Ten: Witches Forest part 4

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I was sat in the chair, my foot bouncing up and down impatiently waiting, hoping for my boyfriend to return. I was biting my fingers and eventually turned to the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

"No way, Colby!" Corey exclaimed. I shot up and out of my chair. I saw a light and there he was. I immediately broke down and ran to him. "Oh my god, Colby." I cried running into him. "I'm okay. I'm okay." He said, rubbing my back. "You scared the shit out of me." I held him tightly.

"You're so stupid. Why are you so stupid?" I asked. "The fuck happened to you?" Sam asked. Then Colby let out a groan. "The shadow person, I saw him again. He ran down the path." He said through pants. "The shadow man?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, the shadow thing, I saw it run down the path. I thought you guys were right behind me." Colby told us.

"We told you, like stop wait for us." Sam said. "I could not hear you." He shook his head. We walked back to the camp.

Colby sat down in the chair and I arms around his neck, holding him afraid that if I let go he'd run away again.

"Sorry like if I scared you guys." Colby started. "You more than scared me." I said in all seriousness. "Sorry, baby. But I swear to God. I saw something. I thought you were behind me." He said. "I heard a scream and it sounded like a guy. I damn near had a heart attack. I thought it was you." I said. He held my hands that were rested on his chest. "We cannot split up again. Like seriously." Sam said. "I thought you guys were right behind me. That's my fault. I take blame for that, I shoulda I shoulda waited." Colby said, putting his hands up.

"Yo, someone's over there." I said, seeing a light. Colby then got up and started walking fast. "Colby don't you dare!" I yelled. "I'm not, I'm not." He said. He walked back. "We should leave." Corey said. "Yeah, we need to get out of here." I agreed.

We eventually decided to stay. Then cleaned up the area, then we got back in the tent. Again, I snuggled into Colby.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips. "You scared the living shit out of me. I thought you would be gone and we'd never see you again." I said, looking up into his eyes. "I'm sorry, babygirl. I love you." He said. Kissing me. "I love you." I smiled, then kissed him again. "Woah, when did this start?" Sam asked. "What?" I asked, smiling. "The 'I love you's?" He smiled. I looked up at Colby. "Before we left burger King." He smiled. "Wait, you guys said it for the first time?" Corey asked smiling. "Yeah." Colby laughed.

I looked over and saw a giant bug by Colby and I. I screamed and sat up. "What, what?!" Colby asked worried. "There's a fucking bug." I said. "Oh my god, you scared the fuck outta me." Corey said, holding his chest. We had a freak out for about two minutes before the bug went away.

We placed the camera by the 'door' of the tent and Colby wrapped his arms around my waist as he layed behind me. I layed my head on his arm that was wrapped around my torso.

I closed my eyes and he rested his head in the crook of my neck, his hair ticking it slightly.

I managed to dose off for a little bit, until Sam started freaking out because of a spider.

I just looked up and there it was. I squealed and jumped up.

"Hell to the fucking no." I said. "Look guys, stop recording if were actually going to fuck." Corey said, and Colby turned off the camera. He layed on his back, while I was laying on top of him. One of his hands was rested on my butt, and the other intertwined with mine. He kissed my forehead and then leaned his head back.

We shifted so he was on his side, and I was facing him. His head was in my chest, his arms around my waist, while mine were around d his neck as I played with his soft hair.

I felt myself drifting and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up, but my eyes we're closed. I was now in Colby's chest as he was leaned up on his arm, talking to the guys. I fell asleep again as it went quiet. Then all of a sudden Corey was making a whole bunch of noise trying to get out, scaring me. I gasped out of shock. "Go, go." Colby said rushing everyone out.

I stumbled out confused. "Wait, what?" I asked, as I completely missed everything because of this wonderful, peaceful thing called sleep.

"You heard that right?" Corey asked. "Yes, yes. It was a hiss." Sam said. "I literally woke up with that, what was that?" Jake asked. "I woke up because you guys were freaking out. Damn near gave me a heart attack." I said, yawning. "Can we just go?" I whined.

"Let's just spend a few minutes out here." Sam said. "No, please?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah let's go to the car." Sam said as we all rushed to it.

Colby unlocked it, and we got in. I was in the front and Colby in the drivers seat, the boys in the back.

"Where would we go?" I asked. "No, the cabin. Jennifer's cabin." Sam said. I'm honestly completely okay with that, as long as I'm not in the woods in a tent I'm good.

"Let's just got back to the house." Corey said. "Dude, I don't even think I can drive that far. I was falling asleep in the tent." Colby said. Sam then got a call. He answered it, there was clicking and then a scream. I covered my ears and leaned forward resting my head on the dashboard.

"Baby, baby you okay?" Colby added worried. "Hang up, Sam." I said as I was starting to get a headache. "Listen." Sam said. "No, that's why I said hang up. I can't." I said, squeezing my eyes shut. "Dude hang the fuck up." Colby told him. "Okay, okay." Sam said, then the noise stopped. "Aria." Jake started. I took a few deep breathes and held my head in my hands. "Aria what's going on?" Colby asked, placing his hand on my back. I felt a hand on my shoulder too. "Don't touch me, just no body fucking touch me." I seethed.

I'm sure they were now worried because I've never used that tone with them. "Just drive." I said. "Are we close to this place? Yeah were only one minute away. Take a right, right here." Sam told him. We got there and I leaned up. My eyebrows furrowed. I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. "What happened?" Colby asked. "I don't know. I just, I had just the worst headache of all time. I've had bad migraines before, but they've never felt like that." I told them.

"Okay, the quicker we get inside, the quicker we can get our of here." Sam said as we got out. Sam opened the front door and reached in his pocket for the keys. "Wait, hold on." He said looking in his bag. "Please tell you didn't lose the fucking keys." I said. "Really try to remember did you put it in the backpack?" Colby asked as we walked back to the car. Sam couldn't find the keys.

"Check, check everyone's seats." Sam said. I looked through my seat and didn't see it. Colby looked in the center console and it wasn't in there either. "Bro, just saying. Like I'm not tryna be rude. First you lost Colby, now you lost the keys." Corey said.

"Should we just go home?" Colby said looking back. "Can you drive that long?" I asked. He shrugged. "Hm, it's like a two hour drive." He said. "I really don't wanna to back." I said. "Yeah." Corey and Jake agreed.

"We should go back to witches house to see if she has it." I said. "Yeah, okay." Colby nodded. I got in and Sam got in the back again. I sighed and put my seatbelt back on. Colby tried calling her but she wouldn't answer.

"Look." He said, pointing forward. "Yo, turn the light off. Turn the light off." Jake said. I covered my mouth with my hand as five figures stood in front of the car. I was shaking. "Theyre coming towards the car. What do we do?" Sam asked. "I don't know. I don't know." Colby repeated.

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