Sick Niall

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Niall woke up and looked at the clock. 1:32. His first thought was 'Why am I up so early?" His stomach soon reminded him. Niall ran into the bathroom of the hotel room he was sharing with Liam and started throwing up. Liam, roused by the noise, was by his side within seconds of realizing what was happening. He rubbed big circles on his back and whispered to him.

When Niall was finally done being sick, he leaned against Liam and Liam pulled him into his lap. "Ni? Are you OK now?" he asked quietly.

He started to say something, but quickly had to jump up to kneel in front of the toilet again. Liam took up his previous position of rubbing his back while Niall heaved.

When he was done, Liam shut the lid and flushed the toilet. "Do you want to go back to bed?" Niall shut his eyes and laid his head against Liam's chest. He took that as a yes.

Liam carried the sick lad to bed and covered him with the blanket. He then went around the room gathering things: a trash-can, glass of water, thermometer, Tylenol, and tissues. Since he didn't know what was wrong with the younger boy, he brought everything he could think of.

Niall was already asleep, so Liam thought he would wait until morning to find out what was wrong.

In the morning, he was worse. The Irish lad had dark circles under his blue eyes and he was really pale. His forehead was BURNING, but he was covered in goosebumps.

"Niall? You awake?"

"Yeah," he said, really quietly, "Li, it hurts."

Liam tensed up, his protective side taking over. "What hurts?"

"Everything," Niall cried.

"Your head? Stomach? Which one hurts, Ni?"

"The both do. A lot."

Liam came over to sit on the bed near his head.

"I don't want you to get sick," Niall said weakly.

Liam just shook his head as he brushed the sweaty blonde hair off of the lad's forehead. "Can I take your temperature?" he asked in a soft voice so he wouldn't irritate Niall's headache further.

Niall nodded and looked up at Liam as the metal strip was placed into his mouth.


Liam took the thermometer out of his mouth and looked at the number.

"Ni, 101.2. That is pretty high. I'm going to call Lou."

Liam got up to go get his mobile. Niall started to cry silently, the tears tracking down towards his ears.

"Ni, baby, what's wrong? Is it your head?"

"Yeah. Li, it hurts. Please don't leave!!!" he cried. "I don't want Lou!! I want you!! Lou will bring Hazza and they will be loud. Please, Li. Don't call him."

Liam looked down at the youngest boy and his heart was torn. He didn't want Niall to cry over anything. "Hey, hey. It is alright. OK? I won't call the other boys until later, OK? But you do need to take some Tylenol." Liam brushed away his tears and helped him sit up, resting against the headboard.

Niall took the medicine and closed his eyes. "Li? Can you stay here with me?"

"I wasn't planning on leaving." Liam sat next to Niall and put his arm around his shoulders. Niall let himself be drawn close to the older boy and put his head on his shoulder. Within seconds he was asleep, and Liam decided to text the boys.

To: Lou- Hey mate. Ni is sick, so I'm staying here with him today.

He sent it and closed his eyes until his phone buzzed.

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