Another Chance: Stoneheart Part-2

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I grip onto my bag strap as I make my way to school. Even after a whole morning of warnings from my mother to be careful, I can't help but feel that it's all my fault. She didn't know that. I never told her about finding a Miraculous that turns me into a superhero. That would certainly freak her out.

"(Y/N)!" I see Alya and Marinette waving at me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Alya. Marinette," I greet them.

"Look!" She says and shows me her phone, "LadyRosé. My new blog! Look at all those views I got since I posted the video!" She said and I smile.

We walk into the school as we chat but I can't pay attention to them.

My gaze falls on Ivan, "I'm sorry. I wasn't myself then," I hear him say. His words make me purse my lips.

A snicker rings through the crowd, "Once a monster, always a monster," She says making me angry. "Oh, shut up, Chloé. Like you aren't one yourself," I hiss at her and walk towards Ivan. I call out his name but he rushes away to the locker rooms.

"Come on, Marinette, Let's help him out," I say as Alya storms towards Chloé. We follow Ivan. There he sits on the floor as he listens to music. I touch his shoulder as Marinette bends over, "Hey there, Ivan" I say smiling softly. He turns away from us.

"I know what you think," He speaks, "You shouldn't be around a monster like me..."

I look at Marinette with an understated expression and she gives me the same.

"You know...not everything that snob says is true..." She starts, "People just look at her because her father's the mayor. Just let Chloé be who the heck she wants to be and tell Mylene that you love her," She says making me nod. He then looks at us with an embarrassed expression.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," He says before blushing and looking away. I nudge him with my elbow playfully, "C'mon, Ivan, I saw the way you looked at her," I say making him frown.

"No negative emotions!" Marinette and I say in unison making both of us giggle. After a moment of silence, he sighs, "I can't know...that I love her," He says and I can already feel a smile on my face.

"Love doesn't mean that you just have to say those could read her a poem or maybe...give her a note..."

"Or write her a song!" He says enthusiastically making me chuckle, "Or that," I say as he stands up.

Marinette swoons, "Oh, a love song just for her. I can imagine how special she'll feel" She says as he walks away, "Go get her!"

Ten minutes later, I'm walking to class with Alya and Marinette. I smiled at how the two had a close friendship as we reached the classroom. We gasp at the scene before us.

A guy with blond hair fiddles with a half-eaten chewing gum placed on Marinette's seat.

"Hey! What the heck are you doing?!" Marinette rushes over to her seat.

"No..wait-I was just-" The blonde-haired boy's interrupted by Chloé and Sabrina's hyena-like laughter making me look at them angrily before looking at the boy in disappointment.

I observe his actions. Blonde hair, model-esque physique...Could it be?

"You're...Chloé's friend, aren't you?" I say in a pressing tone as I give Marinette a tissue to get the gum out. He frowns, "Why do people keep saying that?"

I look at Marinette who is sitting on her desk with an angry expression. Without another word, I sit behind her as she fumes about the boy.

"I know I've seen him somewhere before," She says as Alya shows us a picture of a magazine cover. It's the front cover of a middle-aged man wearing glasses in a suit.

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