♡ 30 ♡

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WARNING : offensive language and topics

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Jungkook's POV

"I feel like we haven't all been together in this house since the semester started," I comment with a laugh.

"Yeah," Jimin smiles, his fingers laced together with Namjoon's, Namjoon moving his thumb softly over the back of his hand. "It's been too long."

"Okay, so we need to catch up," I jump up in my seat excitedly.

"We all live together. What do we need to catch up on," Yoongi laughs.

I pout. "I just wanna hear about everyone's lives."

"Oh look what you did, Yoongs. You made the baby sad," Tae scoots closer to me and places a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Don't pout, baby," he whispers into my skin before looking back up at everyone else. "I'm sure everyone has something to say about themselves," he urges.

"Well," Jimin starts. "Me and Namjoon are together."

"That's obvious," I chuckle. "I want the juicy details."

Namjoon shrugs. "I was a dick, so to make up for it I stuck my dick deep inside his--"

Jimin quickly throws a hand over his mouth. "What he means is that he was a dick and he apologized, then he asked me to be his boyfriend."

"Then I stuck my dick deep inside his ass," Namjoon adds with a laugh.

Jimin blinks and purses his lips, but shrugs. "Yeah, pretty much."

I cringe and shake my head in disgust. "Gross."

Yoongi looks at me with an amused look on his face. "Kook, you've been getting fucked in the ass basically every night since the three of us got together. It's a wonder you can still walk normally on a regular basis."

I wrinkle my nose up. "It sounds even more gross when you put it like that."

"Moving on," Hoseok cuts in, also cringing. "I also have a significant other."

"Oh yeah," Jimin smiles. "I've been meaning to talk to you about her. How's it going?"

Hoseok smiles and looks down at his feet, a blush slowly creeping up to his cheeks. "She's...perfect. I didn't think anyone could be so perfect for me, but she just...is," he looks back up at us all. "I told her about my past and she made me feel better about it all. She made me feel like I finally have a reason for being here."

Namjoon chimes in. "You always did have a reason. You were brought to us for a reason. I honestly believe that."

"Yeah," Jin places a hand on Hoseok's shoulder. "You belong with us. We're all broken. You completed our little fucked up group."

"Well," Hoseok smiles. "How about you Jin? Anyone capture your interest?"

"Well you guys successfully made it to where I can't fuck any of you guys to be able to live here so there's that," he laughs, but the sudden realization brings down the mood.

"Holy shit, you're right," Taehyung frowns.

Jin nods, but he doesn't seem too bothered by it. "On that note, I've been offered something by one of my professors."

We all wait for him to reveal the big news in silence, but when an explanation doesn't come I decide to chime in. 

"Okay? What is it?"

Sex House {JJK x BTS Fanfic/Smut} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now