Twenty-Six: Boat Day

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We were going to go ride on a boat, so we all changed into our swim suits. We got to the dock and got on the boat. We were all at the front, I was sitting between Sam and Colby. Correction, I was sitting against Colby as his arm was wrapped around my shoulder. 

On the ride we had managed to sit ourselves against the very back of the boat. My legs over his lap. We stopped and just rested for a minute. "You two always look way too comfortable." Elton said to Colby and I. "Because we are." Colby laughed. 

Soon, they pulled out a board for us to stand up on and hooked the rope up to the back of the boat. Elton went first. "Guys, holy shit cold." He said. Whenever he says that we know it's going to be cold. Colby dipped his foot in but then pulled it out with a squeal. 

Elton got up on his first try. He stayed up for a little bit, then wiped out. He did it a few more times, then it was time for someone else to go. Elton handed me the life vest and I scrunched my face up at him. "Do I have to?" I asked. "Do you have a choice?" Sam asked. "No." I shook my head. I took it, then the guy helped me attach the board to my feet. 

"Holy shit." I sang as I got into the water. Elton wasn't lying when he said it was holy shit cold. "We all believe in you, Aria." Sam said. "Thank you, Sam." I said back. 

I got up, surprisingly, on my first try and stayed up for a few minutes. Ending in me trying to do it one-handed then wiping out. "That hurt." I said, as the boat came back over to me. "I fully face planted." 

"We saw." Elton laughed. They handed me the rope and I was able to do it a few more times. I got back on the boat, then wrapped myself in a towel. "You cold?" Colby asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I nodded, laying my head on his chest. "I am impressed, to say the least." He said, making me giggle. 

Sam went after me, he was the best by far. Colby went and he did the same thing as me, as when he tried to do it one handed he fell. Corey went, then Andrea. Sam had managed to surf the wave caused by the boats engine.

They brought out the tube and Elton, Colby and I went first. "I'm scared." I said. I was in the middle as Colby was on my left and Elton was on my right. "You'll be fine." Elton said. "Hearing that come from you doesn't make me feel better." J said.

They started going and Elton slowly fell off. We got back in the boat, then the others went. By the time we got done, everyone was tired and we got back to the motor home. Elton went to the store and we just hung out until he got back.

"Okay guys, you ready?" Elton said, coming back in with two bags. We had no idea what he bought or what he was planning. All we knew was that we were making food. He put every thing on the counter and we huddled into the kitchen. Colby wrapped his arms around my shoulder and neck, as he rested his chin on the top of my head. "Okay, as you all know. We've gone out for dinner every night. And I thought we should make a family style meal, where we all get turns making it. And I bought a shit ton of weird ingredients and were gonna make a pizza. One by one adding what we want onto it." Elton explained.

He started listing the ingredients and they were all disgusting together.

"Why can't as just do pepperoni?" Colby asked, pulling me closer. Elton said that we were doing a what are the odds roulette to see who eats it.

We began and Andrea put the sauce on it. Sam stepped up and grabbed the pineapple. "I don't know why you guys are grossed out by it. I like pinapple on my pizza." I said. "Babe, I want a divorce." Colby joked. He then stepped up and grabbed the chocolate chips. "You need help?" Elton asked, as he struggled to open the bag. He grabbed a plastic knife and cut it open, then dumped most of the bag onto it.

Corey stepped up and put barbeque sauce in the middle. Elton grabbed the icing next and put a whole bunch on. We started shouting his name weirdly. He turned the can upside down above his mouth, and he squirted it in.

"Elton." I whined as it was gross. He got to where it was almost spilling and he stopped. "Swallow it." We chanted. "Spitters are quitters." I yelled over everyone. "Woah." Sam said, turning the camera my direction. He ended up spitting it all out.

I rubbed my hands together as I stepped up to put something on it. I smiled as I went for the pizza sauce. I dumped it in and filled it to the rim.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"Elton yelled. I looked back at him with proud smile. "Oh my fucking god, babe." Colby shouted from next to me. "What?" I heard Sam say, as I'm guessing he just saw what I had done.

Colby had grabbed the Marshmellows and put them in. He dumped some on the ground. "Oh okay, thank you Colby." Elton said. "I'm sorry." Colby said, as we both bent down to pick them up.

"We can put random stuff in it? So I'm gonna put in some mustard sardines." Corey said, picking up the can. I nearly threw up at just the thought. "Oh god." I said, covering my mouth with my hand. "Aria, don't puke." Elton said. I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows. "There's no way." I said.

Elton put on the finishing touch, which was the cheese. Corey and Elton were going against each other. If they got the same number, Elton would have to eat it. If they didn't, then Corey would have to eat it.

"Three two one." Sam counted down. "33." They said at the same time. " Elton has to eat it." Corey laughed.

"Can I not eat the anchovy?" Elton asked. "Well, no but you have to eat the sardine." I said, finally being able to make him feel stupid.

I shook my head as Elton walked over to the pan of vomit. "I'm gonna throw up." I said, covering my mouth again. I felt my gag reflex kick in as he began cutting it. Colby laughed as he saw me, but put his hand on my back and rubbed it in comfort.

Elton picked up a fork and got a big piece. "Oh, that's a big bite. That's a big fucking bite." Colby said. I just watched as I was more than grossed out with my friend. He took a bite and everyone started screaming. He looked at us and looked back down at it. He picked up the fork again and took another bite. "Oh god." I shouted putting my head down on the table in front of me.

"You sick bitch." I heard Colby say. "Can I come over there real quick?" Corey asked. "What's that?"

I covered my mouth once again, feeling more than grossed out. He picked up the fork, smelled it then ate it. "Its actually not that bad. Colby come here." Corey said. I saw Elton gagging and I knew they were acting.

"Want me to cut you a slice?" Elton asked as he did indead walking over to it. "I think I can do it myself." He said, taking the fork and eating a bite too. He turned around to Sam who was holding the camera. "It's not bad." Colby said. They convinced Sam and Colby walked over to me. "Babe," I paused as I let out a disgusted laugh. "Never kiss me again." I finished. "Come here." He said, leaning over me. I fell back into the wall as he supported his weight by setting one hand on the table and setting the other on the back of the seat.

"No." I giggled. "Come here." He laughed, leaning closer. "Get you're nasty ass off of me." I said. He laughed but didn't stop. "Come on, just one?" He asked, leaning closed. I placed my hands on his chest pushing him off of me. He gave up and leaned back up. "Nasty ass." I muttered just loud enough for him to catch.

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