Vendetta: Antibug

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(Y/N) (L/N)'s P.O.V.

"I swear I felt it..." I mutter to myself as I stand on top of the Eiffel Tower and scan the area looking for any destructions.

It's been almost a few hours since I felt the piqûre effect take place and still no sign of a villain.

"Its highly unlikely that the Miraculous was mistaken..." I try to figure out the case for this to happen. I can sense the Akuma but it's too vague for me to know the location of the villain.

I feel frustrated at this point because I skipped morning classes just for this.

I try dialling Cat Noir knowing that Marinette's at class. Once it reaches voicemail, I just sigh and hang up.

I jump down a building and stroll on the edges before I hear a commotion on the entrance of the Le Grand Paris.

I take a peek and see Mayor Bourgeois making a speech.

"This is unacceptable! Damaging my daughter's reputation is like damaging the reputation of the Mayor who is I! Who dares to harm her!" He says making me raise an eyebrow.

I hear my whip ring to which I answer and hold it up to my ear.

"You called?"

I hear Cat's voice.

"Come to the Le Grand Paris now!" I say urgently.

"Roger that." He says and hangs up.

I jump down from hiding.

"What up with the commotion, Mayor Bourgeois?" I ask to which he turn and sighs in relief. "Finally! Primvère Rosé here to the rescue!" He says.

"Glad to help?" I say but it comes out more like a question.

"You have to catch this culprit! This invisible being has been ruining my daughter's reputation!" He says and pulls me inside.

"Did you just say 'invisible'?" I ask as I finally find what I'm looking for.

"Yes, didn't you see the photos?" He asks to which my eyebrows furrow.

"O-Of course!" I chuckle, "Could you show them to me once more so that I can...find some...clues?" I ask and he gladly gives me his phone.

I scroll through the pictures and see Chloe screaming in all of them. I see an invisible force pull and push her.

"Huh..." I look closely.

I thank the Mayor and give him back his phone.

"Mr Bourgeois, Ladybug and Cat Noir have arrived." I hear a butler say making me turn to see the two superheroes enter the lobby.

The Mayor welcomes them.

"Do you have anything on an 'invisible being'?" I ask them. Ladybug nods, "I heard from sources that..." She clears her throat nervously, "...the invisible being attacked Chloe during class..." She says.

"So, another vendetta?" I sigh. I swear if I count the number of times Chloe was the cause of Akumatisation...I'll probably lose count.[FUN FACT: it was actually 9 times...]

"Do you know anything about this, Mr Bourgeois?" I ask the man who shakes his head.

"Let's go ask Chloe herself." Cat Noir suggests.

We all agree and Mr Bourgeois leads us to Chloe's room.

"Chloe, my darling, we've got you some special guests!" The Mayor calls out as we enter the room.

Purple Primrose |Miraculous Ladybug|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن