Niall sick and only wants Liam

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Niall's POV

"Great job on the concert guys!" Paul said once we were off the stage. Everyone said thanks and then we all went to go get changed.

"Hey Nialler," Liam said. I turned around tiredly. I'd had a headache all day and the pounding bass didn't help. "You Ok?"

"Um, yea. I'll be fine. Let me go change out of these clothes and I'll meet you back on the bus." Luckily, Liam nodded and smiled. He believed my story and now I was off the hook for at least 15 minutes.

After changing, Harry and I went back to the bus together. Louis was going to wait for Liam and then they would join us and the bus would leave for our next concert venue. Harry and I went into the room where the TV was and we started playing NBA 2K15. I was the Cavs and Haz was the Warriors.

"Hey Niall, hey Harry," Louis said as he and Liam walked in.

"Hey," Harry said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Lou, can you finish the game for me? I'm going to go to bed." Louis nodded and took my controller. Liam walked back with me and sat down on the edge of my bed as I undressed.

"Why are you going to bed?" Liam asked me.

"Um, it's 1:25 am and I'm tired." He nodded and I sat down next to him. Liam was on the set of bunks across from me and he was on the top. "You going to bed?"

"Yeah, I think we all probably will. Goodnight Nialler."

"Goodnight Liam. Great job tonight." He smiled and pulled off his shirt.

"You too." I fell asleep soon after that.

Only 3 hours later, I was awake and laying in my bed, cursing my stomach for waking me up. I really wanted Liam to come down and cuddle with me and tell me everything was Ok and that I would be fine. But he was asleep, and on the top bunk.

"Liam, Li, Liam," I whispered. The sound of my own voice made me gag and I threw up all over my bed. Louis woke up and came over to me.

"Ni, you sick buddy?" I nodded and leaned over to throw up again. Louis picked me up and brought me to the bathroom before I got sick all over the floor of the bus.

Once I was done being sick, Louis let me lean back on him. "Are you Ok?" he whispered. His cold lips brushed my ear and I shivered.

"Can you go get Liam?"

"He's asleep." Louis ran his hand through my hair and let his other hand rest around my waist, holding me up.

"Can you go wake him up?" I felt my eyes fill with tears as Louis shrugged.

"I don't know." He must've seen my tears because he quickly nodded. "I'll go wake him up. Do you want to come?" I nodded and he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed. It still had the dirty sheets on it as no one had changed it yet, so Lou sat me on his bed.

"Liam, wake up. Niall's sick. He needs you," I heard Louis say.

Liam's POV

I heard Louis trying to wake me up but I didn't want to get up. "Niall's sick. He needs you," he said. Upon hearing this, my eyes opened and I sat up.

"What's wrong with Ni?" I asked.

"Liam," I heard Niall cry from below me. Louis let me get off my bed and I went over to Niall.

"Hey bud. Are you not feeling well?" He shook his head sadly. He was really pale and shaky. "Are you cold, Niall?" He nodded and I went over and grabbed one of my sweatshirts. I took Niall into my lap and put the hoodie over his head. Louis was changing Niall's sheets, meaning he must've thrown up on them.

"How long has he been up?" I asked Louis.

"I dunno. I've been up with him for only about 30 minutes." Niall suddenly got heavier in my arms and I realized he fell asleep with his ear over my heart. He loves to hear our heartbeats, it's strange but oh well.

"I'm gonna sleep with him. Goodnight Louis."

"Goodnight. Wake me if you need something for him." I nodded and put Niall in his bunk. His eyes opened a little and he looked at me.

"I'm sleeping with you, don't worry." I smiled; he is so adorable when he is sick. Niall turned into me and put his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and fell asleep.

Not 45 minutes later, we were in the bathroom as Niall threw up. Once he was done, I pulled him into my lap.

"Hey, you want a bath? You might feel better."

"Sure," he rasped. Together we got his clothes off and I got him into the tub. "Thanks Liam."

"No problem. So what hurts the most?" I asked as I grabbed the bar of soap and dimmed the lights.

"My stomach and head. My muscles also hurt a bit." He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

"Now Niall, I can't have you falling asleep." I reached out and cupped his cheek with my hand. He sighed and opened his eyes. "Thank you honey." I started to wash his hair and his eyes closed again. I wasn't too worried because he needed them closed anyway.

After he was washed, I let him sit there for a few minutes before draining the tub and lifting him out. I wrapped Niall in a towel and sat him in my lap, letting him fall asleep a bit. His head lolled back and touched my shoulder.

I went out and got him dressed in sweatpants and then he woke up. "It's 6:39, do you want to just go out to the couch and watch a film or something?" He nodded and I set him down on the couch.

Niall POV

Liam put me on the couch and I was all of a sudden really cold. I shivered and whimpered, wanting Liam to come back. Liam heard and turned around.

"What's wrong baby?" He put in Finding Nemo and then came over to the couch.

"I'm cold." He nodded and left the room. I started to cry, I don't even know why I'm crying; everything just hurts.

"Niall??!?!?!" Liam's voice made me jump. His strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me into his lap. "Calm down. You're going to make yourself sick." I took a deep breath just as I gagged. This sucks. I didn't get sick again though.

"Come on, lay down here." I pulled on Liam's sweatshirt and laid down in front of him. He spooned me and I took another deep breath, inhaling his scent.

Feeling his arms around me made me feel safe. No matter what happened, I knew he would keep me safe.

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