Like Compass and Statue: Captain Hardrock

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

A short cough pulls me out of my thoughts making me turn to Alya who looks at me concerned.

"What's on your mind, girl?" She asks, sitting beside me on the ship's railing as I take a huge inhale, scooting to clear some space for her.

"Nothing to worry about..." I say with a light smile, not wanting to get too deep into what I'm feeling. To be frank, however, I didn't think I would come to this stage of my love life.


We were invited to help in the Couffaine houseboat to set up for the music festival. The day I have been waiting for. Adrien said he'd come since it's his first music festival with friends and his father somehow miraculously allowed him to. But seeing that he was already late, I knew better and I didn't even feel mad or upset. Just a smidge of doubt...

"Captain Anarka speaking to ya! So how's it going, m'young laddies?!"

A voice makes me look up. It's Juleka's mom, the coolest pirate lady I've ever met.

"What're ya up to, matey?" The lady pirate asks Marinette who seems to be tidying things up.

"Oh, hello, ma'am! I'm cleaning up for tonight's gig! Your boat is going to be as clean as a whistle!" The blunette responds with a sheepish grin.

"Ye're cleaning, are ye?" The woman laughs as she picks up the box and throws stuff around, "We ne'er clean up here! We like the lived-in look! We have no rules in liberty! With chaos comes creativity! Messiness is life!" She says and pats Marinette's head. I chuckle at their interaction.

"She's a pirate if I've ever seen one..." I say to Alya as Marinette shrugs at me from afar. I lean on the railing and watch the Seine's waters.

"The Seine looks best at this time of day~" I whistle as I stretch my arms.

Marinette walks over to us and pulls us away, "Let's head to the captain's deck for a better view!"

We head into the houseboat's deck and watch as the boat sways at the movement of the water. It's calm and almost makes me forget the dulling tension in my mind.

I look across the room and spot a metal statue on the table beside us. I examine it before hearing a familiar ringtone go out through the ship. Nino, who is on the other side of the door, picks up his phone.

"Hey, dude!"

My eyes sparkle when I realise who it must be. Alya nudges at me and we listen in.

"Woah, what happened?" Nino's eager expression changes into a sad one leading me to furrow my eyebrows in curiosity. "That's harsh..."

I knew it...

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

I look away with a long sigh as Marinette and Alya glance at me with a look of pity.

"Yeah..." I bite my lip as a familiar feeling fills within my chest.

"Well, it's not the first time his dad's kept him from hanging out with us..." Alya states as she takes place beside me and I strengthen my grip on the statue.

"I know..." I mumble, "I would've been surprised if he got to come here either way..."

Marinette takes the statue away from me and places it on the compass, caressing my cheek with her free hand.

"There'll be other chances, (Y/N). Have faith in love, like you always do."

Like I always do...?

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