Fourteen: The Morning After

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My eyes fluttered open. Arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, and my head was on a hard chest.

The events from last night flooded in and myface got hot. I looked up and saw Colby laying there, a small smile playing on his beautiful lips. I smiled and put my head back down, snuggling closer to him. His grip around me got tighter and I heard him yawn. I looked up again and his blue eyes we're staring back at me.

"Good morning." I smiled. "Good morning." He said, his voice husky. "You do remember last night, right?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "What did I tell you. I definitely remember." I smiled. "How was it? I mean, did you-did you enjoy it?" He asked, rubbing my upper arm. "Let's just say, I hope to do it again." My smile got wider.

He smiled too, and I leaned down to kiss him. "I love you, Aria." He said, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "I love you, Colby." I said. I leaned down for another kiss, then a knock on the front door was heard. "I'll get it." He said, getting up and putting a pair of joggers on.

I moved to the end of the bed, grabbed a random pair of sweat pants, probably Colby's, and put them on. I looked around for a shirt and found one.

I walked out and saw Colby with bags. "What's that?" I asked. "Sam ordered breakfast, a little too much and dropped some leftovers off. I looked and it was IHOP.

I reached in and grabbed a box, opening it to reveal pancakes.

"This is a lot for us to eat, why'd he oder so much?" I asked, laughing. I looked and saw about four more boxes plus the one Colby got out.

"He said Kat ordered it because she, devyn and xepher were doing a mukbang." He answered, shaking his head. I grabbed two forks and two knifes, handing Colby his.

"Woah, slow down killer." I laughed as colby immediately started eating, like a pig might I add. "I'm hungry. Don't judge." He said, through a mouthful of food. "Ew, you're gross." I laughed, covering my mouth.

We finished the food. Well, finished what we could, then put the rest in the fridge for later. "So, have any plans for today?" Colby asked, laying next to me on the couch. He brought his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Well, I'm going over to Kian and JC's house to film." I told him, as he started kissing my neck. "What do you have to film?" He asked, pushing my arms down and away from my chest as he kept going. "What you and Sam did last week." I laughed. "Really? You sure you want to, it's terrible." He said, popping his head up. "Yes, I'm not a pussy like you and Sam." I said. "Oh yeah?" He said in a sexy voice. "Yeah. You really got out because of hot sauce? I thought you were more than a man than that." I challenged.

"I'll show you what kind of man I am." He growled ripping the shirt off.

(Okay, Dr. Seuss who?)

He collapsed next to me, pulling a blanket over our bodies. "We probably should've done that in bed, how's you're back?" He panted. "It's fine." I laughed, snuggling into his chest. We ended up watching TV until I had to get ready to leave.

I took a shower, dried and pulled up my hair into a bun. I did light makeup, mascara and eyeliner. I put on a pair of workout shorts, a sportbra, and a tank top. Knowing it would be hot.

I grabbed my phone, keys and kissed Colby goodbye. He said he'd be stopping by later with Sam.

I got there and greeted the girls. "Are you ready?" Gabby asked. "Ughhh, maybe." I said. I couldn't lie, my legs were a little sore from Colby and I's little moment last night and this morning. I honestly couldn't believe we did that. It was like a dream, he was so gentle but at the same time rough.

We started the video everyone introducing themselves to the camera. "What's up, guys. I'm Aria and I need to pay my hospital bills." I did a wink and thumbs up. But for real, I did have to.

I was talking with Mariah and Tara. "So, how are you and Colby. I heard about what happened before witches forest." Tara wiggled her eyebrows. My face immediately got red and I couldn't help the growing smile.

"We uh, we're good." I said, looking at the ground. "Did you guys do it yet?" Maraih grabbed my arm lightly. My face got red and I just looked at them through my lashes. "Oh my god, you did. When?" Tara jumped up and down. "Shhh, no need to announce it to the world. And it happened last night." They both awed. "And this morning." I scratched the back of my neck. "You what? Is he good?" Tara asked. "He's my boyfriend, Tara. Don't both of you have one of those too?" I said, feeling my cheeks got hotter.

"Yeah, and? So, is he?" Mariah asked. I took a moment. "He's really good." I said softly biting my lip. "Oohhh, you have to tell." She said. "No!" I said. It's not romantic, but it's also not bad. "My sex lifes none of you guy's business anyway."

"Alright, everyone wave to the camera." JC said as we all lined up. "I was gonna say introduce yourself but they already did." Kian laughed. They explained the rules, gave us our stuff and I was last in the box.

"Okay, time starts now." JC said.

I sighed and rested my head on the wall. "You okay." Nezza asked. "I hate tight spaces." I laughed. "Awwe, we can suffer together." Kristen pulled me into her body. "Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air." I started singing. "If I die before I wake, it's cause you took my breathe away. It was like living in a world with no air." I stopped and the girls clapped. "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night." I joked.

We pulled the GoPro down to tell what we were going to do with the money. "When I win, um. I'm going to buy my parents a house in Beverly Hills." I said, holding it.

I don't know how long we've been in here now, they said it was now about an hour. They were going to have us pick numbers and whoever guesses the number has to wear a sweatshirt and can pick someone else to.

"8!" Mariah called out. JC slammed the card against the box and it was indeed 8. "Awe." She whined. They gave her the hoodies and she then turned to Gabby.

We spent another hour in it. Then they gave us helmets. Nezza called the number and picked franny to do it with her.

I rested the back of my bead on the wall and heard spraying. Immediately, my nose started burning. "Oh, my god Heath you ass." I said, covering my face.

I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Another hour past and they plugged the holes. I felt like I was going to pass out. "Should I pretend to pass out?" Gabby asked. "Yes, freak em out too." I said.

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