Sixteen: Explaining

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I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. I was home alone and had nothing to do. Colby was out with Sam filming, and I was stuck home alone. I looked at the guitar in the corner of the room. I bit my lip as I grabbed it. I hadn't sang since that night on the beach, since Mark found the traphouse. I was supposed to be going shopping with Devyn, Kat and Xepher. 

I started strumming a random rhythm. As I started singing, I didn't even notice the door opened and Colby came home. "You can say that I been crying, baby you knew all the right things to say. But do you honestly expect me to believe, that we could ever be the same. You say that the past is the past. You need once chance, it was a moment of weakness but you said yes. You should've said no, you should've gone home. Should've thought twice before you let it all go. Should've known the word that what you did with would get back to me. And I should've been there in the back pf you're mind. Shouldn't be asking myself why. You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet. You should've said no, baby and you might still have me." I closed my eyes. 

"I can't resist, before you go telling me things. Was it worth it, was she worth it?" I sang, feeling the familiar heartbreak, but less. I stopped and I felt tears well up in my eyes. I looked over and my eyes fell on Colby. He furrowed his eyebrows as he quickly put his stuff down. He came over and sat down next to me. "Baby, you okay?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me and rubbing my shoulder. "Yeah, just I never really got to thinking about what happened." I said, looking down as I whipped one of my eyes. "About what?" He asked. "Mark, everything he did. I guess I never realized how fucked up he had me." I shook my head. "What did he do?" At this point, I realized. Over the two years Colby and I had been 'together', he never got told what happened that night. 

"He cheated on me. I uh, I came home that night. He uh, was in bed with my best friend." I said, feeling the tightness begin in my chest. I held back sobs. "Aria, I'm so sorry." Colby said softly. "He promised, he knew I hated people promising me shit because they always broke. He said he knew how much I hated it, but he promised to never leave me. Or hurt me. I thought I was going to marry him. As crazy as that sounds at the age of 20. I truly thought he was the one." I played with my fingers. "I knew her since we were little. We were each others only friends for a long time. We were like you and Sam our whole life. It was the last thing I thought she would do." I bit my lip, preventing me from crying more. "I thought I was alone after I found them. They turned on me, and I had no idea what I was going to do. I moved in with Mark a few weeks before, my parents lived in Maryland and I barely had enough for a plane ticket. I was stuck." 

He listened quietly. "I could never thank you guys enough for letting me stay." I said, looking into his eyes. "I could have never thanked Amanda enough for working for Uber." Colby smiled. "That's all fucked up though. You didn't deserve that." I nodded. "It was, but," I paused intertwining our hands together and squeezing. "I ended up with you, and I couldn't be happier." I smiled. He smiled too, and cupped my cheek as he kissed me deeply. "Cancel you're plans." He told me, my mouth dropped open in surprise. He looked into my eyes with nothing but pure lust. "Colby, I can't." I said, he wrapped his arms around my waist as he started kissing my neck. "Please?" He begged softly. He hit my sweet spot and I bit my lip feeling a moan escape my throat. 

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, as I pushed him away. "We can continue this tonight." I said, getting up just to be pulled right back down. He pulled me so I had to straddle him. "Colby." I laughed. I could feel him under me, and he was as hard as rock. "I need you now." He said, I thought about it. "Colby, I have to go." I said. He just wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, holding me so I couldn't move. He sucked on my neck. I heard a knock on the door. He groaned as he leaned back, but still had his hands on my waist. I laughed lightly, and got up. Kat, Devyn, and Xepher came in. "You ready?" Dev asked. "Yeah, lets go." I said, grabbing my purse. I walked out last. I gave Colby a look, and he just watched me with a straight face. He bit his lip as I closed the door. 

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