Louis sick

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Liam POV

I felt someone tugging on my bedspread early in the morning. I opened my eyes and saw Louis standing there. Harry is gone tonight so he must want to sleep here.

"Lou, what's wrong?"

"Sick." He covered his mouth with his hand and swallowed, hard.

"You're sick?" He nodded and coughed. I sat up now, totally alert. "Have you thrown up?"

"Feel like it." I walked him to our bathroom and sat on the tub. Louis sat on the floor in front of the toilet. After a few seconds of quiet, Louis's breathing got heavier and he started gripping the toilet seat.

"Hey, hey, relax." I sat behind him and bracketed his hips with my knees. "Come on Lou. Relax. Let it out and you'll feel better." He coughed twice and leaned over the toilet. I started rubbing his back and he gagged. "Take a deep breath." He took a shaky breath and then threw up. Sick dripped off of his lips and I wiped it off.

"I'm done," Louis said.

"You think you can go back to bed?"

"With you?"

"Sure. Niall is in my bed too, though."

"Ok. Your bed." He brushed his teeth and I led him out of the bathroom. After he was asleep, I grabbed a bucket and a Gatorade.

"Hey Li? Why is Lou in our bed?" Niall asked tiredly.

"He's sick baby." I had put Louis on my left and Niall on my right. Niall fell back asleep and I made sure Louis was asleep before falling asleep myself.

Louis woke me up around 6:30 saying that he was going to be sick. I got him into the bathroom and then Niall came in.

"Good morning baby. I can take care of Louis. Go back to bed."

"Are you sure? Because I can take care of him as well."

"I'm sure. You've been up a lot. Go sleep or something. I'll bring him back to our bed."

"Thanks." I kissed him quickly before going back to bed.

Niall POV

Louis was throwing up again and I had just sent Liam back to bed. Harry was supposed to get home around 10:15.

"Ni..." Louis whimpered as he threw up again. I crouched down close to him.

"Yea buddy?"

"This hurts," he cried. I hugged him and flushed the toilet with my other hand.

"Anything I can do?" Louis shook his head so I brought him back to our bed. He automatically curled into Liam's side and Liam wrapped his arm around him in his sleep.

I went downstairs to make breakfast for Liam and myself but I figured Louis wouldn't want it.

Harry POV

I had caught the early flight back home so I could surprise the boys early. It was 8:15 when I walked in and I knew something was wrong. Niall was actually awake and making breakfast.

"Harry!" Niall yelled then covered his mouth. "You're home!" he said quieter.

"I came to surprise you guys. Where are Lou and Li?"

"Upstairs asleep. Louis is sick. He's in our room." I sprinted upstairs and into Liam and Niall's room.

Louis was curled into Liam, who was awake. Liam smiled upon seeing me and I smiled back. I got into the bed on the other side of Louis and kissed his cheek.

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