♡ 21 ♡

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Jimin's POV

I wake up to the sound of the bed creaking below me. I open my eyes slowly to adjust to the light coming through the windows. Of course I notice that I'm not in my own bed and my mind instantly replays all of last night's events. I turn my head to find Namjoon sitting up with his legs slung over the side of the bed, facing away from me.

I always end up in his bed. He's put some sort of spell on me and I just can't keep myself away from him. He's hooked me in every way. I'm addicted to him and I think he knows how I feel about him, but he's never spoken to me about it. I know I've seen him walk into this house late at night with random men and women on his arm. They're always gone by morning or I would ask him about it. I just don't want to sound too possessive when he's not mine to possess.

Namjoon. What can I even say about this man? He's strong and assertive. He's responsible with a bit of a wild side when he feels like pulling it out, usually when he's ingested some liquid courage. He's gorgeous and well built. His skin is soft and his hair is long and he secretly loves when it's played with. He is kind and when someone compliments him, he becomes so shy. When he's shy he tries to hide his face because of how wide his smile gets. And that smile. He has beautiful dimples on each of his cheeks.

Everyone thinks that he's this intimidating, harsh man that doesn't really care for anyone, but I've seen otherwise. I've seen him on his best days. When he's happy, he gets really touchy, at least, really touchy for him. But I've also seen him on his worst days and while everyone else is intimidated, I spend my time worrying about him. I know that his bad days are the days where he's feeling more self conscious. Those are the days where he has the most stress on his shoulders and I can't help but feel sorry for him.

I sit up in bed and watch his back as he just sits up facing away from me, staying completely still except for his slow breathing. I hear his soft breaths as they leave his mouth and even that sound captivates me.

I crawl over to his side of the bed and slide my hands around his waist, resting them on his stomach. He turns his head slowly to look at me and he gives me a small smile as he places his hands on top of mine.

I leave a soft kiss on his cheek and whisper, "Good morning, Joonie."

He hums as I leave a trail of kisses down his jaw and to his neck. He tilts his head back to give me more room.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"Mhmm," I hum into his neck. I start to suck lightly on one spot that I know makes him crazy.

He sighs and pulls away to look at me. "You know you can't stay in here for too much longer. Don't start something you can't finish."

His deep voice pierces through my soul, but my heart drops at the way he's wanting me to leave. "I didn't know it was so late," I mumble.

He purses his lips and stands up from the bed, his body still completely exposed from the activities of the night before. I stare at his naked body from behind as he walks to his closet. "You should really leave before someone finds you up here." He slides on a pair of clean underwear and grabs a pair of jeans.

"Would that be so horrible?"

He sighs and slides the jeans up his legs, turning to look at me in the process. "Jimin, please don't start today."

"What do you mean 'don't start'?" I ask, slowly getting more and more aggravated.

"You always do this," he mutters as he slides a shirt over his head.

Sex House {JJK x BTS Fanfic/Smut} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now