Scared to go to the doctor Louis

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"LOUIS!" Harry screamed. "You are really sick! I am taking you to the doctors." Louis had been throwing up for the past three days and he had a high fever.

"NO! You cant make me! I dont wanna!" Louis screamed, crying on the couch. Liam was holding him down and pushing his bangs out of the way.

"Come on Lou, you know you should."

"I know, but I am scared, I hate the doctors."

"I know you do, Louis. But you have to listen to Haz and Liam," Zayn said.

Louis buried his head into Liam and cried harder. He hiccupped and burped. Liam knew what was coming, he lifted Louis off of his chest and put the bucket in front of him. Louis threw up a couple times before wiping his mouth off and burping again.

"Louis, we are going to the doctor." Liam picked him up and carried him to the car, even though he was kicking at him and punching him in the face.

"Ow! Lou! Stop! That hurts!" Liam put him in the car and buckled him in.

"Sorry! I dont want to go!" The rest of the boys piled into Liam's car.

"Liam, do you want me to drive? You dont look to hot," Niall offered.

"I'm fine." Liam looked at himself in the rearview mirror and cringed. He had a forming black eye, bruises on his jawbones and under his eyes, and his left eye was swollen shut.

"You sure?"

"No, can you drive?"

"Yeah, you look like you just got into a major fight." Niall slid into the drivers seat and Liam got into the passenger seat.

"I'm sorry Liam," Louis whispered.

"It's Ok."

They got to the doctors. Along with Louis, they also took Liam back to try and treat his bruises.

Harry and Zayn went with Louis and Niall went with Liam.

After the doctors, Louis had antibiotics and Liam had some cream for his face. Louis was better in a few days and back to his totally crazy self.

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