Eight: Witches Forest part 2 (part 2)

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A/N - in case some were confused by the title or didn't read the a/n at the end of last chapter, this is part 2 of the part 2 video. I had to split the video because it would have been too long. Continue

We knocked on the door, and soon a lady came out. "What's up? Colby, nice to meet you. This is my girlfriend, Aria." He greeted her first. She smiled down at me and gave me a hug. Everyone introduced themselves. I kind of feel like Colby introduced me as his girlfriend to her to make me feel better. It might've been nothing but still. I did kind of have a small meltdown earlier.

We walked inside and it was a beautiful house. "If you don't mind, first I'm going to sage you. Have you been saged before?" She asked as she started with Sam. "Not me, but they have." I said.

She did her thing, and we sat down. Me next to Colby, who was sitting next to Sam. Corey was on the end, and the lady sat across from Sam. And Jake was across from me.

"So, you and Jennifer aren't friends?" I asked as I was confused. "Um, we're friends." She cleared up. "Mutuals." Jake said. "I have those." I laughed, and scratched my head. Sam brought up the cabin, and once she told us someone died the door opened.

I could start to hear my heart pound as I was now freaked out. "Is she going to be okay? You look a little pale sweetheart." She said. "Um, yeah. I'm just new to all this paranormal stuff." I said, my voice shaky. "Do you want some water or something." She asked. "Uh, no I'm fine. Thank you though." I turned down. She nodded.

I felt a hand go into mine and I looked over at Colby. He gave me a small smile.

She talked about how she follows the moon cycle. And then the door opened once again, but it was more of a horror movie the thing because it creaked. "Okay are you seriously going to be okay. Like do we need to move, I feel like this is creeping you out." She said, focusing on me. "I am, but it's fine." I shook it off. "Okay, if you need anything just ask." She smiled. I sent one back and we continued.

"Are we going to get hurt?" Jake asked. "Hurt? Maybe emotionally. I'm worried about her though. She seems timid." She pointed to me. "Yeah, she hasn't had really any experiences so this is new. She's shy too." Sam said.

"Yeah, I can tell." She nodded. I couldn't lie, I was terrified now that were actually doing this.

"If you guys want we could do a tarot card reading." She suggested. "I mean yeah. Let's do it." Sam shrugged. She pulled them out, had Colby shuffle them, then she pulled one out at a time.

"Do you like sage a lot of people you meet?" Colby asked. "I like to sage people who come into the house, because of the death." She said. My heart then dropped when I realized it was this house that she was talking about someone dieing of carbon monoxide poisoning.

"I lived along for the first four months and I was scared. I would be like in the kitchen washing dishes and like looking over my shoulder." She explained. "I feel that now. Like I feel like someone's watching us." I laughed slightly. "I had a roommate who said she could see spirits and she said there are all kinds of things in this house." She added.

"Okay, well." I said, jokingly getting up. "It's fine if you need to leave, I understand." She laughed with everyone else. With knowing that now, I was definitely more freaked out. I kept looking over my shoulder. My eyes widened when I thought I saw a shadow. "What? Did you see something?" She asked. "I thought I did. Like a shadow or something." I shook my head.

"Do you guys are staying in her cabin?" She asked. "We're gonna try and camp out. And hopefully the cabin doesn't have any creepy spirits because we told Corey and Aria that we'd be safe." Sam said. "You didn't mention anything about camping!" I said. "Yes we did. Colby literally said last night that he brought a tent and we were going to pitch it and sleep in it." Sam laughed. "I thought you were joking." I said, putting my head in my hands. "Why would you say that?" Jake asked. "Shut up, you weren't even present during that conversation." I said.

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