Twenty-Five: Dubai Memories

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We all walked out of the motor home when we got to the place. We were going to be off-roading. "Are you ready?" Elton asked as we all got in. "I remember Dubai, no." I said, getting in the back with Sam. Andrea, Evan and Corey were in another car. 

"You know how to drive too well." Sam commented. Elton and Colby were sitting in the front. Elton started driving and I was already scared for my life. 

"Are you having fun?" Elton asked. "Uh yeah, the time of my fucking life back here." I said. We all were able to take our helmets off and I had no idea where to put my sunglasses. "Does anyone have an extra pocket?" I asked. "What?" Elton asked, as he started driving again. I gripped onto the bar in front of me. "I'm scared, I don't like that." I said. Elton then started swerving, speeding up, and whipping around turns. "Stop turning around, you dumb fuck." I yelled, as Elton was turning around as he was driving. 

"I wanna drive now." I said, as we stopped. "What did you say?" Colby asked. "I said I'll drive." I repeated unbuckling my seat belt. "Oh, so we're gonna die." He said. "Do you know how to counter steer?" Elton asked as I hoped in the front seat. "No." I paused. 

Elton told me how to do it and I laughed hysterically. "We're gonna die." Colby said. "Your in good hands, don't worry." I said, putting my seat belt back on. I started driving and Corey, Evan and Andrea were in front of us. "Wait there bitch." Colby said. "Did you just call me a bitch?" I asked as a joke. "No, no not you. I was telling them to stay." He said, 

"Jesus Colby, your own girlfriend." Elton said. "I'm not talking to her, I'm talking to them." Colby yelled. I was cautious around the turns but didn't hold back when the path was straight. "I have bugs in my mouth." I heard Colby say. "Maybe you should close it, just a thought." I shrugged. 

"You said do brake when I turn?" I asked as a joke. "No, don't brake when you turn." Colby said. "I'm gonna brake when I turn." I said nodding. "No." They all shouted. "Should I do it with my eye closed?" I asked, once again fucking with them. "No, no!" I heard Sam yell. 

I drove for a little longer, then Colby and I switched so he could drive. Honestly, after Dubai I did not trust Colby's off-road driving. 

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm impressed. That was a lot better than I thought it would be." Elton said. "Thank you." I said. "That was really good." Colby said. "I thought I heard you guys crying." I said. "Yeah, I think that was me." Colby said as he got in. 

"There's a bee." I said, moving so it wouldn't sting me. "It's a bee." Colby said, quoting the vine. He started driving and was a lot faster. "Colby!" I screamed as I was scared for my life. 

He didn't slow down when we went over the giant rocks. "We're fine, it's fine." He said. "Baby!" I whined. He also didn't slow down on the turns around the cliffs. 

he drove for a little longer, then we stopped for a break. We discussed how Corey, Evan and Andrea were going faster and we were going slower. "We have a small child, so it shouldn't have been that much of a difference." Sam said. I gasped and hit his arm, knowing he was talking about me. "We haven't see Sam drive, nor Corey." Elton said. 

"He was terrifying and was tail gating the shit out of Aria. I thought we were going to crash." Evan said. We took a few pictures then Sam got in the drivers seat to drive. Elton was up front and Colby and I were in the back. 

Sam started screaming along with Elton, then jerked the wheel from side to side making us swerve. I saw that were about to go over the cliff and I grabbed Colby's hand, in which he just laughed at. 

We drove for a while, then felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. "Oh fuck." I cursed, holding it. "God damn." I winced. "What?" Colby asked. "I just got stung. by a bee" I said, lifting up my shirt. "She just got stung by a bee." Colby informed Sam and Corey. Corey was now driving as they had switched. 

He then started driving fast and crazy. "Corey, Corey, Coreeeyyy." I yelled. I felt a hand on my thigh as we were super close to the edge. "Corey, chill the fuck out my dude." I yelled. He started driving with his hands off the wheel. "Corey, oh my god." I whined. 

We ended up getting lost, but found our way back. 

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