Liam Hurt Without Telling Anyone

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for XxBenjixX

I love performing and living with the lads. I really do. Sometimes I think we take goofing off a bit too far sometimes. The other day Niall almost got hurt when we were having a water fight. I'm just scared someone will really get hurt and we wont know how to fix it.

"Niall!!!!" Louis screams throughout the house. I roll my eyes and look at the clock. 6:43. And Niall probably woke Louis up some unpleasant way. I hear laughing and then just put my pillow over my head to fall back asleep. I eventually just give up lie on the bed with my arms spread out wide.

I must doze off because the next thing I know; Niall is jumping onto the bed. I try to move my arm out in time but I don't and he jumps and lands right on my wrist.

"Dammit Ni," I groan. He gets off the bed quickly and pulls back the covers.

"I didn't know your arm was under the covers!" I sit up, careful of my arm that has started the throb.

"No no it's fine it doesn't hurt. Just shocked me a bit." He nods and gets up to leave.

"Get dressed we are leaving for the interview soon," he says quietly. I get up and pull on some skinny jeans, with a bit of difficulty from not using my left arm, and get a long sleeve shirt. My wrist is swelling but the shirt will hide it.

When I go downstairs, Zayn hands me toast and I eat it, downing Advil on the way out.

All I can think about during the interview prep is the pain in my arm. I thought I was ok, and the boys don't know, so I'll just play it off. At least until the concert tomorrow night.

My arm has only gotten worse as far as I can tell. I tried to get some ice on it last night but Niall came into my room and stayed talking for a while so I couldn't get anything to make it better. And I'm surely not going to tell anyone because they don't need to be worrying about me. I can handle this.

Usually I try to not wear long sleeve shirts at concerts because it gets so hot with all the lights and moving. But I really am trying to hide my wrist from the boys and from the wardrobe ladies. It is pretty swollen compared to my other arm and it is a nasty color of purple and blue. I should probably try and see a doctor tomorrow, if we have time.

"Hey Liam?" Zayn pokes his head into the dressing room where I'm supposed to be putting on a shirt that I was given. I'm still in my long sleeves, just holding the short sleeved shirt in my hands. "What's wrong? Why haven't you changed?" He comes in and closes the door. I shrug. "Well you're the only one that still has to go to Lou and do hair... do you want to change after that?"

"I really don't want to wear short sleeves," I mumble. He looks at my shirt in surprise.

"Why not Li?" I stand up and hand him the shirt.

"I'm going to go to get my hair done. Can you grab a flannel or long sleeved shirt or hoodie for me please?" I avoid the question and walk past him.

"Of course. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks Zayn."

During the concert it's hot, but I don't roll up my sleeves. I mostly am using the mike that's attached to my head behind my ear so I don't have to hold anything. Then we start to answer fan questions.

Louis hands me a mike and I grab it with my bad hand by accident. I wince and drop it, the extra weight hurts too much. It hits the ground and gives off a loud screeching noise.

"Mate? What was that?" Niall asks into my ear. I shrug and pick it up with my other hand. I see Zayn and Niall exchange a look over my head as I stand back up.

"Sorry about that," I say into the mic. Louis gives me a confused look and I give him a thumbs up. I can't hold anything. I inch my sleeve up a little bit so I can see my wrist. It looks even worse.

"Liam? Liam!" someone is saying. I look over and see Harry staring at me. He's not quite focused. Then I can't see him at all. It's all black.

I wake up in a hospital bed. There are at least two doctors around me. I see them coming towards me with a needle and then everything is black for the second time.

"Mate?" Niall is saying. I open my eyes and find myself staring at Niall's bottomless blue eyes. I'm on the tour bus. "Good you're awake." He sits back and rubs at the back of his neck.

"What happened?" I ask, pushing myself into a sitting position, only to find that my wrist has a splint on it.

"Well you passed out during the show," Louis says, standing up from his bunk. "We took you to the hospital and they said you were overheated. Probably from wearing the shirt. And then they took off your shirt. You broke your wrist Li. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know," I mumble. Zayn comes and sits next to me.

"You woke up in the hospital but then they had to give you drugs to knock you out to set the bone. We thought you were awake when we left but then you weren't. It's been two hours since we got you back to the bus." I sigh and lean into Zayn's side. He rubs my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I say. He shrugs it off.

"It's really ok. We are just sorry you felt like you couldn't tell us." I really don't know what to say. I'm embarrassed and on top of that I'm in pain from my wrist. Then I realize I'm really cold.

"Can I have a blanket?" I ask quietly. Louis smiles at me sadly.

"Sorry Li, the doctors said nothing on you other than clothes for the next 12 hours. We can come sit with you though." I nod and Louis and Niall join us on the couch.

"Where is Harry?" I ask as Niall hugs me.

"He's asleep. It's 3 am," Zayn whispers the last part. I groan and put my head on Louis's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I kept you up so late." He holds me tighter around my shoulders.

"It's ok. Being part of a family means being there for each other."

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