The Big Reveal: Lady Wifi

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I AM REALLY SORRY. I forgot about this episode(which was supposed to be before Mr Pigeon....or The Pharaoh). I mixed it up and here we are...MIXED UP!!! I promise that next time this won't happen so please FORGIVE ME.

Oh and if you didn't know, I added a trait on the superhero outfit of Primvère Rosé. A bunch of roses scattered around you hair...yep. If you add the beautiful leather suit, the choker, the whip, and the bow and arrow with the bunch of roses on your hair and your goshdarned beautiful figure(I know you have one) then you get a beautiful Primvère Rosé!!!! And better! You can pick the roses and it gets replaced with another!!! >.<

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"I'm home~" I mutter, entering my home after another tiring day as Primvère Rosé goes by.

"Welcome home, sweetie, Alya brought your schoolbag home for you. You're really being forgetful these days. It's up in your room, and don't forget to do your homework, young lady." She says sweetly making me smile and then yawn, "Thanks, Mom" I kiss her on the cheek before heading up to my room.

"Time sure flies by when you're a superhero. The day's already gone..." Seven pops out of my pocket and says making me nod. "Tell me about it. I missed a half-day of school and a half-day of seeing Adrien..." I mutter making her snicker, "So, you're finally admitting that you like him, now?"

"We talk about this all the time and yeah, I do like him." I say which makes her nod, "True." She says and plops on my bed.

"Primvère Rosé saved Paris from destruction once again, but who's going to save (Y/N) from homework?" I grumble, heading for my bag on the desk.

"It's no big deal! Just get your head into it and finish it!"

"Easier said than done..." I say to the kwami and take out my tablet to start my homework, only to find a note there. It's stuck to my tablet and the handwriting's too familiar.

"Hmm...'Call me. I know who THE REAL Primvère Rosé IS!'..." I raise my eyebrows in suspicion.

"NO WAY! You think!?" Seven jumps out of the bed and flies towards me. I shrug indifferently as though it's happened before. Well, sort of...

"Judging by the handwriting, it's Alya...and I doubt it. She always jumps to conclusions before getting the facts straight..." I say and place the note down before pulling out my phone. I dial her number but to no avail.

" signal.." I mutter and rush out to the roof. As I held up my phone to find a signal, I see an electrician.

"I'm sorry, Miss. Cell tower maintenance. The whole neighbourhood's down for the next hour." He states making me frown, "It's alright. Thanks anyway..."

"Well, let's leave that problem for later and focus on my homework," I say to Seven and take a deep breath before starting.


A groggy feeling sets upon me as I slowly open my eyes. I sit upon my desk, slowly coming back to the real world. A groan escapes my lips, "I'm guessing I fell asleep after I finished my homework..."

"What time is it...?" I hear Seven ask which makes me groan and check the time, "School starts..."

My eyes adjust to the brightening sunlight in my room.

" an hour" I mutter in a relieved way before going ahead and taking a shower.

I quickly dress up and pack my school bag. "Come on, Seven. Let's go." I say, running down for breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom..." I mutter and bite down my sandwich which lays at the table for me, "Good morning, (Y/N), have your breakfast before you're late for school..." She says making me nod, quickly finish my breakfast and head out.

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