Twenty-Three: Abandoned Trampoline Park

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My eyes fluttered open, for once I was awake before Colby. We had a long night last night, and Colby and I had some interesting events if you know what I mean. 

He had his arms wrapped around my waist, and I was laying on his chest. We were so screwed, as he had visible hickey's on his neck. I was sure I was worse, even though we gave each other the same amount. Colby doesn't exactly hickey easy though, so I was definitely worse. 

I smiled as I looked at my ringed hand resting on his chest. He really knew how to pick things for me, I was absolutely in love with the ring. Even more in love with him though. I decided it was time to wake him up. "Colby." I said, shaking him slightly. I knew it wouldn't work, as he was a very very deep sleeper. "Babe." I said once more. I slapped him a couple times in the face, though he just moved me closer by tightening his grip around my waist. 

"Cole." I said. He groaned. "We have to get up." I laughed. "No." He said, as he buried his head in my shoulder after turning us on our side. "Yes." I said, pushing him away. "Five more minutes." He pleaded. I rolled my eyes, and cuddled into him more. 

I gave him approximately five more minutes, then woke him up again. Let's just say he wasn't too happy about it. "I said five more minutes." He groaned rubbing his eyes. "I know, I gave you five more minutes." I laughed, then got up. I grabbed an outfit, then changed. We were going to an abandoned trampoline park. Hopefully we don't get caught, Sam and Colby really don't need to have the chance of going to jail again. 

We got to the place, and we found a spot to start the video at. Elton turned on the camera. Him and Colby were standing behind it. Colby was standing on the ledge that it was on, then jumped down in front of it, turned around and threw up finger guns. 

Elton did his intro, then we walked to the wall separating us from our way inside. "Elton, couldn't you have made it easier. Like brought a latter." Sam whined. "I didn't make it anything." Elton said in a high pitched voice. 

"Can Andrea and Aria get over this wall?" Elton asked, as I watched Colby dangle from it. "Of course we can." Andrea said. "Why would you single us out? Is it because we're females?" I asked. "Try it then." He said. I put my hands on my waist, pursed my lips and looked between the wall and Elton. I knew damn well I was not getting over that wall without help. 

Andrea tried jumping it. Then my acrobat of a boyfriend jumped seamlessly up and over it. "I hate you sometimes, babe. I really do." I said. He laughed, then squatted down by the edge. He blew me a kiss, I caught it, then dropped it. "Oops." I said, sounding not so sincere. 

"Rude." He said after he dramatically gasped. "Aria will need help." Elton said. "Yeah, there is no way I'm getting up there." I shook my head. "This is not going to go well." I said, as both Sam and Corey stood on either side of me. They put their hands down for me to step on, and I reached for Colby's extended hand. He grabbed onto my arm, as the boys pushed me up. I felt myself falling back, and I grabbed onto Colby's arm with my other free hand. "I got you." Colby said, catching me and pulling me back. I successfully got up there, then Andrea got up. 

We were now all on the wall, then Colby jumped down on the other side. "Just jump, Aria. It isn't that high." Elton pushed, as I was sitting on the edge and having trouble getting the courage to jump. I have weak ankles so there was no way they would support my weight if I did jump. "Guys, I can't. My ankles are going to break." I said. "I'll push you. I will push you," Elton said. "Don't you fucking dare." Colby said to him. 

"It'll be fine, I'm down here. I will catch you." Colby said, putting his hands on my dangling feet. "Come on. I got you." He said, holding out his hands for me. I took a deep breathe, then pushed myself off the wall. I was in the air for half a second, before arms wrapped around my waist. I placed my shaky hands on his shoulders as he set me on the ground softly. "What did I tell you?" He asked. "Shut it Brock." I said. Everyone got down and we started walking around, looking for a way inside. 

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