His Poems: Dark Cupid

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"In most fairytales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell me why?" Miss Bustier asks although I don't pay attention as my gaze lands on Adrien who is scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"Because only love can conquer hate~," Rose who sits two rows behind me says making me smile. I notice that Adrien is still distracted.

"Adrien, I hope what you're writing has something to do with my lesson. Can you tell me what I just said?"

Adrien answers her question smoothly in a monotone way which makes me sigh in relief.


"Very good, Adrien." She says with a satisfied smile. The bell rings making me look at Alya and Marinette, "Now, don't forget to read 'Sleeping Beauty' by Charles Perrault and Happy Valentines Day, students" Miss Bustier wishes us as I turn to them, "U-Um, You guys go ahead, I'll meet you guys outside..." I say and then look at Adrien who looks put down by his writing, I raise an eyebrow as he does.

He sighs and throws that piece of paper into the waste bin before walking out. I sigh deeply and take the courage to pick up the paper from the bin. I know I was invading his privacy but that wasn't the case right now.

I rummage the crumpled piece of paper and open it up in slow movements, not sure whether I should do this.

(A/N: Before you read, please note that there are three versions of this poem because of the fact that every time I search for the original one, two of these poems appear...AND THE THIRD ONE IS MY OWN POEM FOR YOU BEAUTIFUL GALS so, just pretend that he wrote three poems! Read them and comment down which one you like! Because both of the first ones stole my heart and the third one...IDK, you choose...and yes..., I modified them a bit. BTW, (h/c) means hair colour and (e/c) means eye-colour. If you're blonde or brunette or possibly dyed your hair....didn't want to ruin the poem, forgive me..)

Your hair is dark as night,
Your pretty (e/c) eyes.
I wonder who you are,
Beneath that strong disguise.
The scent of purple roses,
Another one of my weakness.
Those beautiful, luscious lips
Why are you such a temptress?
Every day, we see each other,
And I hope that you'll be mine...
Together, our love can be so true,
Will you please be my Valentine?


Your hair is jet black,
Your eyes as (e/c) as the heavens,
I want to ask who you are,
Behind your mysterious mask.
Purple roses fill the air,
Like a dooming fragrance.
Those tempting lips,
Why do you tease me so?
I see you every day
And admit that I want to see you all the time/And I would like you to give me a sign,
I shall love you 'til the end of my days,
Will you be my Valentine?


Dangerously, I wish to stroke your soft (h/c) hair,
As you're in my arms and holding me so tight.
Yet all I wish is just a dream of you,
As I think of the addicting aroma of your roses so bright.
Your hidden demeanour drives insides crazy,
Wanting to search till the ends of the earth to know you finally.
Nothing else pleases me more than you,
Biting your tempting lips and leaving me wanting to kiss them so.
I hate the fact that we always have to bid adieu,
And love the fact that you may want me too,
That longing that makes me want to mark you as mine,
And so, you are stuck in my mind.
I wonder what you would say,
If I ask you to be my Valentine?

"W-What...?" I mutter as my heart beats fast, reading the poem. 'Who do you think he's talking about?" I ask Seven who pops out of my pocket.

"Hmmm, (h/c) hair; (e/c) eyes; scent, fragrance, the aroma of purple roses..." She says making me look at her, "I think it's about you!"

Purple Primrose |Miraculous Ladybug|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें