Chapter 16

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Sam sees me sitting in my usual seat and his eyes go wide as he lets Lizzie go, I ignore him and that bitch, I'm not going to let them affect me anymore, though Sam is going to have a hard time explaining to me why exactly was he being so affectionate towards her.

The professor enters the class and everyone falls silent, Sam comes and sits next to me as usual, I try to avoid him at all costs and focus on our professor's boring lecture.

The forty-five minutes class feels like two hours as the professor goes on and on about how good Elizabethan Sonnets are.

As soon as the class ends I grab my bag and get up ready to dash out of the classroom but unfortunately Sam once again grabs hold of my wrist making me wince in pain.

"Sorry" he mutters and lets go of my wrist seeing the bruise on it which his hands formed just this morning.

"Don't come near me, we're done" I say through clenched teeth, I can see a few eyes staring at us but I don't care, Sam's eyes widen in surprise but he doesn't say anything, I know him, I know he wouldn't want to create a scene in front of everyone, it'll ruin his reputation.

I sling my bag across the shoulder and storm out of the classroom before he tries to stop me, I walk furiously towards the washroom, my eyes are stinging and I can feel a huge lump forming in my throat.

I sigh in relief when I see the washroom empty, dropping my bag on the floor I let a few tears roll down my cheeks because I can't keep it in anymore but I'm not gonna full on cry and sob over a boy who treats me so poorly.

Turning the faucet on, I wash my face with some cold water thinking it'll numb my feelings towards Sam, how could he do this to me? I've only given him chance after chance while he just keeps giving me a hard time, but I know one thing for sure ; I'm not going back to him this time.

After getting out of the washroom I go straight towards the bus stop, I need to go home and be alone.

Whilst waiting I see a familiar boy coming towards me, it's Blake but what is he doing here?

He comes and stands next to me looking absolutely breathtaking in his blue plaid shirt, blue really is his colour.

He looks at me and I look away, my cheeks turn red on being caught while staring at him and I can see the satisfying smirk playing on his luscious lips.

"You okay there?" he asks sounding genuinely concerned for me, I nod my head not wanting tell him about what happened between me and Sam.

It's really funny though, how a huge part of me wants to tell him the truth and find comfort in him but the smarter part of me knows it's not right to do so.

"I don't mean to pry but is everything okay between you and Sam?" he asks cautiously "This is prying actually" I state a little too harshly.

Giving me a small nod he mutters a quick "sorry" and I feel guilty all of a sudden for being rude to him, he was just being a nice human being trying to help me and I was being the devil as always who doesn't know how to treat people nicely.

"No..... actually I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted so rude with you, you were only trying to help" I say feeling extremely awkward for some reason.

"It's alright, I was being nosy" he confesses and I don't say anything simply because I don't know what to say, I just stare at my feet.

"Are you alright?" he asks me after a few moments and I nod not looking up at him because I'm afraid if I look up and our eyes lock he'll be able to see that I am in fact not alright.

"Ana why are you beating yourself up with whatever's in you mind?" he asks pressing his fingers under my chin and making me look up at him "I am not" I say but my voice comes out a little shaky.

"Yes you are, your eyes alone are enough to tell me that something's wrong" he says gently and in that moment I lose it, I let the tears which were burning my eyes up until now fall freely and he engulfs me in his strong arms as I sob for someone who doesn't care about me.

I know I said I wouldn't waste my tears on Sam but I just can't help it, not this time.

We stay like that for what feels like hours before I detach myself from him, sniffling I say "I.... I am sorry" he looks down at me with nothing but worry filled in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey it's alright you don't have to apologise for anything" he says grabbing my hands in his.

"Come on lets get you home, it's getting a little chilly out here" he says and I nod as we both wait for the bus in complete silence, he doesn't ask me any questions as to why I was crying, I'm assuming he already knows it was because of Sam.

After almost half an hour we finally arrive at my apartment, I really wasn't in the mood for anyone's company but I had to invite him in for tea because I didn't want to come off as rude.

"Your apartment is lovely" he says taking a seat on the couch "Thanks" I mumble dropping my bag on the floor.

"I'll go get tea" I say heading towards the kitchen when I hear the doorbell ring and Blake gets up from his seat saying "I'll get it.

"Thanks" I mumble and head back to where I was going but a certain someone's voice catches my attention and I pray to god that I've heard it wrong.

"Ana what is he doing here?" he demands and I turn around to find Sam standing at my doorway.


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