Twelve: New Knowledge

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"Hey colbs." I said walking into the living room. "Hey babe." He smiled. I collasped on the couch and ran my fingers through my wet hair, with a sigh. I had just gotten back from working out with Devyn and I took a shower.

"Kian wants me to come over to film, you wanna come?" Colby piped up after a little bit of silence. "Yeah, sure. I don't have anything else to do." I said. "Come here." He said, holding his arm out. I smiled and snuggled into him. "I missed you today." He mumbled into my neck, making me laugh. "I was only gone for two hours." I laughed. "And thats a long ass time." He said, and I felt him start to suck on my neck.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. "Mom wants me to come over." I told him. "Yeah?" He said as he kept going. "Yeah, she said that cam wants to have a sleepover like we used to back home." I smiled. He just hummed as he started going harder on my neck. "Colby." I laughed. "Sh, just relax." He told me. But weirdly, all I could think about was the night we first kissed, and how mark came over. Colby's hands then felt like his. "Colby." I light panted. He didn't stop and I was starting to freak out. "Colby, stop." I blinked multiple times. "Colby, stop!" I said, pushing him away by his neck.

He looked at me confused. "What? Did I hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head. "I have to go." I said, grabbing my keys, phone and jacket. I closed the door and rushed downstairs. I got inside my car and sat there for a moment.

God dammit! I'm so stupid!

I hit my steering wheel multiple times, and put my head in my hands. My eyes started tearing up.

What's wrong with me? Why do I have to ruin moments like those?!

I heard a knock on the window. I looked up slowly, and was faced with Sam and Kat. I rolled down my windows. "Hey guys." I sniffled. "What's wrong?" Kat said, noticing the hurt in my voice. I shrugged shaking my head. "I'm so stupid. I just, it going good, memories came into my head and I ruined it. I ruined it like everything." I said, more tears coming down my face.

"Hey, calm down. You wanna come up to mine, maybe tell us what happened?" Sam asked. "He's going to hate me. I know it." I shook my head. "No, he could never. He lives you way too much. Just come up, explain what happened." Kat said. I sniffled once more, turned off my car and got out.

Kat then pulled me into a hug, and I cried on her shoulder. "Let's go." She said, rubbing my shoulder.

We got up to his apartment, I saw Colby's at the end of the Hall and my heart broke.

Sam opened his door and we walked inside. "So, what happened?" Kat said, sitting on the couch with me. "We were talking, well I was talking. He was kissing my neck, I started having a bad feeling and that night with mark came into my head. The night Colby and I had our first kiss. I told him to stop, but he didn't. Finally I pushed him away and  i-i left." I said, crying more.

I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it. It's probably Colby." Sam said. I covered my mouth with my hand. Sam opened the door, but just enough for him to look out. "Hey, is-is Aria here?" Colby's voice filled my ears and I cried harder. "Um, yeah. But I think she needs space." Sam said. Kat wrapped her arm around my shoulder, rubbing it.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt her. Sh-she just freaked out and ran." His voice sounded like he was panicking. "I know, man. Here, talk with me outside." Sam said, going out there with him. When the door shut, I cried harder. My sobs were audible and loud. It physically hurt me.

"Shh, it's going to be okay." Kat cooed.

Colby's POV

I thought it was going good. I thought she enjoyed my kisses, but she left.

I waited for a little bit, then got up and went to Sam's door. I knocked. "Hey, is-is Aria here?" I asked. "Um, yeah. But I think she needs space." He told me. "I-I didn't mean to hurt her." I said, my voice breaking. "I know, man. Here, talk with me outside." He said, closing the door. I could hear her sobs from inside.

"Did she tell you?" I asked. "Yeah, she said that she thought of the night you two first kissed. What mark did." He folded his arms. I closed my eyes, leaned against the wall, and put my head in my hands. "She's still hurt. I should've seen it." I said shaking my head. "No, you wouldn't have known. In all honesty this came as a shock to Kat and I. I thought you guys were good, at least that's what I thought after witches forest." He told me. I ran my hands over my face.

"You guys are going to be okay. You've been through far too much for this to break you." He said. "Come here." He pulled me into a tight hug. I hug I needed.

"Just, give her time bro. That's the least you can do for her right now." He told me. I nodded. "Yeah?" I nodded once more. "Yeah." I answered. 

We pulled away and he smiled softly at me. "She really loves you, dude. If you could've met her earlier you guys would be gold." He said, patting my shoulder. I nodded and looked back at the door. "Hey, until then. We have a video to film with Kian. You still wanna go" He asked. I nodded and we then left.

Aria's POV

I was now sat with my legs up on Kats lap, bowl of ice cream in hand along with her. We were at her place now, watching TV.

Sam texted her telling her that they were leaving to film with kian, and that we should go back to hers. So, here we are now.

"He really loves you, you know?" She piped up. I looked up at her. "He was an absolute wreck when Devyn and Corey told him what happened. He got on a red eye that night, stayed up for weeks. All he ever wanted was to see you open you're eyes. We weren't sure if you would remember us because the doctor said you might have slight memory loss. All he said he hoped for is that you wouldn't go back with mark. I quote 'I don't care if she doesn't remember me, as long as she doesn't go back to that dickwad I could live just a little longer without pain." I couldn't help but smile at him.

"He really hated him, didn't he?" I said. "He hurt you. He hated anyone that hurt you. He told us what happened in Dubai that one night. Said he damn near drove himself mad. He never stopped hating himself for that." She said. My smile dropped. "He doesn't have to. I forgot about that. He's showed me how a girl should be treated. He showed me real love. He is a thousand times more of a man than any guy I've ever been with. He respects me, respects when I need time alone. He loves as if the day was our last." I smiled. "Today was like that. And I was the one who fucked it up this time." I bit my lip.

A/N - sorry for all the drama lately, but bear with me. The story will pick up, I promise.

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