Chapter 8 : The never-ending quest.

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It had been a harsh, long and terrible trip.

Yes, Mulan really agreed with that, but it truly worth it.

But the thing is that she needed it, she needed to go on this quest, in order to get rid off the bad memories she had from the past.

It wasn't time, not right now, in fact, the sun would soon rise, and she really needed to sleep, just as the creature itself apparently.

She would get some rest, after all, she was after this creature since months and she almost never slept.

The creature wouldn't be able to escape, she swore it.


It did it.

It left.

And the thing that Mulan didn't know, is that the creature came to see her, as she was sleeping.

Philippe looked at her during the day, still as the Yaoguai, before going to sleep in another place, far from her. He gave a sad look to the woman who was trying to kill him since months, and he sighed.

Well, it was more a groan than a real sigh, but the intention was there. Again, he tried to write this sign, these strange words which were a cry for help. Something that no one ever understood, something he was doing without any hope.

The other thing Mulan didn't know, is that this "Yaoguai" could have killed many times since the beginning of her hunt, if he hadn't been a human trapped into the body of a beast.

(The thing none of them knew, was that there were three people who were following them, well, who were trying to find them.)

She was sleeping just there, and he just wanted to tell her : "Please help me !"

He just wanted to be free from this, and be human again, in order to find Aurora and free her of the spell.

The prince was enough far from the warrior so she wouldn't know he was there, but he was able to examine her.

She was sleeping peacefully, seeming more calm than when she was awake and chasing after him.

This woman looked like Aurora, in a way, as she herself was when she slept. As she was when she had been cursed by Maleficent, just before he was himself cursed too.

Before the witch took their happy ending from them.

He left before she woke up.


It was more difficult than she thought it would be.

Unlike what she may thought before she began to chase it, the creature was more intelligent than it seemed to be.

It didn't matter, she would find it.

And then, she would kill it.

After the creature succeeded to flee from her, she had been angry for a time, but then, she started her hunt again.

She would not give up.

In fact, it was thanks to her strength that she didn't stop.

Philippe tried to flee her many times, but it never worked, she was too good in this, so he was not able to go away from her in a definitive way.

They were both tired and exhausted, most of the time, but the thing is that none of them wanted to give up.

Philippe had no desire to die, and he didn't want either to kill her. She was a brave warrior, and didn't deserve to know such a fate.

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