Chapter 32

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"Kate, please wait" I said standing up from my seat to stop her from leaving, I walked closer to her "Will you go to the bookstore with me?" I asked and she turned around to look at me in confusion, I just smirked and it was then that she realised I was asking her out on a date, a small smile pulled up on her lips before she scrunched her nose in disgust saying "Bookstore? God you're such a nerd.

I smiled walking up to her, taking her hand in mine "Let's finish our dinner then we can decide who's the bigger nerd here" I said pulling her with me towards our table.

We finished our dinner in silence, neither of us talked much about what happened earlier tonight, we decided to go on our bookstore date on sunday and as I came back to my apartment after dropping her off at her place I felt a sort of unease settle within my chest, I thought I'd made the right decision by asking Kate out tonight but now I wasn't so sure about it.

It felt like I was betraying someone but I wasn't... I was probably doing what's best for me, I was trying to be with someone who likes me and my nerdiness and who'll probably choose me over abusive and toxic guys.


It's been well over a week since I last saw her, she hasn't attended any of the classes, neither was she around campus but her toxic ex has been a regular which is kind of weird.

Something twisted inside me as I thought of her locked up inside her apartment most probably crying her eyes out but why would she? She was back with Sam and I guess that's all that matters to her now, she must be rejoicing after getting back with her toxic ex, right?

Will's voice brought me back to reality and I blinked a few times before looking at him "What?" I asked as he sat beside me, Ethan's eyes widened in shock to see Will sitting with us but I think he forgets at times that he's my cousin, I chuckled at his reaction.

"Nothing, was just checking up on you? Why do you look so lost?" Will asked nonchalantly, it's his style.

"I've been asking him the same thing" Ethan commented rolling his eyes and I glared at him to which he replied with a shrug.

"I'm good, don't believe what he's saying" I answered but Will didn't seem convinced with my answer, he shook his head saying "You both need to clear shit out before you go mad" he was about to get up and leave but I stopped him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him suddenly alert that he knows what's going on between me and Ana "Why don't you ask her" was all he said before leaving.

"Shouldn't have gone on that date" was what Ethan said beside me "Shut up" I said and got up to leave.

"Where are you going? Class will start in 5 minutes" I heard him say but I didn't bother to reply, I was so consumed by her thoughts, I need to know what she had to say, I want to make sure she's okay, that she isn't sitting alone in her apartment with depressed thoughts hanging over head.

I dialled her number as soon as I got inside my car, I was ready to drive to her apartment but her phone was switched off, panic flooded within me as I drove off.


Earlier I was panicked but now I was going fucking mad, her door was locked, I asked her neighbour about her whereabouts and he told me she left about a week ago, he doesn't know where she's gone to but even he could tell she wasn't happy when he saw her leaving with her suitcase.

She's not staying with Sam, that I know for sure, he comes to college daily but she doesn't, fear crept inside me as I thought about her whereabouts, where could she be and why is her phone switched off?

Maybe she went to her parents' because she was upset, maybe she needed to clear her head that's why her phone was switched off, a hundred different thoughts swam through my mind and when the thought of something bad happening to her crossed my mind I almost lost it.

Walking back to my car I was trying to decide whether I should talk with Sam about her whereabouts or not, he might know where she is since they're back to being a couple now.

I didn't know she had this sort of effect on me, or maybe I did? I was ready to talk with a guy I hate because of her.

I drove back to campus and was contemplating in my mind whether or not should I go and ask Sam about Ana, I hate him but I don't hate Ana, I could never hate her.... she might never like me but I still like her and no matter how hard I try I don't think I can stop caring for her so easily.

My phone started buzzing in my hand as I walked towards the college building, I looked at it only to find Ana's name flashing on the screen.... it's her.

My heartbeat quickened and I immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hey" she greeted in a rather sad voice "Hey are you okay?" I asked in a panicked state, I was worried for her now, she doesn't sound okay.

"Of course.... saw your missed calls tha-" I cut her off, she was clearly not okay.... she was straight out lying now.

"Ana cut the crap, tell me what's wrong? Where are you?" I asked and she sighed "Ana please tell me what's wrong?" I pleaded hoping she'd tell me but I think I already know... maybe.

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