The German Harem (part 2.)

Start from the beginning

The metal box 'dinged' into the ground floor, and they stepped inside it. Germany pushed the button for the 3rd floor, where their offices were located. The doors closed shut, and the elevator slowly rose up. The two countries stood comfortable silence, soft elevator music washing over them. Finland looked at the blinking light of the rising lift, and the glowing numbers finally got to 3.

When the doors opened, they walked out together and Germany made a small move to take his huge stack of papers back. "Ei millään(4), I'll hold on to these till we get to your desk." Finland said dismissively, holding them higher and tighter in his arms. Germany huffed, made another attempt to get his stuff back, but failed because of his height and sighed, his mouth cracked into a small smile. "Fine. Let me get the door."

Tapping his identification card on the card reader, he held the door open for his coworker, who grinned at him and did a small bow, careful with the papers. Germany couldn't help but laugh. They walked on into the busy room full of other people hard at work already, most in their office cubicles and typing away. Germany led them on, clearing a path for Finland and they continued on.

Finally, they came to his cubicle, and Finland set the pile of now slightly messy papers heavily on his desk, letting out a huff of air. "What are these for anyway? I don't think it's even legal for someone to get this much paperwork on a normal weekday." He joked after stretching his hands and flexing his fingers. Germany sighed good naturally and pulled out his laptop from his stuffed briefcase, which was resting on his chair.

"I don't know. EU said it was just some documents about the situation. Rates, I think." He grinned at him, abit sadly. Finland hummed in understatement, and flipped through a few that were lined with printed words and the neat, tidy writing of Germany.

The table was getting back to its usual state of paper chaos now, as more flooded out from the briefcase. Finland grabbed a stool that was hanging around outside and pulled it in, sitting down on it on the outside of the table to face the other country, who had plugged in his laptop and opened it up.

"So, are you doing okay, Saksa?" Finland began, tapping and twiddling his thumbs together, leaning on the table and trying to make conversation. "Ja, I guess. I could really do with a cup of coffee though. I didn't have time to get one this morning because I overslept. My alarm didn't wake me up." Germany said sheepishly, hand rubbing the side of his neck. Finland hummed, then opened his mouth to answer until another voice dropped into the cubicle.

"Did someone say coffee? Cuz I got some of the good stuff~" A loud, cocky country with black sunglasses came in, holding two take-away cups in his hands. He grinned brightly, showing off his pearly whites and handed one of the cups to Germany. Who gave a small noise of excitement, and gratefully accepted the warm brown cup.

"Black coffee, with three shots of espresso!! Danke Amerika(5)!" He said, and took a small sip, letting the hot coffee flow down his throat and into his stomach, warming his entire body. 

"Aww, none for me?" Finland cut in sarcastically, weighting up America with one eyebrow raised. They stared at each other for a few seconds, eyes narrowing. Then America's smile came back, shining brightly with mock apology.

"Oops. Sorry Finland, didn't know you would show up. So I didn't think about getting more." Finland glared discreetly at him, he was so annoyed with the red and white striped country, with his 50 white stars on the corner of his smirking face. Germany looked on obliviously like the innocent cinnamon roll he was.

"Well, I can't allow that! Here Finnland, you can share mine!" He exclaimed, and pushed the cup to his direction, grabbing his hand and closing his fingers around the warmth of the coffee. Finland's mind and soul were freaking out, but he managed to contain his glee and kept his face as neutral as possible, smiling gently at Germany and nodding his thanks. Ohhhh, take that America.

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