Alone and Sick Harry

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for iam5fam I hope you like it!

Harry woke up and immediately felt like he'd been hit with the bus that he was currently on. His body hurt all over and his shivering only made it worse. The flu had been going around their tour crew and he worried that he had finally caught it. He pulled the blankets up to his chin and took some deep breaths, only then realizing that his stomach was whirling. Harry squeezed his eyes shut to try and go back to sleep, but then Liam was opening his bunk curtain.

"Time to get up mate, we're going to be at the interview in 20 minutes. You slept in way too late." He didn't look too closely at Harry, having woken up not too long ago himself.

"I don't feel good Liam," Harry whispered.

Liam opened the curtain more and bent to look at the younger lad. He didn't look too sick, his cheeks were flushed but they're always like that when he wakes up.

"Nah mate you're fine, you can't get out of this interview by faking sick. Come on and get ready you're running out of time." Liam turned and left Harry shivering alone in his bunk.

He looked at his phone and realized that he did, in fact, only have 15 minutes to get ready for the interview. His bandmates had let him sleep for 3 extra hours, it was almost 11:30. They would fix his wardrobe there but he had to at least get into actual clothes and eat something to get him through the day. 

As he trudged out to the kitchen area to fix some toast, he bumped into Louis. He was walking with his head down so he didn't notice who it was until he saw his sweater on someone else. The sleeves created sweater paws and he knew that only Louis would wear his sweaters.

"Haz? You ok love?" Louis said, reached his hands out to steady Harry.

"I'm ok. I don't feel great." Louis studied him for a minute.

"Please don't fake sick to get out of this interview babes. I know you're tired but we can rest afterward ok?"

"I really don't feel good Lou. I wanna cuddle." Louis sighed and brought him in for a hug.

"We can cuddle after love. We let you sleep in to try and get rid of some of your tiredness, so please just shape up for this interview and then we can hang out after ok?" Harry nodded sadly against Louis' shoulder, wishing that he was the smaller one for a change and could be hugged to Louis' chest.

The thought made tears come to his eyes and Louis started to rub his back as his shoulders began to shake.

"What's wrong Haz?" Harry shrugged, knowing that no one was believing that he was sick. He really wanted to tell Louis everything that was wrong and just sty home and cuddle, but Louis would get mad if he told him he felt sick again.

"We can't sit next to each other at interviews," he whispered, thinking of something quick.

"I know babe. But we can be together after."

"But I don't feel good and I wanna be with you Lou," Harry mumbled. Louis had had enough.

"Harry I know you're tired but you aren't getting out of this interview by lying. Now go eat some breakfast, we will be there in less than 10 minutes." He gave him one last squeeze and then walked off, leaving Harry feeling worse than before.

Niall was in the kitchen and Harry was going to try and convince him that he was sick. Niall didn't even look up from the sink where he was putting his dishes when Harry walked in.

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