... but it worth it.

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 "What kind of deal is it ? And what do you want from me ? He asked, suspicious."

It was like what happened – or almost happened in Neverland – when Peter Pan proposed a deal to him too, was happening again, except that this time, he knew that the strange man who helped him before was not going to come from nowhere.

Circumstances were different, after all.

"I need some help. And you seem to be the better person for this job.

- Why ? And what kind of job is it ?

- You're a pirate. I'm sure you don't mind getting your hands dirty, and to do, well... non-moral things, I would say.

- What do you want ? The pirate asked again, looking around him, afraid that a guard might heard their conversation.

Cora smiled.

- You don't have to worry, Captain. I made sure that no one is hearing us. I heard of your... try of vendetta against Rumplestiltskin. And I think that we could agree on some things, and make great things together.

Hook's eyes then shined with interest.

- So... you want to help me kill Rumplestiltskin ?

- Yes and no... What I want, first, is to get my revenge on him, as you do, but also on my daughter... And on Snow White... and her family.

This time, the pirate frowned with worry.

This was not what he wanted.

This was certainly not what he intended to do.

- Can I ask you the reason why ? You must already know the reason why I want to kill the Crocodile, so, could you tell me why you're willing to do this ?

- Rumple and I, we have... history. He is the reason why my daughter became good again, the reason why she stand up against me, and banished me to Wonderland. I want to make her pay too... As with Snow White, for what her mother did to me."

Killian raised an eyebrow, surprised.

Wait... really ?

That was the reasons of her will of revenge ?

And him, could he really do it ?

Yes, of course he could, he was a pirate, after all – just as Cora reminded him – wasn't he ?

He then clenched his fist, thinking he would have wanted not to be reduced to the infamous pirate he used to be – and still was ? - but that he stopped from being since six or seven months.

But indeed, after what he did to Rumplestiltskin not a long time before, he just reaffirmed the fact that he was still the same man, the same pirate.

That he never changed.

He smiled with sadness, knowing that all of this was his own fault.

He was trapped by his own actions.

Cora was the only person who could help him purchase his revenge, and get it, so it didn't matter if she was as evil as he was.

(Worst. She was so damn worst than him.

But he would understand it later.)

After all, what else could he do ?

He had nothing else to loose.

He just had to be sure that it was his choice.

For there would be no going back.

Then, Killian nodded his head.

Please, don't spoil everything this time.Where stories live. Discover now