Zayn Asthma

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Zayn had a very mild case of asthma, all of the band members knew. He had had only one attack in the 4 years of the band and it was when they were running track together. He could play footie and run, he could work out and horse around. It was no big deal when the boys wanted to play a game of football (soccer) on an off day.

"Mate, you gonna play?" Louis asked.

"No mate, you lads can play. I'll keep score."

"No, please play! Please?" Niall gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"No, I dont wanna."

"Please, please, please, please, please??!?!??!?!" Harry asked.

"Ok, fine." The real reason Zayn didnt want to play was it was spring, his asthma always got bad in the spring. He wasn't feeling well today anyway and he thought his asthma would act up during the game, so he had his emergancy inhaler.

Zayn joined them near the ball and they did teams. It was Niall, Liam, and Zayn versus Louis and Harry.

Ten minutes into playing, Zayn's chest got tighter and his breathing got faster and harsher. about half a minute later, he had collapsed and was struggling to breathe. Liam was by his side in a second.

"Ok, Z. Look at me. Where is your inhaler?" Liam was speaking calmly, but he was freaking out inside.

Zayn pointed to his pocket, he couldnt speak due to the lack of air. "P-p-p-p-poc-c-c-" he struggled.

"I know, I got it. It's Ok." Liam put a hand on Zayn's chest and looked for the inhaler. "It's not there."

"Drop-ped i-i-i-i-it." Zayn started coughing and wheezing. "H-h-h-h-h-hu-u-ur-r-r-rt." The boys ran to look for it.

"It's not there."

"I know, I'm going to drive you to the hospital. You'll be Ok. Lou, take Harry, Ni come with me." They ran to the cars and got in. Zayn in the back with Liam, Niall was driving. Liam had Zayn laying down and he was helping him take deep breaths. He had his hand on his chest and he was saying, "In, out, in, out. That's it baby. How much longer Niall?"

"2 miles! Hang in there."

"It's Ok Zayn, we'll be there in a minute." Zayn had resulted to silent wheezing and Liam knew that was a sign that he was getting worse. He could barely breath and he was shaking.

"Zayn, look at me. Can you hear me?" Zayn nodded weakly. "Ok, You've gotta keep trying. You cant let go. Stay with us, you cant stop fighting." Liam knew someone who had an asthma attack just like this, and they had died. He needed Zayn.

"We're here!" Niall called and Liam picked up a really limp Zayn and ran to the entrance.

"Name?" The lady didnt look up.

"Zayn Malik." Liam rushed.


"Asthma attack." The lady looked up.

"Oh my gosh! Go to room 203 right away. He has about 1 hour to hold on. Dont worry, a doctor will meet you in there."

"Thank you." Liam and Niall ran down the hallway and went inot room 203. There was already a doctor in there.

"Lay him on the bed." Liam obliged. "If you had been even a minute later, we wouldn't have been able to save him. What happened?" The doctor went to work on Zayn.

"We forced him to play footie and he got an asthma attack and he didnt have his inhaler." The doctor nodded and pumped an inhaler in Zayn's mouth a few times. They did a peak meter test, and by the looks on the doctors faces, it was not good.

"We are going to take him into ICU and do a small surgery on his respitory. He has about an hour before his respitory system fails him."


"Please go to the ICU waiting room."

The boys walked out and were met by Louis and Harry. Liam was already crying and Niall had his arms around his shoulders, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"We saw them running down the hall with Z. Where are the taking him?"

"ICU. He has to have a surgery on his respitory and they said he might not make it. We might've gotten him in too late."

Louis hugged Liam and then Niall and they went down to ICU. As they were sitting down, the intercom came on.

'Nurse Paige, Nurse Cassandra, and Doctor Knight: You are needed in ICU. We have an emergancy respitory surgery.'A paniced voice said.

"Is that-"


They sat in silence until 2 murses and a doctor ran by and entered ICU.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this," Liam whispered.

"It's my fault. I pushed him to play," Niall said quietly, crying.

"No mate, it's mine," Louis said. Harry still hadn't said anything, just sat there with tears going down his face.

"Hey, Hazza, you Ok?" Liam asked, putting a hand on his knees. Harry shook his head.

"Will Z be Ok?" Harry asked in a small voice. He reminded them how young he was compared to them.

"Of course babe." They sat in silence for another 30 minutes before a doctor came out, looking solemn.


"Here." The doctor walked over to them. "He's out of surgery, but very unstable. An attack like this usually kills people 30 minutes in. He held on for 45 and he will be fine. You may go see he at 5:30." The doctor walked away. It was 5:20.

"That's a relief!" Liam hugged Niall and Louis hugged Harry. At 5:30, they walked into Zayn's room and stopped in their tracks. Zayn was pale, hooked up to a million machines, eyes closed, chest barely rising with each breath.

"Is that-?"

"Yeah. It is. Zayn? Buddy? You hear me?" Liam walked closer to him. Zayn's eyes slowly opened and he smiled.

"Imma be fine," he whispered, hugging Liam. "Just please dont ever force me to play footie again." His voice was raspy and quiet.

"We wont."

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