Sick/Hurt Niall

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The boys were on tour and they had just finished their concert in Washington DC! They were all really excited and hyped from the concert still and it was 12:50. They were lying around on the bus talking and playing FIFA on the XBOX. Niall was on the couch, asleep, Liam was watching Louis and Harry play. Zayn was on the floor lying on his stomach.

"Hey! REF!!!!! Give him a red card! That's dirty play!" Louis screamed. He woke Niall up and Niall looked around tiredly.


"Go back to sleep, babe. Louis just got mad at the refs. It's fine," Liam said. Niall nodded and let his head fall back into Liams lap. Usually, Niall was the hyper one after concerts. Now he was just laying there with Liam, totally exhausted.

"Lads," Liam said when Niall was asleep again, "does Niall seem off? He is never this tired after concerts." Louis and Harry paused their game and looked at the blonde boy.

"Well, now that ya say it, yeah. Is he getting sick?"

"I dont know." Liam put his hand on Niall's forehead. It was scorching hot. "Ok, yeah, he's sick. Or just really hot."

"Here, check with the thermometer." Zayn threw the thermometer at him. It was always on the table.

"Thanks Z." Liam carefully put it under Niall's arm and waited with the rest of the boys. "103.1." Zayn's mouth dropped open.

"Mate, that's high."

"Yeah Liam, that's pretty bad."

"Yeah, but what can we do?" Harry asked.

"Fever reducer? Do we have any left?" Liam suggested.

"Yeah, I'll go look." Louis dropped his controller and went to find some meds.

"Maybe we should wake him up and ask for all of his symptoms," Zayn said, shrugging.

"Yeah, Ok." Liam gently shook him awake.

"What?" Niall mumbled, not opening his eyes.

"Babe, look at me." Niall opened his eyes a little. "You have a fever, how long have you felt like this?"

"All of today." Niall closed his eyes again. Liam pulled the blanket off of him and his eyes snaped open. "H-H-H-Hey! I'm c-c-c-c-c-c-cold."

"Sorry bud, but you have a fever of 103.1."

"So? I'm c-o-l-d." Liam pulled him up into a sitting position and wrapped his arms around him. Niall snuggled into Liam, enjoying his warmth. The sick boy laid his head on the older boy's shoulder and fell asleep again.

Louis came back soon with some liquid medicine and a cup for it. "I found fever reducer. What else does he need?"

"Thanks Lou, and I dont know."

"I'll ask him." Louis knelt in front of where Niall was on the couch and rubbed his knee. "Ni-Bear. Wake up. I gotta ask you some things. Come on buddy."

"Loueee! Stop. I just feel sick. Sto-o-o-o-op." Niall opened his eyes and gave Louis sad puppy dog eyes.

"Well, yeah. What exactly is wrong buddy?"

"My head, my tummy, my throat, it all hurts."

"Ok, mate. Now that we know what's wrong, take this medicine please and tell us if you feel any worse." Liam handed him the cup of medicine and he took it without complaining. Liam raised his eyebrows and kissed Niall's forehead.

"Go back to sleep baby. I gotcha." Liam let Niall lay his head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around the younger boy.

"'Night Liam."

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