Twenty-Eight: Years

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"Come on, baby. Just try it, for me?" Colby asked, trying to get me to go on the rollercoaster I had specifically sworn I would never go on. We were currently at an amusement park along with Sam, Kat, Corey, Devyn, Jake, and Tara.

"No! I told you already. I'm not going on that death trap." I denied. "Suit yourself." Tara shrugged. "I'll be fine out here. You can try to not die." I told him. "Okay." He finally gave in. He placed a kiss to my lips, then left for the line with the group.

I sighed as I looked around, crossing my arms over my chest.

I waited for another 10 minutes, then a voice spoke up. "Hey, stranger." The deep voice was oh so familiar, but different. I turned around and I immediately started tearing up. "Noah." I smiled brightly, pulling him into a hug. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as his arms wrapped around me. I remember this feeling, I like this feeling.

"I missed you so much." I said, smiling through the tears. "Me too. That's what the Military will do, tear you away from the ones most important." He said. We were best friends in high school, and he joined the Military after. I never saw him again. I honestly thought he was dead.

"Hey, what's going on?" I heard a deep, slightly angry and confused voice ask. I pulled away from Noah and looked back, the hurt and confusion on Colby's face was clear.

I immediately wiped my tears and cleared my throat. "Colby, this is Noah. Noah, this is my boyfriend Colby." I introduced them. "Boyfriend, huh?" Noah asked, eyeing Colby up and down. Colby stood taller, probably seeing that as a challenge. "I thought you didn't date?" Noah looked down at me. "There's a shit ton you missed." I said. I looked back at Colby and his eyebrows were furrowed, as a glare was plastered over his face.

"Is his face always like that?" Noah asked. "I would knock it off, if I were you. Hasn't that attitude gotten you in enough trouble?" I asked, walking to Colby. My arms went around his waist, as I pulled him closer. His arm wrapped around my shoulder, holding me in place tightly. "Hey," I said, retracting my arms that were around his waist a little to get his attention.

He finally looked away from Noah, and looked down at me. "He's not competition. You know your the only one I have eyes for." I told him. He just glanced back at Noah. Noah let out a howl and laughted loud and obnoxiously. "Ariana Lorain Frances Mathews, what happened to you?" Noah teased. "Oh shut up, I'll kick your ass and you know it." I rolled my eyes.

He lifted his sleeve, then flexed his large bicep. "I think I have the advantage." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and looked up at Colby. I was worried, he seemed to be jealous. I could see why. Noah wasn't exactly the smallest guy, and was large in muscle mass. He was quite taller then Colby, standing at a towering 6'3.

"Noah, can you give Colby and I a minute?" I asked. "You got it, sis." He smiled, then walked away.

"You okay?" I asked, intertwining our hands as I moved to face him. He was watching Noah, as he stood next to a light pole. "What is he doing?" He asked. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You know what I'm talking about. Aria, he's clearly flirting with you." Colby raises his voice along with his hand and gestured towards Noah. I looked and sure enough, he was watching the scene unfold. He stepped closer.

"He's not flirting with me. He's my literal brother. We've never been anything more." I explained. "Then tell me whyhe flexed? Did he have to, no. Not unless he was trying to impress you." He said. "Colby, that's Noah. He's always like that. I haven't seen him in years and he's my best friend. I was hoping that you would meet him, but I wasn't entirely sure. He joined the military and I was convinced he was dead." I told him.

"Please, Colby? Try and get along with him. I know your jealous, I would be too. Just, it would mean a lot if you actually tried to like him. Get to know him. Be friends even." I said. He audibly sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. He opened them, licked his lips. "Okay." He nodded. "Yeah?" I asked. "Fine." He said. A smile formed on my face. "Thank you." I said, kissing his cheek.

I turned around and ran towards Noah, jumping on his back. "Onward." I said, pointing in a random direction.

"Queen bee says, I do." He muttered as Colby and the rest walked with us. I looked to Colby, and he didn't look happy about the situation. I could tell he was less tense, at least he wasn't trying to ring Noah's neck. That's good, right?

"Some things never change, you still tiny." Noah cackled as we were waiting in line for a water ride. "I'm gonna push you out." I threatened. "You love me too much." He hugged me. "You keep telling yourself that buddy." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, remember what I used to do when you got an attitude? Don't make me do that shit again, I will fuck you up." Noah said. "No, please don't." I begged, hiding behind Colby.

"That's what I thought." Noah said. "Wait, what did you do? We need a way to punish her." Jake asked. "Don't you dare." I glared at Noah. He sent me a smirk, then started speaking. "Aria here, has a pressure point on her neck. Whenever she would say something like that I'd press on it, she falls to the ground instantly. Girls body goes limp." He laughed. "It's right here." He said, reaching his arm around, pushing the spot and I felt my knees go weak. I screamed as my legs gave out and I fell, but Colby caught me.

"Hey, watch it." Colby glared. "Colby, it's okay." I laughed. His hands lingered on my waist. I knew he was trying, he really was. It he really wanted to, he would have fought Noah as soon as he saw us together.

"You gonna be a problem, man?" Noah asked. He wasn't afraid of asking people anything. He's the realist person I've ever met. "Not unless your gonna be a problem." Colby glared. "Guys." I said loudly. They both turned their heads to me. "Stop it. I really want you guys to get along, just try." I groaned. "Tell your little boyfriend here to loosen up. He's too tense." Noah said. "Colby, relax." I said, knowing Noah wouldn't have a problem if he was chill.

"Whatever." I really didn't want this to ruin our day. "Hey, come here." I said, pulling him off to the side. "I know your trying. I know it's hard. It was hard for me when I met Shea. This is the same thing. I tried to be friends with her and look at us now. You and Noah can be like that." I said.

"I don't trust him, Aria. I'm trying to protect you." He said. "I know, both of you are. You guys are the same in so many ways. You both care for me more than anyone else has. When I didn't have my girl best friend, Noah was there. And when I had neither them or my boyfriend, you were there." I paused.

I raised my hands to cup his cheeks. "Trust me when I say this, he isn't going to hurt me. He can come off a little flirty, but that's Noah. He's always been like that. We've never, ever done anything coupley or sexual. I hope you take my feelings into consideration. It's hurting me to see two people I care for fighting."

"I'm trying. I really am. I just can't fathom the thought of another guy being fond of you. I want to be the only guy to ever touch you, hug you." He said, placing his hands on my waist. "And I'm okay with that. Just, go easy on him. I haven't seen him since high school." I said.

"Okay." He nodded.

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