Liam Seizures

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For tate_13

I've done some research on this and think all of my facts are generally correct but if they're not I apologize!! (And I think theres a part 2 to follow- haven't decided)

Liam had been incredibly slow around the house lately, not helping out with the dishes or cleaning like he normally did. The boys were all starting to get annoyed, especially Louis. So, when Louis went to wake him up after he slept through cleaning up breakfast for the third day in a row, he was not happy.

"Liam! Get your ass up right now!" Louis yelled, walking into his room and pulling off his covers. Liam groaned and reached out for his blanket without opening his eyes, which Louis held out of reach.

"Lou, please. I don't feel well," Liam mumbled.

"I swear to God, Liam. You've been lazy the past five days and I'm not buying the sick act. We have a meeting in 3 hours you must be at. Get ready." Louis threw the blanket onto the ground and walked out without letting Liam say another word. Once he was gone, Liam pushed his head into the pillow and groaned again.

He felt bad, not only did he actually feel sick but he knew he hadn't been helping out like normal and he felt bad about it. He'd been dealing with it fine other than general tiredness until last night. Now, he had chills and back pain, the small amount of light coming through the door from where Louis had stalked out was hurting his eyes way too much to be normal, and he was certain if he moved he would throw up everywhere.

Liam threw his arm over his eyes in an attempt to block out the light and go back to sleep- he was so tired despite being awake for less than 10 minutes. His luck was out though, with Niall coming into his room seconds later.

"Liam?" he whispered. Liam was grateful he was benign considerate.

"Hey Ni," Liam said, muffled by his arm.

"You know we have a meeting we have to leave for kind of soon, right?" Niall sat on the edge of the bed and tried to look at Liam's face.

"I know. I really don't think I can go. I feel really sick." He turned onto his side and looked up at Niall, bunching the sheet in his fists.

"Liam, I don't know what's going on with you but you really need to snap out of it. We have a lot of work to get done at this meeting and you have to go. I know you don't want to do work of any kind lately but this is important." Niall rubbed the side of his face like he always did when he felt bad about something.

Liam bit his bottom lip and tried to fight off tears. He felt genuinely awful. "Ok," he whispered, not knowing if he could be louder.

"Can you get ready soon? Louis is getting pretty impatient out there that you haven't come out." Niall stood up, only to have Liam grab his hand and make him turn around.

"I really think I might throw up, Ni." Niall sighed.

"If you think so then just do it, but you can't get out of the meeting because you're just not feeling like working Liam. I'm sorry. Get dressed." Niall left with the same words that Louis did and Liam knew he had no choice left but to go to the meeting. He knew enough about sicknesses to realize this was something out of the ordinary, but that the boys wouldn't believe him at all unless he tried to get some work done. So, he pulled himself to sit up, took a moment, and then started to move towards getting dressed.

By the time Liam was ready, the other boys were waiting for him by the front door. He felt even worse, with a headache now, but had to keep walking towards the car. If he stopped, he wouldn't make it. As he followed the boys to the car, he quickly glanced at the sunglasses by the door and grabbed them- if the light this morning hurt his eyes he had no idea what the outdoors would do.

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