Niall Loses His Voice

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Sorry if this is really bad @R5lover4everandever 

I tried

They were at the studio for the 5th day in a row. Niall was singing, but his throat hurt a lot.

"Katie!" he said to their studio manager. "I need to stop."

"Just finish this last song and then you will be done, Ok?"

Niall nodded and finished singing Fireproof. "Maybe we're firepr-"Niall's voice faded out and then was completely gone. His eyes filled with tears and he ran out of the booth. Liam came towards him with a confused look on his face.

"What happened?" Niall shook his head and went over to Louis. He sat on his lap and put his head on his shoulder. Louis rubbed his back as tears streamed down the blonde's face. Louis shot Katie a questioning look.

"Lost his voice," she whispered. Louis frowned.

"Hey, baby, can you look at me?" Niall lifted his tear-stained face. "There you go. Did you lose your voice babe?" Louis asked gently. Niall nodded and put his head back down. Louis understood and rubbed his back again. Liam came over and sat next for them.

"How is he?"

"I don't know. He seems tired. Are you tired Ni?" Niall nodded his head from where it was on Louis's shoulder. "Go to sleep then, I'll wake you when we are ready to leave." Zayn was recording and then they could leave. Harry came back in from being on the phone with his mum and kneeled on the floor in front of Louis.

"What happened?"

"Lost his voice." Niall was asleep now; he had handfuls of Louis's shirt clenched in his fist. He was breathing shallowly and nuzzling his face into Louis's neck in his sleep.

"He is adorable when he is asleep," Zayn said, coming out of the booth. Louis frowned while nodding.

"I have to wake him up. I told him I'd wake him up when we were gonna leave."

"You could carry him. He's not that heavy," Liam said. "I can ride in your car and drive and then Zayn and Harry can take my car."

"Ok. Thanks Liam." Louis carefully stood up with Niall in his arms. Niall shifted a little but didn't wake up. "Wait," Louis said. The boys turned to look at him. "The paps." Everyone groaned. Lately, the paparazzi had been coming to the studio along with some dedicated fans and they tried to get pictures. They couldn't see Louis carrying Niall or else a bunch of rumors would start.

"I'll call Paul." Zayn pulled out his phone and called their manager. "Hey Paul. Are there paps outside?" Zayn groaned and sarcastically said, "Great... Ok, well Niall lost his voice and is really drained. He is asleep and Louis is carrying him... Yeah, ok bye." He turned to the boys and shook his head. "A bunch of paps outside. We either wake Niall up or wait here until he does wake up. Either way, it's gonna be rough getting through. Paul wants us to come now and just wake him up. Then we can all hang at our flat the rest of the day." Louis nodded and sat back down on the couch.

"Ni, baby, you've gotta wake up." One of his eyes slowly opened. "There you go, that's it. Come on, we need to go. There are paps, stay close to me baby and it will be fine." Niall hated the paps. They always got to close and made him claustrophobic.

"Understand?" Liam asked Niall. Niall nodded and stood up with Louis. He grabbed his hand and they started walking towards the door. "Um, guys, you can't do that out there."

"Oh yea," Louis said, dropping Niall's hand. They walked out and were greeted by about 1000 cameras. Paul was right in front of them and Zayn was in the back. Niall was in the middle, close to crying. They were rushed to the cars and Niall's tears spilled over his pale cheeks. Louis sat in the back with him while Liam started driving.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Do you feel all right? Did someone touch you?" Louis asked. Niall tried to speak but couldn't. He pulled out his phone and texted Louis feel bad and hurt.

Louis scooted to the middle seat and hugged his boyfriend. "It's gonna be Ok. We can give you throat relaxers at home." Louis held him until he fell asleep.

That night, everyone was watching a movie when Niall started coughing. Louis thumped his back but he kept hacking.

"Go get water, Haz." Harry ran and got water for Niall. He couldn't stop coughing for air. It was scaring the boys. Liam had left to go find his inhaler, but he hadn't returned.

"Here is the inhaler." Liam threw it to Louis, who caught it and held it in from of Niall.

"I have your inhaler. Open your mouth and we will try to get this to work." Niall opened as much as he could while coughing and Louis stuck the inhaler in and pushed the top down. He did it again and then pulled it away. Niall's coughing had let up a bit. A bit of blood splattered out of his mouth and onto the floor in front of him. Louis did the inhaler again and then Niall stopped coughing. He was shaking all over and short of breath.

"You Ok now?" Zayn asked carefully. Niall nodded and drank the water. Liam was cleaning up the blood on the floor.

"What brought that on do you think?" Harry asked.

Louis's phone buzzed. I think I'm actually sick as well. I don't feel good. Louis patted Niall's knee and told the boys he didn't feel well.

They went upstairs for the night. Once they were alone in their room, Niall broke down for the third time that day. It was the worst one of the day though. He was sobbing. Louis hugged him and talked to him until he was calmed down a little.

"Do you feel bad?" Niall nodded. Let everyone down by losing my voice. He texted. Tears started coming again and Louis understood finally. "Look, it happens to everyone. You went as hard as you could and gave everything you could to finish the song. You didn't let anyone down and it's certainly not your fault. Don't tell yourself it is." Niall held onto Louis until he fell asleep.

Louis's words echoed in his head 'it's not your fault'. He would certainly try to start singing again as soon as he could.

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