table, while they are getting drinks out. I rub at the back of my neck and sit down with them, feeling bad that I didn't help out.

"Lou. It was our night to make dinner. You know that. It's ok. You weren't supposed to help," Liam says gently, reading my mind. Even after a while apart, we still know each other better than anything.

"Ok," I whisper, looking down at my plate and starting to eat. "Thank you." We make small talk until we are finished, and I take up the plates to do dishes, as it is the least I can do. Liam puts his hand on my arm as I'm at the sink washing up and I turn to look at him.

"What's wrong Lou?" he asks quietly. Niall is in the other room strumming his guitar, probably playing one of our new songs. He's really worried about forgetting them on stage, but he's never done that before so we all are sure that he is going to be fine. I remember that Liam is still standing there and waiting for my answer.

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