Zayn Disease

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For _Bree_XXL

I hadn't felt well for a while, but I never told anyone. I was the totally strong, cool with anything band member. I didn't need Liam worrying over me or anything like that. So I sucked it up and sang, did interviews, and smiled for photoshoots. The boys didn't ask and I wasn't gonna tell them.

Harry was around me so much because well, we were a thing, but he never asked either. It was all very weird.

We finally had a week off, so I went to the doctor. I was sitting in the waiting room and texting the boys, but not telling them where I was. My snapback was my only "disguise" for the time being. The only other person in the waiting room was a teenage girl, but she was being surprisingly cool. She must realize that I'm in a lot of pain.

"Zayn Malik?" a nurse says, reading off her clipboard. She looks up as I stand slowly. The pain has gotten worse recently. "Right this way hon." She leads me to a room with a four on the door and we go in. I sit on the crinkly paper bed. "I'm going to just take your blood pressure and then do weight and height, Ok?"

"Sure." It's hard to keep my voice steady without showing pain. I concentrate on the wall in front of me as she wraps the cuff around my arm and it squeezes tighter.

"Hmm, little bit low," she mutters to herself, writing it down. She then has me stand up, watching me stumble as I walk over to the scale. "Just a little more standing and then you can lay down." I nod as she weighs me and writes down my height.

"Thank you," I mumble as I get to sit down.

"No problem hon. Dr. Hutson will be in shortly. Feel free to lay down." I smile and lay down. Liam texts me and sees if I want to come over tonight. I text him yes and then I wonder if I will be too sick to. I'll have to see.

Dr. Hutson knocks on the door and I sit up just as he opens the door. He smiles at me, which I return, and he sits down on the stool.

"Hello Zayn. How are you doing today?"

"I've been better. And you?"

"I'm very good, thank you. Now what's the problem?" He pulls up my records on his computer and reads through them quickly.

"Um, well I've been feeling really ill lately. It's been so bad that I've almost passed out."

"Hmm, what does it feel like when you feel ill?" Dr. Hutson asks, pausing to look at me.

"Well, it feels like someone is digging a knife into my left and right stomach all the time. I feel full after eating a small snack or something. Ah, um..."

"Your nurse has here that you have lost 20 pounds since the last time we saw you, which was about 4 months ago. Have you been trying to lose weight?" I stared at him when he said that. I had felt like I was skinnier, but I wasn't trying to lose weight. I didn't think anything about it, just thinking I was getting into better shape.

"I haven't been trying."

"Have you been eating normally?" he asks.

"Not really. I'm not hungry anymore."

"Any thing else hurting or bothering you that I should know of?" He takes off his glasses and looks at me.

"I'm tired a lot, I guess. And, um, this week I've started throwing up at least twice a day. But I don't eat and I still throw up." Dr. Hutson was nodding.

"Can you lay down and take off your shirt for me?" I nodded and did what he said. I was tired all of a sudden again and I just wanted to sleep. My eyes started to close until Dr. Hutson pushed on my stomach and it exploded in pain.

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