Hurt and Sick Niall

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NIall and Liam were horsing around before the concert  that night when Liam fell on Niall's foot, causing him to scream out in pain. Liam got up fast.

"You Ok? I'm so sorry." Liam helped him up and over to the couch in the dressing room.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a little shock when you landed on my foot. I'm fine." Niall stood up to prove it, but wobbled a little and fell into Liam's arms.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, just a little post fall dizziness. Lets go do the concert, huh Liam?"

"Sure, come on, I'll help you until you are less dizzy." Liam was pretty sure he had hurt Niall, but he was going to wait for Niall to admit it.

When they went to their places on the stage, Niall and Liam were close, only a few steps apart, but it was hard for Niall to get there. He didnt want the fans to think he was hurt, so he pushed Liam's arm from around his waist and limped to his spot. Louis looked at Liam and raised his eyebrows. Liam shrugged and sighed, Louis had noticed, meaning Niall was NOT getting out of this.

During Dont Forget Where You Belong, Niall stood up from the steps he was sitting on because all of them were going to the middle. He swayed and caught himself on Liam, who was walking by.

"You good?" Liam asked, covering his microphone with his hand.

"Yeah, dizzy. but good. My foot hurts. Help me please?"

"Ok, I was wondering when you were going to tell me, lets go." Liam put his arm around Niall's waist and helped him down the steps.

Louis saw what was happening and went over to help Liam and Niall. "Nialler, you feeling alright? You look a litlle pale."

"My foot hurts. A lot."

"We only have one more song, you think you can make it?"

"Yeah, I'm not going to let the fans down."

"Ok, come on. We should go join the lads now." They helped the hurt boy to the others and finished off the concert.

In their dressing rooms, Niall took off his shoes to change and looked at his ankle. "LIAM!! Come here! I need you," Niall cried, from pain and from stress.

"What is it Nialler? OH MY GOSH!" Liam looked at his ankle and teared up. "I did that to you?" Niall's ankle and the area around it was black and blue, swollen to 3x the size it is usually.

"It hurts. It hurts and my stomach hurts and head." Liam worried that Niall was getting sick as well as being hurt.

"Baby, come on, let's get you home and we can put ice on it. Ok? I can carry you."

"Ok." Niall tried to get up from the couch and screamed out when his foot touched the ground. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Niall started crying. Liam picked him up and cradled him to his chest.

"It's going to be alright. I promise babe. I promise. It will be Ok. Shhh, shhh. I gotcha. You're Ok, we're going home."

"It h-h-h-h-hurts," Niall hiccupped.

"I know. I know. It will be Ok." Liam got the others and they went to the van. Niall fell asleep on the ride back to their flat, luckily the concert was in their hometown. Once Niall was surely asleep, Louis and Zayn started firing questions at Liam.

"Yeah, he says he's fine, but I dont believe him. He cant stand and he cried a lot in there. I'm worried about him. He says his stomach hurts and his head."

"He will be fine. I promise, Li," Louis said, funny that those were the words he had been saying to Niall.


When they got home, Liam lifted Niall out of the van and Niall opened his eyes. He looked up at Liam and then promptly threw up on both of their shirts and a little on his pants.

"Nialler! Are you Ok?" Harry asked.

"No! I dont feel well! I'm so sorry Liam!"

"Shh, it's fine. I'm not mad. Why dont we go inside, take showers, change, and watch a film? Huh?"

"Yeah, Ok." The boys ran a bath for him, put him in, and they left. Liam was the only one who stayed. After a little bit, Liam took the bar of soap in his hand and washed Niall's chest off, then he washed his arms, legs, and feet. Next, he washed his hair, applying light pressure hoping to ease his headache.

"Ni, I'm going to wash your face now, be careful." Niall opened his eyes and looked into Liam's.

"'K." He closed his eyes again and let Liam's fingers graze over his face lovingly. Liam rinsed him off and kissed his cheek.

"I'm done babe. Come on. I've got a towel and your clothes.

"Ok, thanks Liam."

"No problem baby. Come on, lets get you changed." Liam lifted Niall out of the tub and carried him to the bed.

"Liam, dont want to be a bother, but can we cuddle while we are watching the film?"

"Sure Nialler, you are never a bother. I love you."

"I love you too." Liam took a quick shower and then brought Niall downstairs.

During the movie, Niall started to whimper. "Liam? I have to go to the bathroom. Please help me?"

Liam sighed, forgetting Niall couldnt even go to the bathroom by himself. "Sure, come on." Liam helped him to the bathroom, thinking he had to go to the bathroom. As soon as they were in there, Niall screamed.

"I'm not going to make it!"

'Great," Liam thought. 'Niall's going to wet himself and we are going to have to bathe him again.' That wasnt the case. Niall leaned forward, careful not to get it on himself or Liam, and threw up again.


"No baby, I'm sorry. I thought you had to go to the bathroom, not throw up."

"I did have to go to the bathroom, I just threw up first. Can I go now?"

"Yeah, I'll clean this up." He helped Niall sit on the toilet and looked away while Niall went to the bathroom.

"Ok, I'm done." This was so AWKWARD! Liam helped him up and out the boys. He went back to clean up the mess and brought a bucket back this time.

"Liam, you Ok with this? We can help him too, ya know."

"I'm good. Thanks though. I hope he gets better soon, I hate to see Nialler like this."

"So do we," Louis said, speaking for everyone.

Niall went to the doctors the next day and it turns out that he broke his foot and also had the stomach flu. A few days later, he was better at using crutces and could go to the bathroom without Liam, to say the least.

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