Nine: Witches Forest pary 3

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"You guys wanna go into town, get some food?" Colby asked. "I wanna be as far away from here as possible. Yes please." I said. We all got in the car, and drove.

By this time I was already so tired. I get tired easily and today was one of those days where I was extra tired.

I layed my head on the headrest, as Colby's hand rested on my thigh. I managed to fold myself into a comfortable position, with my feet up on the dashboard and my head resting on Colby's arm, as our hands were intertwined in my lap.

I managed to fall asleep for a few minutes

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I managed to fall asleep for a few minutes. Colby then went over a bump, scaring me and making me jump up. "Sorry." He said. I sighed and closed my eyes, putting my head back down.

I felt someone shaking me. I groaned lightly and moved my head to the side. "Baby, wake up. We're getting food." I rubbed my eyes and tired got out of the car. I walked by Colby and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I wrapped mine around his waist.

We ended up getting McDonalds.

We ordered then sat down. I was so tired. "You can go back to the car and sleep if you want. I'll save you're food." Colby said, rubbing my shoulders. I shook my head, and looked up at him. "I'm fine." I said, feeling my energy start to rise again.

We ate and talked. We left and went to Walmart. We bought a pot for a fire and some lighter fluid.

We got back in the car and I got another 30 minutes of sleep.

We got back and it was even colder. We brought everything to the tent and set up the fire. "Okay, it's so cold. I'm gonna get in the tent." I said opening it. "Okay, do you need like another sweatshirt or something?" Colby asked. I shook my head and he placed a light peck on my lips. I got in and snuggled into the sleepover bag.

The guys talked and put everything up. Then got in with me. I snuggled into Colby. "Baby you're so warm." I mumbled into his chest.

"Guys, if there was a time I'd ever kiss a guy. It would be right here with you guys." Jake said. "You're wierd." I mumbled. I wasn't even tired, I was just cold.

"Really? You swear?" Corey asked.

Sam clapped his hands together. "Now that it's dark, we got fire wood, and we got this pot that we can start the fire in. Hopefullt, Colby you know how to not burn this whole place down." Sam pointed to him. "Oh, I gotchu man. I can build a tent, I can build a fire." He said in a toddler voice that was adorable.

"I found this thing that we can do. It's not a seanse, but it's this thing called the fire ritual." Sam started. "Sam, no." I shook my head. "No, listen it might actually help us." He said.

"One: the phsycic said that we would have a bad time." I interrupted him. "Because we're going to do the ritual." He ignored me. "Two: we had encounters like with the cowboy, and lucy at the Stanley hotel." He then explained that we had to burn objects to get rid of the spirits. I didn't have to because, well I haven't been where they've been so I have nothing attatched to me.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Corey asked. "We'll find out." He shrugged.

We heard a noise and I was starting to freak out again. We got out and I hugged myself. I looked around, not paying attention to the boys at all. "Babe, babe you okay?" Colby asked after I don't know how long. "Yeah, just freaked out." I said. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple.

Corey got another phone call, and Sam answered it for him.

It was just a bunch if yelling and screaming. By this time I wasn't just shaking because if the cold, I was shaking because I was so scared.

He hung up, then they called again. "No, no. I'm going back to the car." Corey said as he started walking back. "No, Corey we can't split up. Jake, Aria stay here." Colby told us, and we did. Jake wrapped his arm around my shoulder, making me feel protected. No matter who I was with, I felt protected with all of them.

"You can't walk by yourself." Colby told Corey. They were arguing for a while, then came back.

Jake took me back to the tent and I wrapped my self in the sleeping bag for warmth. I heard a noise and I jumped. He kept telling me it was the guys, but I didn't really believe him. I heard footsteps and Colby's voice.

"It's all in our heads, remember what the tarot card reader said?" He told them.

I unzipped it and got out along with Jake.

We sat in the chairs and they tried staring the fire. "God, I feel like I'm gonna get frost bite or something." I said, shivering. By this time, I had changed into the pair of  black sweats I brought just in case.

I curled up in the chair, and Colby handed me the candy I asked for. I snacked on that while Colby pulled out some space food.

I stopped eating the candy and folded it up. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and pulled the hood back up. I crossed my arms over my chest and watched boys. They continued to do the ritual, Colby's saged them, and they burned something that they think brought the evil to them. I dosed off a few times. The last time I was brought back by Colby flipping out his chair while claiming he saw something. "We have to go check it out." He said, wanting to leave. "Colby, no." I said.

"Colby, babe calm down." I said, trying to reason with him. "I feel like you're fucking with us." Sam said. "Why would I fuck with you?" He asked.

"Colby!" I said as he started to walk away. "We can't leave." I said, walking in front of him to stop him. "Stay here." He told me. "What? No, not while your out there with who knows what." I raised my voice.

"Aria, stay." He told me. "No, turn around." I said. He looked at me for a second, then walked back shaking his head. "We have to go out there." He tried convincing us. "Just go. I'll watch with Aria." Corey said.

I was past freaking out and on the verge of a panic attack. 

They left and I dropped into a chair. "Their going to be okay. If they see something they'll come back." He said, rubbing my back.

We waited for another ten minutes, then Sam and Jake came running back. "Is Colby here?" My heart dropped at those words. "Wasn't he with you guys?" Corey asked. "No, we thought he came back here." Sam said. "You lost Colby?" I shouted. "He was running we couldn't keep up." He said. "So you keep going, you don't just leave him!" I said, getting in his face. "Okay, calm down. We will find him." Corey said.

"He's out there alone with that thing. Please, tell me you're fucking with us." I said starting to tear up.

"I'm sorry but we're not." Jake said, sadly. "Colby!" Sam shouted. "Colby come back to the fire!"

I felt my breathing start to speed up. "Guys, Aria is having a panic attack." Corey said. "Hey, hey. Calm down. Okay? Just breathe." Jake grabbed onto my shoulders. "Look at me. Breathe, in through you're nose, out through you're mouth. Okay?" Jake said slowly. I did as he told me, but then broke down. His arms wrapped around my shoulders as I rested my head in his chest. "I can't lose him." I cried. "You won't, just calm down." Jake said. Finally I calmed down and we all talked about it.

I then heard a scream. "Guys. Guys, please tell me that wasn't Colby." I cried out. I pulled my hand over my mouth, covering my face.

We calmed down, but I was still shaking like mad.

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