Sick/Hurt Niall Part 2

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Niall finally woke up at 9:30, only to find that Liam had left. His head hurt terribly and his arm was throbbing. He couldn't see straight and he kept wobbling, like he was about to pass out. He was trying to get out of his bunk, but he couldn't even sit up for very long. Crying with frustration, he let out a heartbreaking sob for Liam.

Liam was there in seconds. "Niall, baby, what's wrong? Does your wrist hurt?" Liam sat down beside his head and pushed his bangs away, wiping away the tears.

"Everything hurts!" he cried, trying to find Liam's hand to hold. Liam brought their hands together and ran his thumb over the back of Niall's hand.

"Shh, shh, it'll be Ok. I promise. Just calm down and then we'll talk." Liam kept saying sweet nothings until Niall was calmed down enough to speak.

"I woke up and you were gone, and then my head hurts, my arm is throbbing, and I couldn't see straight. I just wanted you so bad and everything hurt. I am hungry but I don't want to eat," Niall said, looking up at Liam.

"Well, I'll help you up, and then we can try some toast. Ok?"


"Oh, and Haz called the doctor and he is going to come by when we stop tonight."

"Ok," Niall said, too tired to give a crap.

Liam helped Niall sit up and then he put Niall's good arm around his shoulder, looped Niall's legs over his arms, and lifted him up. Niall ended up burying his face in his chest and resting his hurt arm on Liam's hard chest.

"Lads, Niall isn't well. He doesn't feel very good. I'm gonna make some toast for him and then we might watch a film. You want to join us?"

"Sure," Louis said, walking up to Niall. "Hey Nialler. How you doing buddy?" he asked softly.

"Fine. Everything hurts, but I'm fine." Louis looked at Liam and raised his eyebrows. Liam shurgged and inclined his head toward the boy in his arms.

"I'll make the toast, mate. Go sit with Nialler," Harry said.

"Thanks Hazza." Liam smiled and brought Niall to the couches. Niall gave Liam a sad smile and closed his eyes again. He hadn't thrown up in a really long time, so Liam figured he was done with that.

"Hey Liam?" Niall's small voice piped up.

"What buddy?"

"Thanks for sleeping with me last night. I know it probably wasnt very comfortable for you, but it actually helped me a lot. I woke up a lot at night, scared or hurting; but when I looked at you, I remembered that you love me and that that will always be enough for me."

"Thanks Nialler, I actually slept pretty well. I mean, now my neck hurts, but it's fine." Liam kissed Niall and went to put in the film.

About 5 minutes later, everyone was sitting together, watching Finding Nemo, and Niall was eating his toast.

When the film was over, they were almost at the stop. Niall was asleep on Louis and Liam, Harry and Zayn were playing FIFA with the sound off.

Paul texted Harry about 10 minutes later.

From Paul: Stop in 5 minutes, get ready to rush Niall into the office. I explained his wrist problem to the Doc and he said that it is sounding pretty serious.

To Paul: K thnz. I'll tell the lads.

"Lads, Paul just texted and he says to get Ni ready to get into the doctors office because we are about 7 minutes away."

"Ok, I'll go get him a change of clothes and we will wake him soon."

"Ok, sounds good. But I'll go get the clothes cause you and Lou are sitting with our little Nialler." Zayn got up to get the change.

He came back and handed the sweatpants and t-shirt to Liam.

"Thanks mate. Hey Ni, wake up babe." Liam and Louis helepd Niall sit up and then they woke him up.

"Why am I up?"

"Because we are stopping in a minute. Can you get dressed for me?"

"Yeah, but can you help me? Since I can only used one arm, ya know?"

"Of course, let's go back to the bunks so you can change."

"No, we can leave. I'll go make lunch," Harry said and the others followed him out. Liam pulled Niall's shirt off, carefully avoiding his arm, and helped him change into the Dri-Fit loose workout shirt and the sweatpants.

They got to the doctors and they took some x-rays.

Turns out, his arm was broken and he would have to wear the cast for 4 weeks. He walked out with a green cast on his arm from his palm to his elbow.

They got back to the tour bus and Niall headed straight for his bunk. Liam followed.

"Baby, what''s wrong?" Liam sat down next to the crying boy.

"I let you lads down. I wont be able to play the guitar as well. We have 22 concerts in these 4 weeks. I will have to be super careful."

"Nialler, it's Ok. I'm not mad. And at least it's not your left arm. At least you will still be able to play chords."

"Yeah, I guess." He grabbed his guitar and strummed a couple chords and sang from the heart.

"See, you are still great. I promise."

"Thanks Liam. I guess we all are going to be Ok after all."

That's the end! I hope you like it! PS, did anyone see me referance to Florida Georgia Line's 'Cruise'? Try and find it!!!! xxx Comment and request please!

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